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    学术英语理工类Unit 1答案ppt课件.pptx

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    学术英语理工类Unit 1答案ppt课件.pptx

    学术英语 理工,Academic English for Science and Engineering,第二版,by He Canwen,In this unit, you will learn how to:ask probing questions in critical thinking; have a better understanding of basic elements of research papers; choose a particular topic for your research; formulate research questions; write a working title (暂定标题); avoid plagiarism; use citations; use sources by quoting and summarizing.,Unit 1 Choosing a Topic,1 Critical reading2 Academic writing3 Literacy skills,Unit Contents,Critical thinking (asking questions)Understanding the textEnhancing language ability Doing Research ProjectsDeciding on a topic Formulating research questionsWriting a working titleAvoiding plagiarism CitationsQuotingSummarizing,Scan the text quickly and discuss the following questions with a partner.How many sections does a research paper contain? What are they? Why should it be divided into “Introduction”, “Methods” and other sections?How many articles or research papers does the author cite? Why?,1. Critical ReadingHow to read research articles,What are the characteristics of the language of a research paper? Is it more formal and objective or informal and subjective? Why?Do you think it necessary to learn how to read and even write research papers? Why?,1. Critical ReadingHow to read research articles,Read the article “Research Reports for Technical Writing” on Page 24-26 and answer the questions below.How many basic elements are there in a research report or paper? What are they?Why is a good knowledge of previous studies of the topic necessary?Why is the procedures section important?,1. Critical ReadingHow to read research articles,Four. They are problem section, procedures section, result section and discussion section.,Because it will contribute to the credibility of the research.,It can allow the reader to duplicate the experiment if there is some doubt about your findings.,What are the contents of the discussion section?What are the major requirements of a research paper in terms of style?,1. Critical ReadingHow to read research articles,Accuracy, clarity, and completeness.,It may evaluate the research results fully, point out what questions remain unanswered and perhaps suggest directions for further research.,Group discussion:What is Critical thinking (CT) ?Why is CT important to university students as well as a citizen?Why is asking questions important?,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),Critical thinking (CT) : a questioning or challenging approach to knowledge and perceived wisdom. It involves conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),Tips to be a critical reader: -read between the lines and make inferences about the authors attitude which might be hidden in the passage;-ask probing questions to get to know and follow the authors train of thought in academic reading;-read the goals and corresponding questions you may ask.,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),To identify the authors motives or the purpose of writing, you can ask questions such as: What is the theme / main argument of?Is the author trying to persuade readers or merely provide information?Might the author have a hidden purpose?What are the authors presumptions and bias?Does the author support one side of a controversy or appear impartial?Does the authors attitude lie implicit in the text?,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),To identify the authors stance and tone, you can ask questions such as: What is the authors stance and how do you work it out?What language (such as wording) is used?Is the author being serious or playful, humorous or somber?Is the author angry or tranquil, bitter or confident, ironical or sincere?,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),To identify the authors stance and tone, you can ask questions such as:Does the author appeal to the readers emotion (such as the use of emotion-arousing words, of slogan, rhetorical questions and parallel structures)?Does the author merely appeal to the readers reasoning by using facts and statistic evidence instead of propaganda?What particular evidence and example does the author select?,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),To find evidence and check whether it is relevant and reliable, you may ask questions such as: Is there sufficient evidence for an argument or a claim?Has any evidence been missed out if a reliable argument is formed?How is evidence (such as examples and statistics) used and interpreted?Does the author assess the strengths and weaknesses of an argument or an event?,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),To find evidence and check whether it is relevant and reliable, you may ask questions such as: Does the author intentionally hide some facts or information which fail to support his arguments?Are there any gaps or inconsistencies in the argument?Could the argument be better