Unit 3 para 610,words,Splash :n.有色斑点 translation: 我能听到下水道流水的声音。I can hear the splash of water in the sink.Make a splash 发出溅泼声;做引人注目的事 Splash down (飞船在海洋中)溅落,Compact:1.small,but solid and strong 结实的2.packed together closely and neatly 紧凑 That compact suitcase is easy to carry. 那个结实的箱子很容易提。 Tractors compact the soil. 拖拉机把土压紧,compact 指通过挤压紧密连成一体,强调动作的结果以及结成一体后结实的程度。 concentrate 指把事物的各个部分集中起来组成一体或整体。eg: The commander concentrated his troop at a strategic point. 指挥员把他的部队集中在战略要地。 Jane compacted her clothes in the suitcase by sitting on it. 简坐在手提箱上把衣服压紧。,bump 【n】 1.an area of skin is raised because one has hit it on sth.肿块;突起。 2. a blow or hit 碰撞;猛撞。 【v】 hit with force,esp.accidentally 碰撞我胳膊上有一快蚊子咬的肿块 There is a bump on my arm where a mosquito bit me.我们听到了隔壁房间里的碰撞声。We heard a bump in the next room.,bump into 偶然碰见 run bump into(against) 嘭的一下撞上 bumper n. 保险杆 bumpkin n.乡下人;土包子 bumpy 凹凸不平的;疙疙瘩瘩的,innocent 1.done or said without intending to harm or offend anyone 无恶意的 2.not guilty of a crime无罪的;无辜的 战争期间无辜的孩子们经常受到伤害。Innocent children are often harmed during a war 律师为那个妇女辩护,因为他相信她是无辜的 The lawyer defended the woman because he believed she was innocent.,innocent 含义较广,既指清白无罪的,又指幼稚无知、毫无意识的。 blameless 指行为端正而无可指责的。 guiltless 指无罪而不该受到惩罚的eg: You have imprisoned an innocent man 你囚禁了一个无辜的人。 None of us is blameless in this matter. 这件事情我们都要受指责。 She is guiltless of any evil intent. 她没有任何邪恶的企图。innocence n.清白;天真;无罪的人 innocently ad.清白地;天真地,What the main idea of para 6 to para 10?,He was a bit on the short side, compactly built. (para 6) 他稍微矮了点,但长得很结实。on theside (一般用作表语或补语用)相当,有点太 Eg: The weather is on the cold side 天气有点凉,I could feel the goose bumps rise on my back.(para 9) 我能感觉到背上在起鸡皮疙瘩。goose bumps :(起)鸡皮疙瘩Eg : Im goose bumps all over whenever I see a snake.我一见到蛇就浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。,I felt compelled to defend on his behalf(para 9) 我觉得我必须为他辩解Compel: 强迫,迫使。句中过去分词作表语。on ones behalf: (一般作状语)代表某人,从某人的利益出发。eg: The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.法定监护人必须代表孩子的利益行事。,THE END ! THANKS,