The Stylistic Features of President Obamas Victory Speech,Background & Comments,Obamas finest speeches do not excite. They elevate. They enmesh you in a grander moment, as if history has stopped flowing passively by, and, just for an instant, contracted around you, made you aware of its presence, and your role in it.-The American Prospects Ezra Klein,Youd have to have a heart of stone not to feel moved by this. An African-American man wins a closely fought campaign in a pivotal state. He beats two strong opponents, including the mighty Clinton machine. He does it in a system that favors rural voters. -The New York Times David Brooks,Phonological features(1) Appropriate tempo and pitch variationIn president Obamas address, he spoke in different pitches and tempos with the development of his speech. In order to show his feelings and emotions, president Obama used different pitches and tempos in different parts.,(2) Rightly timed pauses are used appropriately, waiting for audiences feedback and make emotional climax.(Pause in public speech is useful. It can signal the end of a thought unit, give an idea time to sink in, and lend dramatic impact to a statement. The crucial factor is timing pause for a right length of time. In a sense, a rightly timed pause can be more effective than a right word.),(3) Rhythmic effect (Obama often seeks to exploit the rhythm of language by the choice and arrangement of words. Obamas arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables gives the speech an almost musical quality. ),Alliteration is used for rhythmic effect e.g.partisanship and pettiness, poisoned our Politics.From parliament and palaces.A new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice.,When there was despair in the Dust Bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes, we can It is the only chance for us to make that change.,e.g. to put our people back to work and open doors for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace,Block by block, brick by brickHeartache and hopeShe lived to see them stand up and speak out,(4) Distinct articulation Standard pronunciation; Fluent speaking and good memory 如:Let us,而不用 “Lets” I would not be standing here (不用”I wouldnt”) 少用吞音,压缩音,缩略词也少用, 不仅减少了理解困难,同时使奥巴马的演讲显得庄重、严肃。,(5) Stress is used on some wordse.g. Their voices could be that different.Our union can be perfected.,(5) Full use of non-verbal communication (Gestures appear naturally and spontaneously, help to clarify or reinforce ideas and be suited to the audience and occasion. Eyes contacts are sometimes used to establish a communicative bond with the audience, conveying the speakers confidence, sincerity and conviction.),Lexical Features,Less hard words are used, however, the big abstract words which describe the quality are also frequently used. And these words made the speech formal and serious without losing the features of formal public speech.e.g. democracy, sacrifice, enormity, mortgage, humanity, determination, challenge,This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we cant, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:Yes, we can.,Pronouns are used, especially the first & second person pronouns “we, I, me, my, us and our &you and your”In public speech, by frequently using the first person pronouns, it is easier for the speaker to demonstrate his views and get the resonance from the public. The use of “we” can make the address and president Obama closer to the public, because this word can shorten the distance between the president and ordinary Americans, and their relationship becomes more intimate.,在奥巴马的演说词中,多次运用“We”,便于拉近演讲者和听众的距离,听众感受到与演说者的一种强烈的亲密联系,整个国家仿佛是一个密切的整体,这样更容易赢得听众的赞同和支持。,在此演讲中,we 共计使用47次, us 用12次,our 用27次,合计86次。当演讲者用“we”代替“I”时,可以营造一种友好的气氛,让受众感到更为亲切。,Syntactic (Grammatical) features,Variation in sentence lengthThe adoption of different lengths of sentences made his address more acceptable, understandable, and eloquent and can satisfy both the ordinary and the elites taste. And the combination of short sentences and long sentence made the speech less boring.,Various sentence typesThe majority of sentences in president Obamas speech are declarative sentences, but imperative sentences and interrogative sentences can also be found.,The different types of sentences can make the listeners closely follow the speakers idea without feeling bored. The Interrogative sentence can lead the listeners to think and then get the resonance. The imperative sentences made the listeners feel to be involved in president Obamas address and can feel both the heavy responsibility on their shoulder and the pride to be an American.,祈使句的作用就是向听众进行直接的呼吁,激起他们的热情,让他们按照演讲人的意图办事。