or differently supported?How does the author reach his or her conclusion?,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),To reach your own conclusion about the issue or the article, you may ask questions such as: Do you agree with the outcomes?What is your opinion of?How would you prove / disprove?Could the conclusion be different if different facts or methods are used?Would it be better if? What would happen if?Can you propose an alternative?,1. Critical ReadingCritical thinking (asking questions),How to learn a long text?A reading circle is a reading activity where students, in a small group, read the same text but each student in that group has a different role to play in the whole groups overall understanding of the reading.Roles1) Word Watcher: looks for new vocabulary in the reading text to teach the group.2) Questioner: creates questions about the reading to ask the other members to check their understanding of the article.,1. Critical ReadingReading Circle Method,3) Illuminator: finds at least one supporting idea in each paragraph that you feel is important to discuss with the group.4) Connector: discusses with the group how the article might connect to any outside sources5) Illustrator: Creates a visual aid (either a mind-map of main ideas and supporting details or picture that best reflects the main ideas of the article).6) Secretary: records group discussion to share with the rest of the class.Now students are divided into several groups to do the following tasks.,1. Critical ReadingReading Circle Method,TASK 1 Skim the Text and complete the table below.,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,laypeople, radiation, understanding,to investigate young students knowledge of radiation phenomena and risk,questionnaires, interviews,Skim the text and find the answers to the following questions according to the structure of a RAWhat is the knowledge of respondents of the conception of radiation?Respondents were aware of the harmful health effects of radiation, while they had a little understanding of the concept of radiation. Whats the attitude of respondents to nuclear power?There is a big proportion of respondents who support to continue the production of nuclear power.,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,What is the major reason for the general lack of correct understanding of radiation?Mass media play a very important role in the misunderstanding of radiation. How can laypeoples understanding of radiation be improved?A school program should be designed to analyze everyday conceptions about radiation.,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,Group discussion:Do you think the three reasons he offered are valid? Do you think that the method is appropriate to the objective of the study? Can you suggest better alternatives?The survey was conducted among freshmen in Norway almost 20 years ago. Would the same conclusion be reached if you should conduct the same survey in your university, using the same 10 questions?Do you agree with the author that our misconception of radiation is often derived from the mass media? What do you think of the role of mass media which plays in our knowledge?,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,Task 3 Match academic words with their general words or definitions. Paras. 1-2 1.e 2.f 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.h 7. g 8.dParas.3-61.k 2.h 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.b 7.e 8.j 9.f 10.i 11.g Para. 7 1. b 2. c 3. h 4.a 5. d 6. f 7. e 8.g,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,Paras. 8-11 1.f 2.a 3.i 4.k 5.h 6.g 7.c 8.j 9.b 10. d 11. eParas. 12-181.d 2.h 3.g 4.f 5.a 6.b 7.c 8.e Paras. 19-201.g 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.i 6.d 7.h 8.e 9.fParas. 21-281.i 2.j 3.a 4.h 5.k 6.b 7.c 8.g 9.d 10. e 11. f,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,TASK 4 Match each of the following main ideas (which are summarized in Paras. 1-28) with the appropriate paragraph number from the text.Main ideas 1-5- Paras. 2-5-4-1-3Main ideas 6-10- Paras. 9-7-10-6-8Main ideas 11-15- Paras. 13-15-11-14-12Main ideas 16-20- Paras. 20-19-18-17-16Main ideas 21-25- Paras. 25-23-21-24-22Main ideas 26-28- Paras. 27-26-28,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,TASK 5 Paraphrase the following sentences. Read the model carefully before the exercise.1. The answer betrays a lack of understanding that disintegration of a radioactive atom involves the creation of a new nucleus.The answer reveals that the respondents fail to understand that a new nucleus will be produced if a radioactive atom is broken.,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,2. In the constructivist approach to learning, the learners ideas and conceptions prior to instruction are seen as important prerequisites for learning.According to the view of constructivists, a persons ideas will survive school education and form an important basis for learning new things.3. The way out of this impasses may lie in taking the lay conceptions into account