,Woman,A,Can,Learn,Anything,a,Man,Can,E-teaching Plan,Woman,A,Can,Learn,Anything,a,Man,Can,E-teaching Plan,Warming up,Vocabulary,Comprehension,Further Study,Outline,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Outline Details,Warming up,Vocabulary,Comprehension,Further Study,BrainstormingBackgroundPresentation Assignment,With Chinese translationBy suffixes and prefixesWith phrases or sentences,Fast readingIn-depth reading,Listening Speaking Reading Writing,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Home,Warming Up,Presentation Assignment,Background,Brainstorming,Home,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Warming Up,Presentation Assignment,Background,Brainstorming,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,A woman can learn anything a man can.,Sounds all right.,A boy plays anything a girl plays.,Not really.,Brainstorming,Brainstorming,Brainstorming,what toys do you play in your childhood? Do we have male toys and female toys?,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,D.I.Y. FLASH,?,Back,differences,More,between,Man,and,Woman,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,A successful woman is one who can find such a man.,About,S,U,C,C,E,S,S,A successful man is one who earns more moneythan his wife can spend.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,About,D,R,S,E,S,I,N,G,U,P,A woman will dress up to.,empty the garbage,get the mail,or read the book.,answer the phone,go shopping,A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Items,In,The,th,Ba,r,oo,m,A man has 5 items in his bathroom.,shaving cream,and a towel,razor,a toothbrush,a bar of soap,The number of items in the typical womans bathroom is about,100,100,100,Womans Bathroom,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Because they must,And a man would not be able to identify most of them,And then,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,About,M,O,E,N,Y,A man will pay $2 for one $1 item he needs.,she doesnt need, but ,A woman will pay $1 for one $2 item which ,its on sale!,its on sale!,its on sale!,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Warming Up,Presentation Assignment,Background,Brainstorming,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,A Film - Mona Lisa Smile,Year: 1953School: A womens private collegeProfessor: Katherine Ann Watson Students: Elite women studentsMs. Watson wants to inspire her students to seek a career instead of just being wives and mothers.,Back,1. What have you seen from the advertisement pictures? 2. Why was Professor Watson so angry? 3. How do you think of the womans image in these advertisements?,Questions,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Warming Up,Presentation Assignment,Background,Brainstorming,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,in,Gender Differences,Advertisement,Images,of,Men,and,Women,Back,About,Lets watch a video clip to understand the gender differences from the perspective of advertisement images of men and women.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,This group is required to:Find out male and female images in ads(videos or pictures).Creative, interesting ads can be included (extra bonus).Summarize and reveal the role of men and women in these ads.Do some research on masculinity and femininity (extra bonus).An DIY video is recommended to produce to show your understanding of gender differences in Ads (extra bonus).,Is the lecturer telling the truth or you may give opposite examples to illustrate? Next class, one group of students will do a presentation on the topic of Men and Women in Ads.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Fast Reading,Comprehension,In-depth Reading,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Home,Fast Reading,Comprehension,In-depth Reading,1. Passage Structure,2. Questions,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,1. Passage Structure,Paras.1-5Part 1,Paras.6-9Part 2,Paras.10-11Part 3,The author describes how she stumbled intoengineering.,The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.,The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,2. Questions,How did the author learnt to fix cars?,A. By being a mechanical engineer. B. By getting As in math and science classes. C. By participating a national competition. D. By creating a hybrid electric vehicle,2,3,4,5,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,2. Why didnt the author dare not to take her car to the mechanic in high school period?,A. Because she couldnt tell a transmission from an alternator. B. Because she was shown an electric can opener.C. Because the mechanic was not professional. D. Because she was afraid of being cheated.,1,3,4,5,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,3. What prompted the author to apply for the summer program?,A. She wanted to be independent.B. She wanted to be an engineer.C. The program was free of charge and provided credit and room.D. The program is far away from home.,1,2,4,5,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,4. How long did it take the author to get an engineer degree in college?,A. Six years. B. Five years.C. Four