影视剧中的化学Chemistry in the TV series,by 郝俊丽,在影视作品中,经常会涉及一些化学问题,例如血液的检验、冷火、特效玻璃等。,In the film and television works, there are often some chemical scenes, such as blood test, cold fire, special effects glass, etc.,在美剧CSI中,常会出现检验犯罪现场或一些证物上血迹的情形。,酚酞试液 phenolphthalein 利用血红蛋白或正铁血红素的过氧化酶活性,使过氧化氢分解出新生态氧,将还原酚酞氧化成酚酞,酚酞在碱性溶液中呈粉红色,本法的灵敏度极高。,电影消失的爱人,女主伪造案发现场后将血倒在地板上并马上擦干净,结果鲁米诺试剂检测出现了手掌。,鲁米诺试剂 Luminol 鲁米诺又称发光氨,常温下是一种黄色晶体或者米黄色粉末。作为人工合成的比较稳定的有机化合物,鲁米诺的应用十分广泛,如可用于现代刑侦的血液检测。,Luminol, also known as luminol, is a yellow crystal or beige powder at room temperature. As a relatively stable organic compound, the application of rummino is widely used, such as the blood test for modern criminal investigation.,鲁米诺试剂 Luminol 在检验血痕时,鲁米诺与血红素发生反应,显出蓝绿色的荧光。这种检测方法极为灵敏。犯罪分子即使清理了现场很长时间,也依然可以检测出。,在剧中,梁朝伟饰演了很多让人眼花缭乱的魔术,其中最吸引人眼球的还是“冷火”有关的魔术。,In the play, Tony leung plays many dazzling magic, the most eye-catching of which is the magic of cold fire.,冷火 cold fire 原理应该是可燃物的燃点不高,且火焰下方的温度要远比上方低,加上不停变化火球在手中的位置,可以避免烫伤。,The principle should be that the flammable point is not high, and the temperature below the flame is far lower than the above, plus the position of the changing fireball in the hand can avoid scalding.,主人公代号007的英国军情六处特工,詹姆斯邦德机智勇敢,出生入死,临危不乱,总能够化险为夷,出色的完成任务。,大反派曾因执行任务失败,而吞食氰化物毒药,却没有身亡。之后怀着报复的心里,策划了一系列恐怖活动。,The villain, who had failed in his mission and swallowed cyanide poison, was not killed. Then, in revenge, a series of terrorist activities were planned.,氰化钠 Sodium cyanide 俗称山奈、山奈钠,是氰化物的一种,为白色结晶粉末或大块固体。极毒。他吸湿并带有苦杏仁味。,Commonly known as shannai, is a kind of cyanide, for white crystalline powder or bulk solid. Highly toxic. He has a wet and bitter almond taste.,剧中的高潮是男主角与救国会的成员为阻止关东军运送8吨的黄金鱼意大利人交换军火,发生了一场混战,为了不让日本人得到黄金,男主角用“王水”将黄金全部溶解掉。,王水aqua regia 王水是浓硝酸和浓盐酸1:3的混合,很不稳定,会释放出大量气体。都是现配现用,不能运输,不能储存,没有成品。,Aqua regia is a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid 1:3. It is very unstable and releases a lot of gas. Both are now available for use, cannot be transported, cannot be stored, and have no finished products.,Thank you!,