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    第一讲 名词和代词,Where there is a will, there is a way.,Review,五种基本句型一: (主谓)二: (主系表)三: (主谓宾)四: (主谓间宾直宾)五: (主谓宾宾补),练一练1.这所房子花了我一大笔钱。(cost)2.昨天的大雨使得我们没能踢球。(preventfrom)3.日本位于中国的东部。(lie)4.在业余时间里,他专心致志的学习。(devote)5.你每天花多少时间上网?(spend):.The house cost me a large sum of money.The rain prevented me from playing basketball yesterday.Japan lies to the east of China.He devoted himself to study in the spare time.How much time do you spend on the internet everyday?,contents,一、名词1. 概述 2. 可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun6. 需要注意的两个问题 二、代词,1. 概述,1.The storm has caused _ to this region. A. many damagesB. much damages C. much damageD. few damages2. Success in life is not_ you make. A. what moneyB. how many money C. how much money D. what amount of money3. In 10 years time all those youngsters will become_. A. grown-upB. grown-ups C.growns-upsD. growns-up,A,C,B,4. A dozen eggs _$ 5 nowadays. A. has costB. costsC. costD. are cost5. Last Sunday my family went to _. A. the Childs ParkB. the Childrens Park C. the Childrens Parks D. the Childrens Park6. All the _ in hospital will get a rise tomorrow.A. women-doctorsB. woman doctorsC. women doctorsD. doctors of women,B,B,C,contents,一、名词1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun6. 需要注意的两个问题 二、代词,2. Countable Noun,个体名词 Individual Noun集合名词 Collective Noun单数 Singular Number复数 Plural NumberRegular NounIrregular Noun,可数名词复数的构成法()拓展:.以结尾,部分加(黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿。).以结尾的(贼的妻子用半条叶子刀,要了架子上那条狼的命。)s,,继续拓展复合名词变复数.一般情况下,将核心词汇变成复数即可e.g.passers-by,mothers-in-law, assistant directors,girl friendsPolice officers, match boxes, flower shops, frying pans, lookers-on含man或woman的词组,各部分名词都要变成复数e.g. men servants,women drivers,men-teachers, 如果核心词为动词,则在最末尾加forget-me-nots,go-betweens, make-ups,名词复数的特殊情况(),contents,一、名词1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun6. 需要注意的两个问题 二、代词,Examples,1. I have to get _ about the subject before I write the paper. A. a few more informationsB a few more information C. a little more information D. a little more informations 2. The sitting room would be much improved if you put _in that corner. A. a furniture B. furnitures C. A piece of furniture D. furniture of piece3. Did you have to pay _on those tapes? A. customB. customs C. a custom D. two custom4. We should keep _where children cant get them. A. medicines B. medicine C. a medicine D. medicines,3. Uncountable Noun,What can they be modified by? Answer: 1)by Unit noun 单位词 e.g. a piece (bottle, heap, bag etc.) of; 2)Measure Noun 度量词 e.g. kilo, ton, meter, liter etc.,部分不可数名词加-s后,意思发生变化。 e.g. air, arm, custom , force, good, work, paper, water, people, manner, etc.,contents,一、名词1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun 6. 需要注意的两个问题 二、代词,名词所有格3种表达方式:-s所有格,of 所有格和双重所有格。-s所有格的变化规则:一般直接+s e.g. Lilys, Marys2.以s或es结尾的复数名词加,单数名词可加,也加s , 如:the bosss/boss hat, the boys father3.由and连接的两个或多个名词共同拥有某物,最后一个名词变为所有格形式,若是各自所有,则每个名词都变成所有格形式 如:Mary and Lilys rooms, Marys and Lilys rooms4. 表示店铺、医院、学校、住宅及公共建筑时,名词所有格后常省略它所修饰的名词。如:at the doctors(office), to my sisters (home),at the booksellers (store),拓展:复合名词的所有格在最后一个词的词尾加-sher son-in-laws book, the editor-in-chiefs office, a grown-ups story,名词的所有格 Possessive Case,“”+s 表示国家、城市等地方的名词,以及表示时间、距离、度量及金钱等的名词,虽是无生命的,但是也可以用以上形式,表示所有或修饰关系。 e.g. a two weeks holiday , the workers library of+ n. e.g. the leg of the table , the works of Mark Twain 双重所属格 Double Possessive,即n.+ of+n所有格. e.g. a friend of my brothers a relative of Mr. Greens,Possessive Case,名词所有格的绝对形式 Nominal Possessive Case 用于代替前面提到过后东西,相当于一个名词性的物主代词 e.g. These books are Marys. my uncles, the barbers the chemists the Smiths (表示家,商店或其他有关人士的处所) 姓氏+-s表示“全家”, e.g. the Smiths 史密斯全家(问:如果姓氏是以S或X结尾,肿么办?如James,Marx),contents,一、名词1. 概述 2.可数名词 Countable Noun 3. 不可数名词 Uncountable Noun 4. 名词的所有格 Possessive Case 5. 名词的句法功能 Syntactic Function of Noun 6. 