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    一般将来时 ppt课件.pptx

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    一般将来时 ppt课件.pptx

    一般将来时1,目录,1、一般将来时的定义,2、一般现在时的形式,3、will VS be going to,4、课堂落实,一般将来时的定义,乌龟和兔子,A: 你要去哪儿啊?B: 我准备去附近的商店。我打算买点东西。A: 为啥要买?B:我的生日快到了,就在两天后。A: 那你多大了? B: 我快要五百岁了。,A: 真的吗?祝贺你! 我将会给你买一辆新车作为生日礼物。B: 你真好!但无论如何,我每天还是要跑50英里。A: 为什么?B:还记得上次的比赛吗? 下次我将打败你。 噢,商店快关门了,我可以借用你的车吗?A: 别忘了还给我!B: 如果你记得给我买辆新车作为生日礼物,我会还给你这辆车的!,乌龟和兔子,一般将来时可以表示: 表示将来时刻会发生的动作,过去?现在?将来?,It will be a sunny day.,一般将来时还可以表示: 表示将来时刻会存在的状态,一般将来时的定义,一般将来时表示在将来某个 时间要发生的动作或存在的 状态。表示将来时刻会发生的动作表示将来时刻会存在的状态,乌龟和兔子,A: Where are you going?B: I am going to the store around the corner. I am to do some shopping.A: What for?B: It will be my birthday in two days.A: How old will you be, then?B: I shall be five hundred years old.,A: Really? Congratulations! I will buy you a new car for your birthday.B: Its very kind of you! Anyway I will run fifty miles each day.A: Why?B:Remember the race last time? I am going to beat you next time. Oh, the store is about to close. Can I borrow your car?A: Dont forget to give it back to me!B: I will if you remember to buy a new car for my birthday.,乌龟和兔子,一般将来时的形式,will be going to,找一找,I am going to wash my hands.,What are you going to wear to the party tonight?,Steve is going to London next week.,I think Kelly will pass the exam.,I dont think it will rain this afternoon.,一般将来时的形式,will句型,(1)肯定句 主语 + will + 动词原形 + 其他,Kelly will pass the exam.,It will rain this afternoon.,翻译,他将通过这次考试。,He will pass the exam.,will句型,(2)否定句 主语 + will + not +动词原形 + 其他,Kelly will pass the exam.,it will rain this afternoon.,Kelly will not pass the exam.,it will not rain this afternoon.,把下列句子变成否定句,He will pass the exam.,He will not pass the exam.,will句型,(3)一般疑问句 Will+主语+动词原形+其他?,Kelly will pass the exam.,It will rain this afternoon.,Will Kelly pass the exam?,Will it rain this afternoon?,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,He will pass the exam.,Will he pass the exam?,will句型,(4)一般疑问句的回答Yes, 主语+will. No, 主语+will + not.,Will Kelly pass the exam?,Will it rain this afternoon?,Yes, Kelly will.No, Kelly will not.,Yes, it will.No, it will not.,写出下列句子的肯定回答和否定回答,Will he pass the exam?肯:_否:_,be going to句型,(1)肯定句 主语 + am/is/are going to + 动词原形 + 其他,I am going to wash my hands.,be going to句型,(2)否定句 主语 + am/is/are + not +going to + 动词原形 + 其他,I am going to wash my hands.,I am not going to wash my hands.,把下列句子变成否定句,I am going to buy some books tomorrow.Sarah is going to sell her car.Something is going to happen.,be going to句型,(3)一般疑问句 am/is/are +主语 +going to + 动词原形 + 其他?,I am going to wash my hands.,Are you going to wash your hands?,be going to句型,(4)一般疑问句的回答Yes, 主语+am/is/are.No, 主语+am/is/are+not.,Are you going to wash your hands?,Yes, I am.No, I am not.,写出下列句子的肯定回答和否定回答,Are you going to have lunch?肯:_否:_,用will或be going to 填空。,I _ (leave) in a minute. 2. How long _ you _ (study) in our country?3. What _ you _ (do) after you _ (leave) here?4. I _ (be) tired. I _ (go) to bed early tonight. 5. Marys birthday is next Monday, her mother _ (give) her a present.,will VS be going to,有什么区别?,He is going to write a letter tonight.,He will write a book one day.,区别1,be going to表达近期、眼下将要发生的事情will表达未来时间相对远一些发生的事情,有什么区别?,I do not feel comfortable now. I am going to be sick.,He will be twenty years old.,区别2,be going to主观判断将来肯定会发生的事情will客观势必发生的事情,有什么区别?,Im going to meet him at the railway station. 我去火车站接他.,Ill answer the telephone.我去接电话,区别3,be going to有计划、有打算(事先考虑过)will无计划、无打算(事先没经过考虑),will与be going to的区别,be going to1.表达近期、眼下将要发生的事情2.主观判断将来肯定会发生的事情3.有计划、有打算(事先考虑过)will1.表达未来时间相对远一些发生的事情2.客观势必发生的事情3.无计划、无打算(事先没经过考虑),用will还是用be going to呢?,Lucy is in hospital.Oh really? I didnt know. I _ visit her.A. willB. am going to,Lucy is in hospital.Yes, I know. I _ visit her.A. willB. am going to,用will还是用be going to呢?,Lets have a party.Thats a good idea. I _ invite a lot of friends.A. willB. am going to,We have decided to have a party. We _ invite a lot of friends.A. willB. are going to,加油加油,


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