也许一个人的伟大不在于他拥有多么高贵的品质,而在于他明知道、已经知道事情的真相,却仍敢于说真话,这是我们绝大多数人做不到的。他看透了美国社会,但敢于在他的作品中去抨击,去引导社会往正确的方向走。 这就是世人眼中的卓别林 电工3班:梁霞 刘思齐 陈傲 蒋华新,下面就让我们一起去看看,去领略喜剧大师卓别林的一生吧,卓别林的一生,1889年,卓别林出生于英国伦敦南部地区的一个演艺家庭,父母都是艺人。 In 1889, Chaplin was born in south London a acting family and his parents are artists.,从他很小的时候开始他的父母就分居,查理与他的同母异父的哥哥雪尼卓别林随他们的母亲生活。1896年他的母亲失业,兄弟两人被送入伦敦兰贝斯区的一个少年感化院。几周后他们又被送入一个收养孤儿的学校。卓别林12岁半时,父亲酗酒去世,母亲患精神病,最后被送入一个精神病院。 From when he was very young, his parents separated, Charlie and his half brother Chaplin snow with their mothers life. In 1896 his mother unemployment, the two brothers were sent to a juvenile reformatory in the London Borough of Lambeth. A few weeks later they were sent to an orphans school. Chaplin 12 years old when his father died of alcoholism, mother suffering from mental illness, finally was admitted to a mental hospital.,他的母亲于1928年在美国去世,父亲也在37岁时去世。在7岁后,他离开了孤儿学校,成了一名流浪儿。他当过报童、杂货店小伙计、玩具小贩、医生的小佣人、吹玻璃的小工人,还在游艺场扫过地。 His mother died in the United States in 1928, and his father died at the age of 37. After 7 years old, he left the Orphan School and became a homeless man. He worked as a newsboy, grocery stores a small boy, toy vendors, doctors of small servant, blown glass, small workers, also in the entertainment field sweep.,早年的贫困生活启发了他后来创造流浪汉的灵感;小胡须、细手杖、大号裤子及皮鞋,以及歪歪扭扭的正式晚礼服,暗示了在儿童天真的想象中的威严的成人,意在用一个天真无邪的形象重新塑一个下层阶级的代表。17岁时,卓别林进入了当时非常有名的卡尔诺剧团。在这里,卓别林有生以来遇到了使他终生受益的良师卡尔诺,正是卡尔诺,把卓别林带进了喜剧的最高行列。,Poor early life inspired his later create wandering Han inspiration; small beard, thin sticks, large trousers and shoes, and crooked formal evening dress, suggesting that the majestic adults in childrens naive to imagine, intended to use the image of an innocent to plastic representative of a lower class. At the age of 17, Chaplin entered in the very famous carnaud theatre. Here, Charlie Chaplin had met his lifelong benefit mentors carnaud, it was carnaud, brought into the highest ranks of the comedy of Charlie Chaplin.,查理卓别林是于1912年10月2日随同卡尔诺哑剧剧团进入美国的。,当时电影导演麦克塞纳特看到卓别林的表演后在雇用卓别林。卓别林在那里与喜剧演员玛布尔诺曼德合作。1914年到1923年间,卓别林拍摄了大量的短片,以精湛的哑剧技巧、完美的银幕形象成为闻名世界的喜剧演员事实上他可以说是第一名世界明星。,Charlie Chaplin is in October 2, 1912 along with carnaud theatre in the United States.,At that time, the film director Mike Cernat saw Chaplins performance in the hiring of Chaplin. Mabel Normand is working with comedian Chaplin. From 1914 to 1923, Charlie Chaplin films shot a lot of video, to superb skill in pantomime, perfect screen image become famous world comedian - in fact, he can be said to be the first star in the world.,1918年1月21日,卓别林自己的制片厂正式落成。这天,他兴高采烈地穿上那双举世闻名的夏尔洛的大皮鞋,在未干的水泥地上踏下一个脚印。 卓别林力图通过电影反映出时代的特征。他说,创作喜剧,其中的悲剧因素往往会激起嘲笑的心理,而嘲笑正是一种反抗。 On January 21, 1918, Chaplin formally completed his own studio. One day, he happily put on those world-famous charlot big shoes, in the wet concrete step a footprint. Chaplin tries to through the movie reflects the characteristics of The Times. He said, comedy, tragedy of thesepsychological factors tend to provoke ridicule, and ridicule is a kind of resistance.,60年代和越战的来临,使卓别林在美国的命运再度被改变。1963年,他在纽约组织了自己的电影节。1972年,他在奥斯卡有史以来最热烈且持续时间最长的起立鼓掌声中,接受了美国电影学院颁发的奥斯卡特殊成就奖。 In the 60 s and the advent of the Vietnam war, make Charlie Chaplin in the United States the fate be changed again. In 1963, he organized his own film festival in New York. In 1972, he was in the Oscar the most warm and longest standing and clapping, received a special achievement award issued by the American film institute academy.,1972年造访美国期间,83岁高龄的卓别林说自己早已放弃了激进的政治主张。 1977年12月25日,88岁高龄的世界杰出的喜剧大师与世长辞了 During the visit to the United States in 1972, the 1972 - year - old Chaplin said he had abandoned the radical politics. On December 25, 1977, 88 - year - old master of the worlds outstanding comedy,谢谢大家观赏,这个世界并不是掌握在那些嘲笑者的手中,而恰恰掌握在能够经受得住嘲笑与批忍不断往前走的人手中。,