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    时态大比拼,He works. He is working.He worked.,何为时态?,在英语中,不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态要用不同的动词形式来表现。,时态,现在进行时:,一般现在时:,一般过去时:,现在正在进行的动作,经常或习惯性的动作。,过去某个时间或时间段结束的动作。,一般现在时,every, sometimes, at times always , usually, often,seldom, never, every ,three times a day,现在进行时,一般过去时,yesterday, last week,-ago, the other day, in+年, just now ,When,nowthese days, right now, Look,Listen.atPresent,at the moment,3,1,2,Tom always gets presents on his birthday.They usually go to school at seven oclcok.My mother often watches TV on the computer.We sometimes play basketball after school.,总 是,通 常,经 常,有 时,Hes twelve. I am a student.,一般现在时:表示现在的状态或经常、习惯性的动作:,Look!,Lily,Lucy,现在进行时,表示现在说话瞬间正在进行的动作。 She is reading in the reading room now. We are working on a farm these days.,1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup?,didnt,do,any,find,Did,Was,any,1 一般过去时表示过去某个时间结束的动作或存在的状态。,I did my homework yesterday.I played soccer last Sunday.I cleaned my room last week.I went to the beach three years ago.I played tennis with my friends last weekend.I went to the movies three days ago.,He is a teacher.,2. Kangkang comes from China.,3. I usually take the bus to work.,先(一般疑问句) 再(否定句),Is he a teacher?He isnt a teacher.,Does Kangkang come from China?Kangkang doesnt come from China.,Do you usually take the bus to work?I dont usually take the bus to work.,句型变化操练,4.They are having classes.,5.Jane played the guitar last night.,Are they having classes?They arent having classes.,Did Jane play the guitar last night?Jane didnt play the guitar last night.,句型变化操练,改一般疑问句的方法:,首先看有无be动词,如果有,将be提到句首并大写,句末打问号.如果没有be动词,看原句的动词形式来决定借用助动词do/does/did,并且行为动词要还原。,V-原形V-s/esV-ed(过去式),+动词原形?,改否定句的方法:,以此类推,首先看有无be动词,如果有,在be 动词后面加not.如果没有be 动词,看原句的动词形式来决定借用助动词do/does/did,并在后面加not,并且行为动词要还原。,主语+dont/doesnt/didnt+动词原形,表格对比学习,be+v-ing(现在分词),在be 后加上not,Be提到句首,V -原形V-三人单,在实义v.前借do ,does后加not,动词还原,Do,Does 提句首,+动原,V-ed(过去式),在实义v.前借用did后加not,+动原,Did 提到句首,实义动词还原,Complete the sentences.王先生是我们的英语老师。1.Mr Wang _ (be) our English teacher.2.Mr Wang _ ( not be) our English teacher.3._ (be)Mr Wang our English teacher?4.Yes,_ _ . No,_ _ .,is,is not/isnt,Is,he is,he isnt,一般现在时,一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1. work_ read_ 2.clean_ write_3. teach_ wash_ 4.guess_ watch_5. go_ do_6. study_ fly_ 7.cry_ play_8. have_,一、写出下列动词第三人称单数形式1. work works read reads 2. clean cleans write writes3. teach teaches wash washes 4. guess guesses watch watches5. go goes do does6. study studies fly flies 7.cry cries play plays8. have has,动词第三人称单数,动词-ing形式的构成:,writingtaking,gettingrunningswimming,asking,动词过去式转换练习将下列动词变为过去式,返回上页,订正答案,1. look2. live3. stop4. carry5. hope6. think7. call8. finish9. e16.say17.see18.put19.eat20.take21.read,返回上页,返回首页,返回练习,动词过去式转换练习答 案,1. look looked2. live lived3. stop stopped4. carrycarried5. hopehoped6.think thought7. Callcalled 8. finish finished9. want wanted10.Arewere 11.go went12.have had13.dodid14.get e came16.say said 17.see saw18.put put19.eat ate20.take took 21.read read,动词过去式的构成,规则动词,不规则动词,规则动词过去式的构成,构成规则,例词,一般在动词末尾加 ed look looked play played 结尾是 e 的动词加 - d live lived hope hoped,辅音字母+元音+辅音 ,双写 最后的 辅音,再加ed,stop stoppedplan planned,结尾是“辅音+y”的动词,变“y”为“i”再加ed,study studiedcarry carried,不规则动词表,原形 过去式am