恰当地使用祈使句具有极大的煽动性,引起共鸣,激起热情,鼓舞人心。例如: So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism.Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything.we rise or fall as one nation;as one people.Let us resist the temptation.Let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House.,圆周句/掉尾句的使用,e.g. Its been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment, change has come to America.(在奥巴马讲这番话时,听众不知道句首的“it”指什么,于是注意力就被吸引到句子的最后一部分,即“change has come to America”。奥巴马变革的决心也进一步得到了强调。),Semantic Features,Parallelism Quotation直接引用Repetition反复Contrast 对照MetaphorAllusionRhetorical question,Parallelism,排比句的利用可以说是此篇演讲的一大亮点。排比结构(parallelism)是演讲中最常使用的一种重要修辞手段,它以语法结构对称(包括相同或相似的词、短语或分词)来突出意义的常见修辞手法。因为排比句的使用可以使演讲具有感召力和鼓动性,增强语势,提高表达效果。例如:,*If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible;who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time;who still questions the power of our democracy,tonight is your answer. *It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generations apathy;from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers;from the millions of Americans who volunteered,and organized,and proved that more than two centuries later,a government of the people,by the people and for the people has not perished from this Earth.,To my sister -To my chief strategist -To the best campaign team -It grew strength from the young people who -It drew strength from the not-so-young people who -Block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand .,To those who would tear this world down - we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security - we support you. And to all those who have wondered if Americas beacon still burns as bright - tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.,So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, its that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers - in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.Clarifying the deal: work hard and feel good. Embrace the ideal of the collective. Recognition of a recent concern and highlighting inequality in Wall Street excess. Hinting of possible action there.,Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. Let us remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House - a party founded on the values of self-reliance, individual liberty, and national unity.,If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.(三个定语从句构成排比。句式为掉尾句/圆周句。),Repetition (重复)Yes, we can. .Yes, we can.(重复7次)It belongs to you.,There is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet, alliances to repair. When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.,同义词重复E.g. We rise or fall as one nation; as one people.This is our moment; this is our time.,Contrast,Its the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled -Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or just a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.,Allusion,A government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.- Lincoln “The Gettysburg Address”,Quotation直接引用,As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, We are not enemies, but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. And, to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your president, too.,MetaphorThe rock of the family.The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep.,Rhetorical questione.g.What change will they see?What progress will we have made?,二、大学生生涯发展教育网站的内容,内容架构:,三、大学生生涯发展教育网站的特色,设计理念上:不是纯粹的生涯规划、就业指导网站。 网站将生涯规划与辅导拓展为生涯发展教育,弥补了生涯规划局限于就业指导的不足,跳出大学生四年的时间局限和仅指职业发展的空间局限,从职业生涯发展、学习发展、生活管理、身心健康、素质拓展等“生涯的广度和深度”引导学生“全人”的生涯发展。,不是纯粹的思想政治教育网站。 网站将思想政治教育的内容、方式利用生涯发展教育这一主线紧密地与学生成才需要结合起来,调动学生的积极性,激发学生的内在动力,实现思想政治教育的教育目的。,突出主体 网站紧扣大学生各阶段不同的心理特征和成才需要,设计内容,满足学生需求。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计内容上:增加生涯辅导与咨询 学生可以根据自身的需要自由选择专家,及时解决学生在思想、学习、生活等方面的问题,实现互动。,增加生涯发展测评系统 学生层面利用测评系统科学地认识自我,进行生涯探索,建立生涯档案,评估反馈;教师层面利用测评系统掌握学生思想动态,根据测评结果开展有针对性的指导和训练,实现了全程化的跟踪评估。,增加教学课程 将生涯发展教育课程体系中涉及的课程资源进行共享,建立网络教学课堂,实现了课堂教学与网络教学的结合。,增加生涯准备 将生涯准备的内容分为职场生涯(就业指导)、学习发展(学习方法)、身心健康(心理辅导)、生活管理(时间管理、理财管理、情感管理)、素质拓展五大板块,使学生在成才需要,在这些板块中都能到满足。,增加职场点滴 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以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视咨询。在形式上利用生涯咨询与辅导的形式实现专家咨询和答疑解惑。突出参与性 利用大量的测评、个人生涯发展系统来提高学生的参与性。,设计形式上:突出交互 以往的生涯规划、辅导网站只是以理论介绍为主,忽视