and increasing the integration between factual information and practical / political considerationsThe solution is to take lay ideas into consideration and combine factual knowledge with practical or political factors.,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,TASK 6 Summarize the main idea of the following paragraph closely related to the text in Critical Reading in theme, using one sentence only. Read the model carefully before the exercise.Different types of radioactive elements will make different health effects, according to characteristics of each type.,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,TASK 7 Write a paragraph of about 120 words to summarize the main idea of the text. The population should have sufficient understanding of radiation phenomena to secure individual safety as well as democratic decisions. Therefore it is necessary for the communicators of radiation information to be familiar with the laypeoples perceptions of these phenomena. A survey was conducted to examine non-experts conceptions of radiation phenomena. The survey revealed incomplete understanding of concepts such as radioactive decay, half-life and absorption of radiation and a lack of differentiation of between radiation and radioactive material. There are indications that the lay understanding of radiation phenomena is to a large extent formed by mass media and that “school knowledge” of these phenomena is not applied in situations in the real world. Thus, new teaching and information procedures are needed. These should take into account the learners perceptions and should integrate “school knowledge” with considerations belonging to the “real world”.,1. Critical ReadingUnderstanding the text,TASK 2 Replace the underlined words or phrases with academic words in the above box. Change their forms where necessary.betrays, conceptionrendersexemplified by, perception prevalent, secureprior to,1. Critical ReadingEnhancing language ability,proportion, gloomyis indicative, alternativescharacterized, constitutes, hazardFrom the standpoint of, ranksexternal, a prerequisite,1. Critical ReadingEnhancing language ability,Discussion: What is the variety?TASK 3 Group the words and phrases in the box according to the meanings of the first words in bold. Pay attention to the variety of words in writing.1. include: contain, embrace, encompass, comprise, be composed of, consist of2.valid: powerful, convincing, sensible, rational, viable, credible, plausible, weighty, well-founded, cogent, well-grounded,1. Critical ReadingEnhancing language ability,3.basic: underlying, fundamental, essential, root, prime, primary4.danger: hazard, risk, threat, menace, peril, jeopardy, hazardous, endanger, jeopardize 5. describe: depict, portray, characterize, narrate, outline, represent6.different: discrepant, contrary, conflicting, contradictory, inconsistent, incompatible, incongruous, various, diverse,1. Critical ReadingEnhancing language ability,7.cause: prompt, move, inspire, stimulate, urge, spur, motivate, induce, evoke, instigate, impel 8.explain: account for, justify, clarify, illuminate, clear up, rationalize, elucidate ,explicate9.emphasize: highlight, stress, accent, feature, underline, spotlight, accentuate, give prominence to, attach importance to, give priority to, underscore10. factor: component, item, element, ingredient, constituent, contributor,1. Critical ReadingEnhancing language ability,Watch Lecture 1 and answer the following questions.What agents are mentioned in text that could attack the DNA?How do the cells repair themselves after the DNA damage?What is the difference between determinist effects and stochastic effects?Why the radiotherapy could cause the second cancer ?What principle is the radiation precaution based on?,1. Critical Reading Doing Research Projects,1. What agents are mentioned in text that could attack the DNA?Solvent, pesticide, smoke , viral aggressions, ultrave radiation and ionizing radiation2. How do the cells repair themselves after the DNA damage?Cells could identify the DNA damage, remove the damaged part and re-synthesis to repair the DNA.,1. Critical Reading Doing Research Projects,3. What is the difference between Determinist effects and Stochastic effects?The Stochastic effects are not systematic to each person being exposed. Their development could not be predicted by the scale of individual which is opposite from the determinist effect.4. Why would the radiotherapy cause a second cancer ?The healthy surroundings may be exposed to radiation during the treatment.5. What principle is the radiation precaution based on? Radiation dose should be keep as low as possible.,1. Critical Reading Doing Research Projects,Students are divided into several groups.Research on one of the 7 questions listed in Task 3 by reading extra 3 articles at least. Report your results.,1. Critical Reading Doing Research Projects,Three principles of deciding on a topic:AdequateImportantManageable,2. Academic Writing Deciding on a topic,G


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