is wasare werebegin beganbreak brokebring broughtbuild builtbuy bought,原形 过去式catch caughtcome camedo diddraw drewdrink drankdrive droveeat atefall fell,不规则动词表,原形 过去式am is wasare werebegin beganbreak brokebring broughtbuild builtbuy bought,原形 过去式catch caughtcome camedo diddraw drewdrink drankdrive droveeat atefall fell,http:/,am, iswas areweregowent dodidhavehad comecametaketook saysaideatate seesawgetgot putputsleepslept givegavewritewrote readread,动词不规则变化,/red/,http:/,buybought sitsat runran swim swam makemade feelfelt hearheard growgrew telltold knowknew findfoundbeginbegan bring broughtstandstood spendspentcatchcaught teachtaught,动词不规则变化,http:/,1. 写出下列动词的过去式,1. stay _ 2. go _ 3. visit _ 4. swim _5. study _ 6. have _ 7. fly _ 8. draw _ 9. do _ 10. rain _ 11. help _ 12. lose _ 13. make _ 14. walk _15. decide _ 16. eat _17. am/is _ 18. are _,stayed,went,visited,swam,had,was,were,ate,walked,made,helped,decided,did,flew,studied,drew,rained,lost,have - look - begin- use- shop- get- dance- study-,现在分词,第三人称单数,过去式,study-finish-have-go-do-play-watch-give-,need-stop-hope-play-try-plan-visit-like-,having looking beginning using shopping getting dancing studying,studies finishes has goes does plays watches gives,needed stopped hoped played tried planned visited liked,词形转换,用所给动词的适当形式填空。,1. Listen! Mary _ ( sing) now.2. A young man (run) on the playground now.3. My mother _(watch) TV play every day.4. Old Bush _(visit) China again last month.5. I _ (play) sports three times a day.6. Look! Lucy and Lily _(read) books.7.There _(is) a football match yesterday.8. Our class _( go) to the zoo three days ago.,is singing,is running,watches,visited,play,are reading,was,went,时态大比拼She got up at seven oclock yesterday.(用 now改写)She is getting up now .(用 every day改写)She gets up at seven oclock every day.,时态大比拼,时态大比拼,Look!Tom is cleaning his room.(用on weekends 改写)Tom cleans his room on weekends.(用two hours ago改写)Tom cleaned his room two hours ago.,I usually wash my clothes in the afternoon.(用now改写)I am washing my clothes now.(用last weekend改写)I washed my clothes last weekend.,再见,Read and think.(判断下面句子的时态,动词有什么变化)Tom always gets presents on his birthday.They usually go to school at seven oclcok.My mother often watches TV on the computer.We sometimes play basketball after school.,总 是,通 常,经 常,有 时,一般现在时,一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1. work_ read_ 2.clean_ write_3. teach_ wash_ 4.guess_ watch_5. go_ do_6. study_ fly_ 7.cry_ play_8. have_,一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1. work works read reads 2. clean cleans write writes3. teach teaches wash washes 4. guess guesses watch watches5. go goes do does6. study studies fly flies 7.cry cries play plays8. have has,动词第三人称单数,动词-ing形式的构成:,writingtaking,gettingrunningswimming,asking,动词过去式转换练习将下列动词变为过去式,返回上页,订正答案,1. look2. live3. stop4. carry5. hope6. think7. call8. finish9. e16.say17.see18.put19.eat20.take21.read,返回上页,返回首页,返回练习,动词过去式转换练习答 案,1. look looked2. live lived3. stop stopped4. carrycarried5. hopehoped6.think thought7. Callcalled 8. finish finished9. want wanted10.Arewere 11.go went12.have had13.dodid14.get e came16.say said 17.see saw18.put put19.eat ate20.take took 21.read read,1.We study at Menghe Secondary School.2.I wash the dishes every day.3.You sometimes take a bus home. 4.They usually have lunch at 11:30.,We dont study at No. 1 Middle School.,I dont wash the dishes every day.,You dont sometimes take a bus home.,They dont usually have lunch at 11:30.,Do you study at No. 1 Middle School? Yes, we do. / No, we dont.,Do you wash the dishes every day? