,Copyright Eaton Limited 2003,Steve Skinner, Eaton Hydraulics, Havant, UK,Hydrokraft 产品介绍(Notes version),产品结构配置,Copyright Eaton Limited 2003,Steve Skinner, Eaton Hydraulics, Havant, UK,Translate: Peng Liu, Eaton Hydraulics, EVHS,介绍,产品,柱塞泵,缸体和柱塞,缸体和柱塞,滑靴,回转组件,柱塞泵原理,定量轴向柱塞泵,1,2,定量轴向柱塞泵,Q,Q = (柱塞数) x (柱塞面积) x (柱塞行程) x (转速),Q = (柱塞数) x (柱塞面积) x (柱塞行程) x (转速),Q,变量泵- 最大排量,Q = (柱塞数) x (柱塞面积) x (柱塞行程) x (转速),Q,变量泵- 减小排量,Q = (柱塞数) x (柱塞面积) x (柱塞行程) x (转速),行程,Q,变量泵- 减小排量,Q = (柱塞数) x (柱塞面积) x (柱塞行程) x (转速),Q,行程,变量泵- 零排量,Q = (柱塞数) x (柱塞面积) x (柱塞行程) x (转速),行程,变量泵- 零排量,Q,变量泵- 反向排量,单控制活塞,双作用控制活塞,双控制活塞,垂直控制活塞,柱销,鞍座,斜盘轴承,滑靴润滑,滑靴润滑,PF,TV,PV,结构配置 单元,MF,MV,Hydrokraft 轴向柱塞产品有如下类型:定量泵 (PF) 开环变量泵 (PV)闭环变量泵 =(TV) 定量马达 (MF) 变量马达 (MV),PF,TV,PV,结构配置 多元,MF,MV,通过对通轴选项的详细说明,多个泵和马达可被组合起来多马达选项提供更大的安装柔性 (两个小马达可以比一个大型马达具有更为窄小的外型结构), 这使得通过将马达由串联转换到并联来变化速度和扭矩成为可能,反之亦然,PUMP 组合,Equal size pumps with pilot / boost pumps,Smallest with largest,Typically up to 4 pumps,Hydrokraft with other piston and vane pumps,Hydrokraft plus vane pumps,Hydrokraft plus other piston pumps,将Hydrokraft 轴向柱塞泵与其他型号柱塞泵或叶片泵结合在一起几乎无任何不可能,PVX开环泵,1)小排量型号的结构形式为变量机构的活塞与驱动轴平行布置.型号设计为X中 ( 例如: PVX ),2) 大多数这种形式的泵为开环应用,从结构上来看即斜盘只能在中心的一侧移动以调节流量从零到最大.,3) 但有一种控制方式的开环泵 (稍后说明) 移动过中心,因此这种型号既可以做泵也可以作为马达来使用,Hydrokraft 泵和马达有两种结构形式,PVW开环泵,1) 大排量型号的控制活塞是与驱动轴垂直的。当从泵的顶部向下看时会很清楚地看到。,PVW 开环泵,2) 图中控制活塞通过斜盘控制杆推动斜盘倾斜以调节排量。型号设计为W中 ( 例如: PVW ),3) 这种结构的一个显著的优点是不必在泵的后面安装控制机构以允许方便地安装多个单元,1) 大排量型号的控制活塞是与驱动轴垂直的。当从泵的顶部向下看时会很清楚地看到。,TVW 闭环泵,大多数闭环传动泵使用W结构形式,如图从顶部来看为这种选型最佳的视角。,TVW闭环泵,在闭环泵 (TVW)中控制活塞能够推动斜盘在中间位置两侧变化,由此控制 液压马达在两个方向运动和运动速度,TVW闭环泵,图中马达被闭环变量泵驱动.,TVW闭环泵,The control piston on the closed-loop transmission pump (TVW) is able to move the swash plate a variable amount either side of the neutral position thus controlling both the speed and direction of the hydraulic motor from the pump alone.,TVW闭环泵,The control piston on the closed-loop transmission pump (TVW) is able to move the swash plate a variable amount either side of the neutral position thus controlling both the speed and direction of the hydraulic motor from the pump alone.,TVW闭环泵,The control piston on the closed-loop transmission pump (TVW) is able to move the swash plate a variable amount either side of the neutral position thus controlling both the speed and direction of the hydraulic motor from the pump alone.,性能参数,P,PUMPS,所有 Hydrokraft 泵最大连续工作压力为350 bar (5000 psi),尖峰压力为 420 bar (6000 psi).,P,泵,对于开环泵,允许的最小进口压力应依照泵的排量,但典型地应在 0.85到1.0 bar 绝对压力之间 (12.3 - 14.5 psi 绝对压力).,P,PUMPS,* PF/PV 360 cm3 = 1500 r/min, PF/PV 750 cm3 = 1200 r/min,泵的最大正常的驱动速度为1800 r/min ,尽管开环360 cm3/rev 被限制在1500 r/min,尽管开环750 cm3/rev 被限制在1200 r/min. 在某些应用中,可能超过规定的最大驱动速度。 但这些应用必须经过 Hydrokraft 工程部门审核,P,18 / 15 / 13,PUMPS,* PF/PV 360 cm3 = 1500 r/min, PF/PV 750 cm3 = 1200 r/min,工作介质温度范围 (对于矿物油)为 -25 到 +90 C (-15 到 +195 F) ,推荐油液清洁度为ISO 4406 的 18/15/13。,P1 + P2 420 bar (6000 psi),MOTORS,马达具有和泵同样的压力等级,最大连续工作压力为350 bar (5000 psi),尖峰压力为 420 bar (6000 psi).然而对于有一个附加的限制:进口和出口压力之和任何时候不应超过420 bar (6000 psi). (在节流工况时可能产生这样的压力).,P1 + P2 420 bar (6000 psi),马达,马达的正常工作速度范围为 80 到 1800 r/min.在某些应用中,可能在这个范围以外工作, 但这些应用必须经过 Hydrokraft 工程部门审核,P1 + P2 420 bar (6000 psi),18 / 15 / 13,马达,工作介质温度范围 (对于矿物油)为 -25 到 +90 C (-15 到 +195 F) ,推荐油液清洁度为ISO 4406 的 18/15/13。,产品构造,,,PVX PUMP,一个合适的控制阀被安装在控制活塞的油口安装盘上以组成一个完整的泵。控制活塞被安装在油口安装盘内侧的一个轴套内,通过一个柔性连接与斜盘相连接,一个弹簧被安装在柔性连接反面以使斜盘在泵起动时输出最大流量。泵工作时由控制活塞确定斜盘角度。斜盘被柔性连接机构支撑,该机构可以绕一个鞍形或杯状的轴承转动。,配流盘上有进油和出油“肾”形油口,在靠近柱塞一侧的T的表面为镀青铜表面处理。活塞孔内侧也使用镀青铜表面处理,提供耐磨损表面以延长泵的寿命。