years.D. Three years.,1,2,3,5,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,5. In paragraph 6, the authors words I am somehow abnormal shows that _.,A. she shouldnt be an engineerB. she wasnt good at mathC. the studies were totally unreasonable D. the studies were biased against women,1,2,3,4,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,6. The authors attitude towards difficult subject is _.,A. what you are not good atB. what you should not doC. what you can work hard to make it easierD. what you cannot handle even working hard,7,8,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,7. Why did her algebra teacher let the author retake the tests?,A. Because she didnt get an A.B. Because she failed the former tests.C. Because she was lack of the abilities.D. Because she was not well-prepared.,8. She reminded herself not to lose confidence when finding that _.,Answer:the guys in her classes had to work just as hard,6,8,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,10,9. The author thinks that human brain is _.,Answer:more flexible and powerful than we imagine,10. Woman can learn anything a man can as long as knowing she can do it and _.,Answer: having a selective hearing,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Vocabulary,By suffixes and prefixes,With Chinese translation,With phrases or sentences,Home,Vocabulary,By suffixes and prefixes,With phrases or sentences,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,With Chinese translation,Gas-guzzling 用油特多的,耗油的,Hybrid 混合的,Multivariable calculus 多元微积分,Algebra,Thermodynamics 热力学,Differential equations 微分方程,Alternator 交流发电机,Fluorescent light 荧光灯,Estrogen 雌激素,Androgen 雄激素,假小子,混合的,Hybrid,多元微积分,Multivariable calculus,Gas-guzzling,用油特多的,耗油的,荧光灯,Fluorescent light,Alternator,交流发电机,Algebra 代数,代数,Tomboy,Tomboy 假小子,雌激素,Estrogen,雄激素,Androgen,Differential equations,微分方程,热力学,Thermodynamics,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Vocabulary,By suffixes and prefixes,With Chinese translation,With phrases or sentences,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,trans,mission,Transplant 移植Transcribe 抄写,转录Transfuse 输血;充满,Trans-变换,改变,转移,(N)传动装置,机 变速器;传递;传送;播送,Transmission 传动装置传递;传送Transplant 移植Transcribe 抄写,转录Transfuse 输血;充满,Back,mini,ature,Minibus 小公共汽车Miniskirt 超短裙Miniwar 小规模战争,Mini- small 小的,细小的,(N)小画象,缩影,Miniature 小画象,缩影Minibus 小公共汽车Miniskirt 超短裙Miniwar 小规模战争,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,fem,ininity,female女性的,女子feminine女性的,妇女的feminism男女平等主义,Fem/femin-女性的,女性化的,(N) 温柔;柔弱性;女子本性,Femininity 温柔;柔弱性Female 女性的,女子Feminine 女性的,妇女的Feminism 男女平等主义,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Vocabulary,By suffixes and prefixes,With Chinese translation,With phrases or sentences,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,hard-pressed,Tip: The regions hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.,Definition:If someone is hard-pressed, they are under a great deal of strain and worry, usually because they do not have enough money.,ironic,Tip: At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make a ironic remark.,Definition:When you make an ironic remark, you say the opposite of what you really mean, as a joke.,crave,Tip: There may be certain times of day when smokers crave their cigarette.,Definition:If you crave something, you want to have it very much.,decent,Tip: He didnt get a decent explanation.,Definition:Decent is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality.,shudder,Tip: Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar(鱼子酱). She had shuddered at the thought.,Definition:If you shudder, you shake with fear, horror, or disguise, or because you are cold.,stumble,Definition:If you stumble, you put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running and nearly fall over.,Tip: He stumbled and almost fell.,panic,Tip: An earthquake has hit the capital, causing damage to buildings and panic among the population.,Definition:Panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear that makes you act without thinking carefully.,Tip: He leaped in the air and waved his fists to the fans as he ran out of the stadium.,Definition:If you leap, you jump high in the air or jump a long distance.,leap,Back,Women are at disadvantage when it comes to math. (para. 6),Fast Reading,Comprehension,In-depth Reading,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Studies show that:,Is it true?,Is it true?,Is it true?,Are women bond to be limited by their physical and genetic differences from men?,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Stage I: Carolyns childhood,Tomboys we werent. paraphrase,Back,How Did the Author Carolyn Turk Grow Up?,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Stage II: her high school life,Is Carolyn somehow abnormal paraphrase compared to other girls who are at a disadvantage in math?,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Stage II: her high school life,Is Carolyn somehow abnormal paraphrase compared to other girls who are at a disadvantage in math?,She didnt Know the first thing about engineering. paraphrase,Evidences:,“I couldnt have distinguished a transmission from an alternator.” paraphrase“I was afraid to take a car to the mechanic.”