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    After reading the section of solitude,whenIfinishedreadingthissection,therearetwosentencesimpressedmemost.Oneis“Amanisrichinproportiontothenumberofthingswhichhecanaffordtoletalone.”Theotheris“Aslongaspossible,livefreeanduncommitted.Itmakesbutlittledifferencewhetheryouarecommittedtoafarmorthecountryjail.”Whatthetwosentencesreflectalsocanbeseenfromthesection.TheauthorHenryDavidThoreaushowedusapeacefulscene,inwhichhumanbeingsandthenatureare perfectlystumbled.Theauthorexpectstofindaforevernewandunprofanedpartoftheuniversetolive.Whatsmore,healsopursuesafreeanduncommittedlifebothataphysicallevelandataspirituallevel.Justastheauthormentionedinthepassage“TheIndependenceDay,theFourthofJuly,1845isthedayonwhichhebegantostayinword.”Byshowingthebeginningofhisuncommittedlife,theauthoralsoimpliesthatpeopleintheworldshouldleavetheirregularlocalregiontoanothernewoneinordertoexperiencetheotherstyleoflife.Alifewhichwillnotberestrictedwithsecular,utilityandambition,butonlyarelaxingenjoyable,freeheartgoingnearerandnearertothenature.Thisisjustwhatthesecondsentencewantstotellus.Thesentence:“amanisrichinproportiontothenumberofthingswhichhecanaffordtoletalone”tellsthatamanshouldnotthinkalotofwhathegainsandwhathelosses.Ifhegains,behappy.Ifhelosses,letitgone.ThenhemayfindeverythinghegainsturnouttobeGodsgiftsandmuchmorepreciousthanbefore.Amanwhoisalwaysworryingaboutlosingsomethingownednothingatlast,becauseheregardseverythingashisown,thenitsnotenoughforhimevenheownsthewholeworld.Aboveall.Itsnotnecessarytodoeverythingfollowingsomesocalledavant-gardes,orjustinordertoobjecttothemainstream.Whatweshoulddo,alsothemostdifficultthingisbeingandpersistsinbeingourselves.Behonesttoourselvesandbeuncommitted!,Walden was published around 1854, during the reign of the transcendentalists; in fact, Henry David Thoreau, the books author, was a member of the movement. If transcendentalism were around today, we would probably call its followers: new-age folk, hippies, or nonconformists. In fact, much of what transcendentalism stood for back then is still alive and well today.Many people know Thoreau from his 1849 essay Resistance to Civil Government, better known as Civil Disobedience. During the 1840s, Thoreau was imprisoned for refusing to pay taxes for a cause he didnt agree with. (In those days, taxes were collected separately by tax collectors who came to your door, as opposed to the modern income tax.) Although a friend of his paid the tax for him, enabling him to be released from jail, Thoreau maintained in his essay that he had no obligation to support an action of government that he did not agree with.Walden is written in much the same spirit. Thoreau cared as little for societys ills as he did for the government. He firmly believed that most of lifes expenses were unnecessary, and therefore so too was the labor a man put into earning enough money to buy them. In order to prove his claims, he went into the woods and lived as simply and as inexpensively as he encouraged others to do. Walden is the written record of his experiment.,The first several chapters of Walden are the most interesting, as it is in these that Thoreau lays out his case. His sarcasm and wit amuses the reader as he rails against the frivolity of new clothes, expensive houses, polite company, and meaty diets.One of Thoreaus chief arguments in Walden is that men wouldnt have to work for a living (and Thoreau clearly detests work) if they lived more simply. To that end, Thoreau built a house for under thirty dollars during a time when the average house (according to the first chapter of Walden) cost around $800, bought one cheap suit of clothes, and planted a crop of beans.For two years Thoreau lived in that house. He spend time cultivating his beans and other crops, making bread, and fishing. With his house paid for and his food in good supply, he swam in Walden Pond, walked in the adjoining woods, wrote, daydreamed, reflected, and rarely visited the town.The Real Story: WaldenOf course, Thoreau fails to point out an important element of his situation. He moved to Walden Pond because Ralph Waldo Emerson (one of his good friends and fellow transcendentalist writers) owned Walden Pond and the