一个孔盘保持滑履在正确的位置,一个定位环夹紧滑履与斜盘接触。,,,PVX PUMP,Next comes the main body of the pump. After a spacing washer the seal plate and shaft seal are fitted。 Then the drive shaft and front bearing. The port plate also includes the rear shaft bearing. Considering the construction of the PVX type pumps, the first component illustrated is the port plate which can incorporate end or side entry ports (axial or radial).,PVX PUMP,The pump pistons are hollow (to reduce weight) and lubrication holes feed pressurised fluid to the bearing surface between the slipper and swash plate.,PVX PUMP,The photograph shows a sectioned view of a typical PVX type pump (although the double taper roller shaft bearing is a non-standard feature).,PVW PUMP,With the PVW pump only side entry port plates are available.,As before, the rear shaft bearing is fitted into the port plate.,Followed by the valve plate.,活塞块/活塞和斜盘在PVW 和 PVX是一样的形式,Two dowel pins are fitted to the port plate to support the yoke during assembly but play no part in the operation of the pump.,连接结构和连接轴承是下一个被安装的零件,A pin connects the yoke lever arm to the control piston.,必要的控制阀需要安装在控制位置顶部,连接结构位置指示器(可视或电子)可按要求安装。,PVW PUMP - 500 & 750,The 500 & 750 size pumps have a spherical shaped valve plate and cylinder block surface. This improves the smooth running of the pump by acting to self-centre the cylinder block and valve plate.,PVW PUMP - TIE RODS,Another design feature of the W type units is the method of attachment of the port plate. This is achieved by tie-rods connecting through to the front section of the pump (rather than to the main pump body). The pressure forces created internally in the pump are thus transferred to the tie-rods rather than the body which has the effect of reducing vibration and noise level.,TVW PUMP,TVW transmission pumps normally have a through shaft on which can be mounted charge and pilot pumps as required. These are internal gear pumps and the outlet flow from the charge pump can be directed through internal passageways thus avoiding the need for external pipe work.,TVW PUMP,This illustration shows a typical TVW transmission pump together with integral charge and pilot pumps. As can be seen the control piston and associated valves are mounted on top of the pump leaving the rear surface of the port plate free for additional pumps.,传动回路,典型的传动泵回路应包括一个补油泵、滤器、补油溢流阀和单向阀。正常的补油Normally 泵流量为主泵最大流量的25%,传动回路,A main system cross-port relief valve can also be included. In this case a single valve with dual pilot heads allows the same relief valve to be used for flow in either direction but with the ability to have different pressure settings in either direction.,TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT,A hot oil shuttle valve will bleed off fluid from the low pressure side of the loop for cooling and filtering. The charge relief valve will maintain a typical pressure of 12 bar (175 psi) in the low pressure side of the loop.,TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT,With certain controls it may be difficult to achieve an exact zero flow condition so to prevent actuator creep in this situation, a cross-line solenoid valve can be fitted to connect both sides of the loop together when de-energised.,最大排量 750+ cm3/r最大压力350/400 bar噪音高对吸油状况和污染敏感效率高寿命长较庞大的体积好的油液适应性价格高,轴向柱塞泵特点,马达 &齿轮箱,Although not part of the standard range, reduction gearboxes can be easily fitted to Hydrokraft motors where 在慢速和 高扭矩输出的场合,马达 &齿轮箱,This illustration shows a fixed displacement motor fitted with an epicyclic reduction gearbox.,泵的控制形式,FE,HG,MANUAL ADJUSTMENT,PVX / MVX Only,最简单的泵和马达排量控制方法为 FE or HG 手动调节. 