需要注意的两个问题 二、代词,Exercises:,1. I walked too much yesterday and _ are sill aching now. A) my legs muscles B) my muscles of leg C) my leg muscles D) my muscles of the leg2.The newspaper says that the goal of _ has been reached. A) the fiveyear planB) the five-year plan C) five-years planD) the five years plan 3.Its a hard job for a primary school student to write _ composition. A) a nine-thousand-wordsB) a nine-thousand words C) a nine-thousand-wordD) a nine thousand words4. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _ movie could not hold our attention.A) three-hoursB) three-hour C) three-hoursD) three-hours,Syntactic Function,作主语、表语、宾语、宾补、介词宾语和同位语Appositive)等成份。充当状语,大多表示时间、距离、重量、价格、温度和倍数等。,Syntactic Function,作定语。 一个名词直接修饰另一个名词,表示材料、用途或内容等 e.g. a blood type, a bus driver, a color film 名词+-ed或名词、形容词、数词组成复合词再修饰或限定后边的名词, e.g. the big-eyed boy, a warm-hearted person; the fast-paced modern life; a three-week holiday 名词作定语与其加-ed的形式作定语不同:前者表示性质,后者表示特征, e.g. a color T.V. 彩电 a colored T.V.彩色的电视机,contents,一、名词1. 概述 2.可数名词 (Countable Noun) 3. 不可数名词 (Uncountable Noun) 4. 名词的所有格 (Possessive Case) 5. 名词的句法功能 (Syntactic Function of Noun) 6. 需要注意的两个问题 二、代词,Examples,1. The newspaper didnt mention the _ of the damage caused by the fire.A) rangeB) levelC) extentD) quantity 2. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _ in the market. A) barrelsB) batteriesC) basketsD) bargains 3. Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a very strong _ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.A) motivationB) perspectiveC) impressionD) impact4. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _ which occurred in his dormitory. A) occasionsB) mattersC) incidentsD) issues 5. Not having a good command of English can be a serious _ preventing you from achieving your goals.A) obstacleB) faultC) offenseD) distress,Contents语意问题 Meaning Problem 搭配问题 Matching Problem,Examples,1 Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular_.A) gapsB) rateC) lengthD) intervals2. My father seemed to be in no _ to look at my school report.A) moodB) emotionC) attitudeD) feeling3. In previous times, when fresh meat was in short _, pigeons were kept by many households as a source a food.A) storeB) provisionC) reserveD) supply4. In a time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid changes of society.A) stepB) progressC) paceD) touch5. I hope your _ for the job of engineer will be successful.A) appointmentB) replyC) applicationD) response,Contents语意问题 Meaning Problem 搭配问题 Matching Problem,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun 8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Pronoun,Example,1. The residents, _ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A) all their homesB) all whose homesC) all of whose homesD) all of their homes,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Personal Pronoun,人称代词的排列顺序:第二人称+第三人称+第一人称人称代词和名词的排列顺序:名词+人称代词,(但you常位于名词前)其他代词一般排列于人称代词之后,Personal Pronoun,在口语中,虽然说明主语,但是作表语的代词多数情况下用宾格 e.g. What would you do if you were him? Open the door, please. Its me.,Personal Pronoun,it 的用法 作人称代词(指代事物、动物、婴儿以及未知的人或事) 作非人称代词 (表示天气、距离和时间等) 作形式代词 作为引导词,用于引导强调句,Examples,1. Every man should do_duty. A. hisB. ourC. yourD. my2. Those of us who work in that chemical plant should regularly have _lungs checked. A. yourB. ourC. theirD. his3. The bike is not his. Its _. A. myB. meC. mineD. her,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Possessive Pronoun,形容词性物主代词属于限定词的范畴,使用时要避免人称和数的误用 e.g. The group is waiting their plane to Beijing. (应将their改为 its) 名词性物主代词可作主语、宾语和表语 e.g. The book is mine. His is green.,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Reflexive Pronoun,作宾语。表示动作的承受者是动作发出者本身 e.g. Take care of yourself. 作同位语。 对名词或代词表示强调 e.g. He was teaching himself English.作表语。 e.g. I myself is a teacher.,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Demonstrative Pronoun,this和that都可用于指代上文提到过的事情,但是若指代下文即将要叙述的事情,则只能用this, e.g. I missed a good TV show last night. This (That) is a great play. What I require of you is this. You should finish the work by tomorrow.