“I wouldnt have know any better.” translate,Back,she applied to an engineering summer program.,However,However,However,Why?,Because she was interested in it?,She was craving independence and wanted to get out of her parents house for six weeks.,Have you ever done similar things to gain independence from your parents?,Share the stories with us please.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Stage III: her college life,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Stage III: her college life,1. What did Carolyn experience in order to get her college degree?,Took a lot of math and science classes Worked with a team of students to convert SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle,2. What did she get from the experiences?,Car-fixing skills As in all her classes Being pretty good at math and design,3. Whats the reward for her effort?,A degree Three decent job offers.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Lets think: Was she born to be good at math and science?,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Most people think that when you are good at something, it comes easily to you. translate,Are you sure?,This is what I discovered: just because a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you are not good at it.,Show me the reasons.,Let me tell you my stories in high school and college.,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Act I In High School - Failure & Regained SuccessFailed algebraDoubted myselfEncouraged by my teacherWorked harder Pulled grade to an AWhat have you got from the story?Your effort, not your gender, decides your achievement.,Mini-drama (PARA. 8),Can you retell the anecdote?,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Act II In College Self-doubt vs. Self-encouragement Still, I had moments of panic and worry But The guys had to work just as hard!,Quitter.,Because math comes to women as naturally as to men !,Mini-drama (PARA. 9),A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,After all these time and experiences,Carolyn concluded that:,No man is an island. No woman is, either. paraphrase,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Our brains are more powerful than we imagine.,Women are at disadvantage when it comes to math?,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,According to the author, it is not true, at all.,A,Woman,Can,Learn,Anything,a,Man,Can,Further Study,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,Home,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Further Study,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,They are mothers. “My _ is I have to say my kids.” Models. “They were like, oh, no, you can never become a _ because you are a black girl.” Media moguls and movers and shakers. “I rule the company with my _.”,passion,successful model,head, heart and hands,Compound Dictation,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Women who rule the world. “What do you rule? ” “I rule Ann Taylor.” “I run Pepsi Co.” “I am the secretary of health in human services.” “I rule BT Networks.” “Right now probably just my _ and even my husband would probably question that.” We sat down with some of FORTUNE magazines 50 most powerful women and their Feature Speakers. Many of them CEOs and yet their take on the _ starting with any words of wisdom for President Obama.,household,big issues,Compound Dictation,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,As mothers and wives, _.“Weve been married for 35 years and we were sort of at that commuter marriage.” “I tried to leave there by 5 or 5:30 at night because I really want to have dinner with my boys.”So, any advice to young women today? “I think women have to _. To not be ashamed of your dreams, not be ashamed to be one of the best. One thing they all have in common is they love what they do. To me you know even the CEO and I think its true for all CEOs today. _. We actually love it, I love my job.”,balancing professional,be willing to take a few more,Work is life, life is work,success with family life means sacrificing,risks,Compound Dictation,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,From traditional women to modern women, no matter in China or in western culture, there is a long way they have gone. Every group is required to hand in an mp3 record of discussion among your group members, on the topic of Women Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.,Further Study,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Back,Further Study,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,Whats Your Potential? How to Know It and Grow It,Read more: http:/,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Further Study,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,What is,Argum-entative,Writing ?,Argumentative writing,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Introduction,Conclusion,In What Order Do I Present My PROS and CONS?,Back,A Woman Can LearnAnything a Man Can,Introduction,Conclusion,In What Order Do I Present My PROS and CONS?,Thesis as the last line of t