单纯地将斜盘定位在某个角度 (从零位到最大) 通过螺丝和手轮方式 HG 型可在泵或马达工作时调节,但 FE 型仅推荐在泵或马达停止工作时进行。这种控制形式是在对排量变动很少的应用中,例如实验台.,手动控制,M,Q,8 sec,50 sec,ES,电气调节,8 sec,70 sec,PVX,PVW,Remote positioning of the swash plate can be achieved using an electric motor and gearbox into which can be incorporated switches or a potentiometer to provide pre-set positions. Typical response times would be between 8 and 70 sec (min to max flow or vice versa) depending upon the gearbox ratio selected.,M,N,N,t (min),应用举例 搅拌机,A typical application for the ES control would be a mixer drive where speed changes are relatively slow and infrequent. With a suitable controller this type of control can also be used for low-dynamic closed loop speed control applications.,Q,U,U,SP,电子排量控制 - PROPNL,Q,The SP control provides electronic displacement control of the pump or motor where the swash plate angle is positioned by a closed loop position control arrangement utilizing a proportional valve, amplifier & electronic feedback of swash plate position. The control requires a pilot pressure supply either from an in-built pilot pump or separate supply.,Q,U,U,SP,电子排量控制 - PROPNL,Q,Typical response times (zero to maximum flow or vice versa) are in the range 300 to 1000 milliseconds although faster responses may be achievable (consult Hydrokraft Engineering Dept.)The SP control is the preferred option where electronic control of displacement is required and provides the best performance in terms of hysteresis, response time etc.,U,SM,电子排量控制 - SERVO,PVW / TVW Only (Non-preferred option),Q,U,A second option for providing electronic displacement control is available on the W type units which uses a servo valve (rather than a proportional valve) to position the swash plate. 该阀与斜盘之间采用机械连接,效果好于电子反馈,U,SM,电子排量控制 - SERVO,PVW / TVW Only (Non-preferred option),Q,U,The performance of the SM type control (in terms of hysteresis etc.) is not as good as the SP control and it is more expensive. Its use is normally confined therefore to applications where, for safety or other reasons, there is a requirement for a very low electrical current control valve.,Q,PP (bar/psi),PP,DP,先导压力排量控制,The DP control option enables the pump displacement to be controlled by varying a control pressure signal (PP). When the control pressure signal reaches 10 bar (150 psi) the displacement of the pump starts to increase linearly from zero reaching maximum displacement when the control pressure has risen to 40 bar (600 psi).,DPG,PP,先导压力排量控制,ISO 03,A,B,The G version of the DP control provides an ISO 03 mounting interface so that pilot control valves can be mounted easily on the pump. Typically this would include a pilot pump relief valve (A) together with a second relief valve (B) which would be used to vary the control pressure (PP) and thus the displacement of the pump.Alternatively, solenoid valves could be mounted on the interface to select two or more preset control pressures.,PP,DPH,先导压力排量控制,G,The H version of the DP control provides a G (” BSP) connection for the control pressure. This could be used where the control pressure signal is generated at some distance away from the pump, for example, by a hydraulic remote control valve or remote relief valve.,DPH,PP,先导压力排量控制,G,For transmission pumps where the swash plate can move either side of centre, two