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Do we sometimes take a bus home? Yes, you do. / No, you dont.,Do they usually have lunch at 11:30? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.,基础题,(1),He/She likes reading.He/She flies kites on Sundays.He/She misses his/her mother.,He/She doesnt miss his/her mother.,Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.,He/She doesnt like reading.,He/She doesnt fly kites on Sundays.,Does he/she like reading?,Does he/she fly kites on Sundays?,Read and find:一般现在时含有be动词的疑问句、否定句是怎样变化的?结构1: 主语+be( am /is/are )+其它 陈述句: She is from America. 否定句: She is not from America. 一般疑问句:Is she from America? 肯定回答 :Yes, she is . 否定回答 :No, she isnt.,一般现在时含有be动词变疑问、否定句的口诀:要变一般疑问句, be动词提前很容易。否定句,很简单,not 在be 动词后面站。,一般现在时含有be动词变疑问、否定句的口诀:要变一般疑问句,be动词提前很容易。否定句,很简单,not 在be 动词后面站。,Complete the sentences.王先生是我们的英语老师。1.Mr Wang _ (be) our English teacher.2.Mr Wang _ ( not be) our English teacher.3._ (be)Mr Wang our English teacher?4.Yes,_ _ . No,_ _ .,is,is not/isnt,Is,he is,he isnt,一般现在时,一般现在时,结构2:主语+行为动词+其它(但是当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词+s/es/y改i加es)We go to school at 7:00. Lucy goes to school at 7:00.She stduies English every day.否定句结构:主语+dont/doesnt+动词原形+其它We dont go to school at 7:00. Lucy doesnt go to school at 7:00.She doesnt stduy English every day.,一般现在时变否定句口诀:若是没有be动词,do, does加not 要牢记。,She goes to school at 7:00.疑问句结构:Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其它 Does she go to school at 7:00? 肯定回答:Yes, she does. 否定回答:No, she doesnt.,Complete the sentences. She studies English every day.1.She _ _ English every day. (变否定句) 2._ she _ English every day? (变疑问句) 3.Yes,_ _.(肯定回答) No, _ _.(否定回答),doesnt study,Does,study,she does,she doesnt,一般现在时行为动词变疑问句口诀:一添、二改、三原、四问号。 即一添Do/Does,二大写改小写,三动词用原形,四句末加“?”,选择填空My mother often oranges. A eat B. eats C. eating 2. My aunt sometimes very well. A. sing B. sings C. singing3. They usually emails to their friends. A. send B. sends C.sending4. He doesnt _ his homework at school.A.do B. is doing C. does5. Lily and Lucy _ from America. A. is B. are C. am6. the tigers always _ in China? A.Does; live B.Does ; lives C. Do ; live 7. People Spring Festival every year . A. celebrates B. celebrate C. celebrating,B,B,A,A,B,c,B,一般现在时,一般现在时,Summary(小结)这节课我们学习了1.一般现在时的概念: 。常与:always, usually, often, sometimes连用。2.一般现在时be动词、行为动词在句中的变化。3.一般现在时疑问句、否定句的变化口决。,一般现在时,Summary(小结) 一般现在时顺口溜第一、二人称和复数,动词原形不变换。当主语是三单时,动词后加s(es)别忘怀。要变一般疑问句,be动词提前很容易。若是没有be动词,Do和Does开头要注意。否定句,很简单,not 在be 动词后面站。若是没有be动词,do, does加not 要牢记。,一般现在时,Complete the passage.(用括号内词的适当形式填空) I _(be)a student. I _ (be) from ChinaMr Wei_ (be) my English teacher. He _(speak)English well and he _ (work) hard a lot. I_ (like) English very much. Lucy_(be) myfriend. She _ (be) from America. She _( not speak) Chinese well. We _ (not like) football. We _(be) good friends.,随堂小检测。很简单,你会做的!,am,am,is,speaks,works,like,is,is,doesnt speak,dont like,are,Thank you!,


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