surrounding land. In a different situation, Thoreaus experiment might have been cut short.Even so, Walden is a valuable lesson for readers. If you are anything like me, youll read the book while sitting in a comfortable chair, and wearing fashionable clothes. You probably have a job to pay for all these things, and you may even complain about said job from time to time. If that sounds like you, youll probably drink up Thoreaus words. You may wish that you could free yourself from societys constraints.,瓦尔登湖片段欣赏:Ah, the pickerel of Walden! when I see them lying on the ice, orin the well which the fisherman cuts in the ice, making a littlehole to admit the water, I am always surprised by their rare beauty,as if they were fabulous fishes, they are so foreign to the streets,even to the woods, foreign as Arabia to our Concord life. They possessa quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by awide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame istrumpeted in our streets. They are not green like the pines, norgray like the stones, nor blue like the sky; but they have, to myeyes, if possible, yet rarer colors, like flowers and precious stones,as if they were the pearls, the animalized nuclei or crystals of theWalden water.,字里行间透着欣喜之情,赞美之情,我们能深切的感受到作者进入了大自然的灵魂。写鱼的美,未用任何华丽的词藻,朴实的文风再次显露了作者的真诚。,When this bar is gradually increased by storms, tides, or currents, or thereis a subsidence of the waters, so that it reaches to the surface, thatwhich was at first but an inclination in the shore in which athought was harbored becomes an individual lake, cut off from theocean, wherein the thought secures its own conditions- changes,perhaps, from salt to fresh, becomes a sweet sea, dead sea, or amarsh. At the advent of each individual into this life, may we notsuppose that such a bar has risen to the surface somewhere? It istrue, we are such poor navigators that our thoughts, for the mostpart, stand off and on upon a harborless coast, are conversant onlywith the bights of the bays of poesy, or steer for the public ports ofentry, and go into the dry docks of science, where they merely refitfor this world, and no natural currents concur to individualize them.,作者从对自然的感悟上升到对人的感悟。面对自然人的认知和存在是何等的渺小,只有通过自然,靠近自然,才能变得明智,有价值。再次体现了“超验主义,自然是“圣灵”的化身,崇拜自然的感情强烈,深刻。”,当今类似“超验主义”和梭罗文章写法的作品:宫崎骏幽灵公主中,森林中的生物因为贴近自然而有了神性,人类为发展自己与森林之争的结局,说明了人类的自大渺小和可悲,而贴近自然向往自然的主人公却拥有着幸福的结局。“art of travel”类似梭罗,发现,旅行中而感悟旅程,感悟生活。,我的感悟,Thoreau also mentions that the noisein the town and the whistle of train disturb the quite life of the town. However, in the woodslife is quite. Whenhelives in the woods, he can listen to animals sounds such as birds singing, owls hooting, cockerels crowing etc. Helives with animals friendly. He also describes theWalden Pond. The water, blue and green, clear and pure, freezes in winter and melts in spring. WhenIwas reading Walden,I felt thatI was listening to a wise mans talking. The words and phrases about the natureespecially the Walden Pond are beautiful andfascinating. The sentences are full of wisdom and philosophy.Reading thisbook reminds me of those people who work hard to earn money, waste lotsof money to buy luxury and expensive things, waste time to entertain themselves. In mypointof view, they may easily lose themselves, and though their bodies are full, their minds are hungry. The real life is tomake everycomplicate thing tobe simple andenrich our heartand soul. In a word, just simplicity 、simplicity and simplicity!,Last but not least, I envy Thoreau so much for he lives in such a beautiful and comfortable nature environment. He can breathe the fresh air, live with wild animal friendly; appreciate the scenery of Walden Pond etc. While in modern society, people pursuit their own interests to hunt and kill animals, cut down trees and pollute the rivers and so on. As a result, the number of wildlife is decreasing, the area of lake is shrinking, and the water is not pure any more. The environment problems such as globe warming, climate change and air and water pollution have been becoming increasingly serious. Reading this book makes me be aware of protecting the environment to realize the harmony between human and nature.,


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