control pressure ports are provided (one for each side of centre). This allows the pump to be controlled by a two axis hydraulic remote control for example.,PP,DPJ,先导压力排量控制,The DPJ control provides an electro-hydraulic proportional pilot relief valve to generate the control pressure. This mounts onto an ISO 03 interface on the pump and the option includes pilot pump relief valve, proportional relief valve and electronic amplifier card as part of the package.Although the DPJ option provides control of the pump flow in response to an electronic signal, it is not intended to be a high-dynamic control in the same way that the SP control is.,DPK,PILOT PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT CONTROL,The DPK is the over-centre pump version of the DPJ. It provides pilot pressure displacement control via a proportional relief valve but now also includes a solenoid switching valve which will determine on which side of centre the pump is operating.,MAX,0,10150,40600,PP (bar/psi),N (r/min),N,PP,d,先导压力排量控制,By using both a pilot pressure displacement control pump and motor, it is possible to combine their controls to provide an extended working speed range. If the pump displacement responds to a control pressure range of 10 to 40 bar (150 to 600 psi) then between these two points the pump will move from zero to maximum flow. During this period the motor will remain on maximum displacement.,当控制压力继续升高为40 到 70 bar (600 to 1000 psi) 马达的排量将会从最大值减小到最大值的35%左右 (该值是所有变量马达的典型最小排量). 这将使在低速大扭矩工况下工作时提高马达的速度范围,MAX,0,701000,N (r/min),N,PP,d,VARIABLE PUMP & MOTOR EXAMPLE,PP (bar/psi),10150,40600,Q,P,压力补偿控制,DF,DF 控制形式提供压力补偿 (或压力限制). 所有泵使用一个两级补偿阀,该阀提供一个非常明显的转变点 (接近 1 bar / 15 psi) 并且在使用并联泵布置时非常稳定。最大行程调节器作为所有压力补偿泵的标准件使泵的最大流量被限制在最大输出流量的50 和 100% 之间,压力补偿控制,Q,P,Q,P,P2,P1,PRESSURE COMPENSATION PLUS LOAD SENSING,DF # # # # 1,15 bar (220 psi) MIN,负载传感可以作为压力补偿控制的一个选项。这能使泵在比负载压力稍高的压力下就减小排量,而不是在满补偿压力下改变排量。负载传感压力补偿控制被设置用来提供一个 15 bar (220 psi) 的压差,这个压差为推荐的最小值,如需要也可设置更高的压差。,压力与流量补偿,当负载压力增加时,负载口压力与泵出口压力差值变大,负载补偿阀芯略微打开使流量减小,进而导致差值变小,负载平衡。此过程随负载压力增大而逐渐增大,直至负载压力达到压力限制值,此时泵压力为设定的最大压力,流量为零,200l/min,175 bar,350 bar,350 bar,175 bar,THROTTLED FLOW,200l/min,175 bar,350 bar,350 bar,BLOCKED FLOW,200l/min,175 bar,0 bar,350 bar,UNLOADING SPOOL,200l/min,0 bar,350 bar,MULTI - ACTUATORS,175 bar,350 bar,200l/min,350 bar,VARIABLE PUMP,175 bar,190 bar,200l/min,PL + 15 bar,LOAD SENSING,Q,P,P.Q,P功率限制,LR,LR 功率限制补偿控制着泵的压力和流量两方面,限制两者乘机不超过预先设定的最大值。 这意味着在压力低点,提供最大流量,但随着压力升高流量将按照压力与流量乘机(功率)为常量而减小。最终在压力限制点的最大压力下,泵输出流量事实上为零,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,功率限制控制,功率限制控制如图所示. 当泵出口压力低时,机械操作阀(D)保持关闭。滑阀(A)两侧将相等, 控制活塞(E)的大面积一侧压力低,泵将输出最大流量,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,POWER LIMITING,当泵的出口压力升高时,阀 (D)被油缸(F)内的销子作用的杠杆(G)打开 。这使得液流通过节流口(B)阀芯(A)左侧压力下降,并向左侧移动,现在压力油流向控制活塞(E)一侧,因此推动泵斜盘,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,POWER LIMITING,当泵的推杆向右移动油缸体(F)时,因此减小了销子的杠杆作用 。阀(D) 将再次关闭使得阀芯(A)回到弹簧偏置的位置,同时控制活塞(E)停止移动。,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,POWER LIMITING,阀 (D) 因此限制泵的最大功率,当销子产生的力(与输出压力成比例)与杠杆臂与流量成比例)乘机超过弹簧预设值时,阀(D)打开 阀(C)限制泵出口最终的的最大压力值 。,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,Hydrokraft pumps are assembled and tested at Eatons Wehrheim facility in Germany illustrated in the following slides.,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PRODUCTION FACILITY,HYDROKRAFT PUMPS AND MOTORS,Copyright Eaton Limited 2003,Steve Skinner, Eaton Hydraulics, Havant, UK,