一些习惯用法中只用that e.g. John helped me a lot and that was kind of him. He told me only part of the story and that was that.,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Reciprocal Pronoun,each other 两者之间的相互one another 两者或两者以上的互相关系,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Examples,1. Dont use powdered milk. Use the fresh _. A) oneB) onesC) / D) milks2. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at _ chemists. A) eachB) someC) certainD) any3. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to _. A) the other B) any other C) anotherD) other4. This apple and that orange are your alternative choices. You can choose _ of them.A) neitherB) bothC) eitherD) none5. The young lady didnt want _ of the two kinds and asked the shop assistant to show her_. A) all; the others B) both; the other C) neither; others D) either; another6. Both John and Smith were interested, but _ has accepted the invitation. A) either B) noneC) bothD) neither,Indefinite Pronoun,作形容词作名词注意的以下几组词的区别 e.g. all/ both, one/ it, no one/ none, some/any/ no/ every + (thing, one, body)否定 Negation 1. 部分否定 Partial Negation all, both, each, every (body, thing)等表示整体意义的代词和否定词连用时 2. 全部否定 Full Negationnone, no one, neither, nobody, nothing,Examples,1. _ in the office had a mistake and the director regretted causing the customer inconvenience.A) SomeoneB) SomeC) AnyoneD) One2. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _ one this month.A) anotherB) moreC) the otherD). other3. I have two boys but _ of them likes sweets.A) bothB) neitherC) eitherD) none4. When he arrived, he found _ the aged and the sick at home.A) none butB) none other than C) nothing butD) no other than5. As I was just getting familiar with this job, I had _ to ask my boss.A) manyB) mostC) moreD) much6. Even those who had _ or no training in science might not have made their inventions if a groundwork had not been laid by scientists years before.A) littleB) muchC) someD) any,contents,一、名词二、代词1. 概述 2. 人称代词 Personal Pronoun3. 物主代词 Possessive Pronoun4. 反身代词 Reflexive Pronoun5. 指示代词 Demonstrative Pronoun6. 相互代词 Reciprocal Pronoun7.不定代词 Indefinite Pronoun8. 疑问代词 Interrogative Pronoun,Interrogative Pronoun,注意几组词的区别which/ what (which 一般用于有一定选择范围的情况) which/ who (which用于指物,who 指人) whatever/ whichever/ whoever/ whomever,Exercises,1. My teacher thinks that I am more intelligent than _ in class.A. the other studentsB. other studentsC. the studentsD. another students2. The man over there is _ our principal. A. no other thanB. no one than C . no other butD. none other than3. The roads both lead to town. You may take _. A. eitherB. neitherC. eachD. some4. He has learned English and German. Now he is going to learn _ language. A. othersB. otherC. someD. another,5._ patience and _ words of advice help more than medicine, sometimes. A. Little, few B. A few, a little C. Some, some D. A little, a few6. A good writer is _ who can express the common-place in an uncommon way. A. thatB. oneC. thisD. which7. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _ which occurred in his dormitory. A) occasionsB) mattersC) incidentsD) issues 8. Not having a good command of English can be a serious _ preventing you from achieving your goals.A) obstacleB) faultC) offenseD) distress,9.The rapid development of communications technology is transforming the _ in which people communicate across time and space. A) route B) transmission C) visionD) manner10. Every culture has developed _ for certain kinds of food and drink, and equally strong negative attitudes toward others.A) preferences B) expectations C) fantasies D) fashions11. Only a few people have _ to the full facts of the incident.A) accessB) resortC) contactD) path12. The author was required to submit an _ of about 200 words together with his research paper.A) editionB) editorial C) articleD) abstract,


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