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    Chapter 1 Computers in Manufacturing,By, Zhang HangweiMechatronics Engineering Department,Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Contents,Chapter 1 Computers in Manufacturing1 Computer-aided Production and Control SystemIntroduction1.1 Automation Concept1.2 Computer Process Control1.3 Management Information Systems (MIS)1.4 Engineering1.5 Business1.6 Computer Control of Manufacturing System,Computer-aided Production and Control System,Para 1The reason of modern mfg. Systems development. -To meet peoples desiresPara 2 Computer is important in mfg. Such as NC, AC, Robotics, AGVS, AS/RS, FMS,Computer-aided Production and Control System,NC=Numerical Control数控 即数字控制(Numerical Control,缩写为NC),在制造业指用数字化信号对机床运动及其加工过程进行控制的一种方法。根据国家标准GB/T81291997机床数字控制的定义:用数字数据的装置(简称数控装置),在运行过程中,不断地引入数字数据,从而对某一生产过程实现自动控制,叫数字控制,简称数控。 用计算机控制加工功能,实现数字控制,称计算机数控(Computerized Numerical Control,缩写CNC)。,Computer-aided Production and Control System,Computer-aided Production and Control System,AC=Adaptive Control自适应控制 所谓自适应是指生物能改变自己的习性以适应新的环境的一 种特征。因此,直观地讲,自适应控制系统,它能修正自己的特性以适应对象和扰动的动态特性的变化。它是一种现代控制理论。-以变制变 自适应控制和常规的反馈控制和最优控制一样,也是一种基于数学模型的控制方法,所不同的只是自适应控制所依据的关于模型和扰动的先验知识比较少,需要在系统的运行过程中去不断提取有关模型的信息,使模型逐步完善。,Computer-aided Production and Control System,Robotics工业机器人学 工业机器人由操作机(机械本体)、控制器、伺服驱动系统和检测传感装置构成,是一种仿人操作、自动控制、可重复编程、能在三维空间完成各种作业的机电一体化自动化生产设备。 特别适合于多品种、变批量的柔性生产。它对稳定、提高产品质量,提高生产效率,改善劳动条件和产品的快速更新换代起着十分重要的作用。,足球机器人,四足机器人,Computer-aided Production and Control System,AGV是自动引导小车(Automated Guided Vehicle) AGV是指装备有电磁或光学等自动导引装置,能够沿规定的导引路径行驶,具有安全保护以及各种移载功能的运输车,AGV是轮式移动机器人(WMR Wheel Mobile Robot)的特殊应用。 AGV是一种以电池为动力,装有非接触导航(导引)装置的无人驾驶车辆。它的主要功能表现为能在计算机监控下,按路径规划和作业要求,精确地行走并停靠到指定地点,完成一系列作业功能。,Computer-aided Production and Control System,AS/RS=Automated Storage/Retrieval System自动存储和提取系统 一种用于存储和提取物品的自动、电脑化控制系统。,Computer-aided Production and Control System,FMS=Flexible Manufacturing System柔性制造系统 FMS通常包括3台以上的CNC机床(或加工中心),由集中的控制系统及物料系统连接起来,可在不停机情况下实现多品种、中小批量的加工管理。,PhrasePara 1 be around 出现,存在 range from to 在 .的范围内Para 2 versatile (a.)通用的,万能的,多才多艺的 e.g. a versatile engineer be coming of age: 成年,日趋成熟 on the foundation of= on the basis of Para 3 group together 组合 groupinto把.分类 a special application system 专用系统 be referred to as 指的是 a set of subsystem一组子系统 collectively (ad.) 集体地,共同地,总的来说 have an effect on 起作用,对有影响 take for 考虑 pass through穿(通、经、流)过,刺穿、经历,Computer-aided Production and Control System,Para 3 What is PACS? Many related manufacturing activities are grouped together to form a special application system. Para 5 What is CAPACS? Many related manufacturing activities are grouped together to form a computer-driven special application system.,Technologies in Introduction,CAD(计算机辅助设计,COMPUTERAIDEDGESIGN)是指工程技术人员以计算机为工具,用各自的专业知识,对产品进行总体设计、绘图、分析和编写技术文档等设计活动的总称。 一般认为CAD功能可归纳为四大类:建立几何模型、工程分析、动态建模、自动绘图。,Technologies in Introduction,CAM(计算机辅助制造,Computer-aided mfg.) 目前尚无统一的定义,一般而言,是指计算机在产品制造方面有关应用的总称。CAM有广义和狭义之分,广义CAM一般是指利用计算机辅助从毛坯到产品制造过程中的直接和间接的活动。包括工艺准备(计算机辅助工艺设计、计算机辅助工装设计与制造、NC自动编程、工时定额和材料定额编制等)、生产控制、及时控制等。狭义CAM通常仅指数控程序的编制,可包括刀具路径的规划、刀位文件的生成、刀具轨迹仿真以及NC代码的生成等。,Technologies in Introduction,CAPP(计算机辅助工艺设计,Computer-aided Process Planning)是根据产品设计所给出的信息进行产品的加工方法和制造过程的设计。 一般认为,CAPP系统的功能包括毛坯设计、加工方法选择、工序设计、工艺路线制定和工时定额计算等。其中,工序设计又可包含装夹设备选择或设计、加工余量分配、切削用量选择以及机床、刀具和夹具的选择、必要的工序图生成等。,Technologies in Introduction,CAD/CAM/CAPP的集成 CAD过程与CAPP、CAM过程的集成系统,其基本工作步骤如下: (1)CAD过程设计产品结构,绘制产品图形,并为CAPP、CAM过程准备设计数据; (2)生成标准化的数据结构(如征成STEP文件),并经过接口进行数据转换; (3)CAPP系统直接读入CAD系统生成并经过转换的数据,生成零件加工工艺规程; (4)CAM系统读入CAPP系统生成并经过转换的数据,生成加工零件的数控程序。,PhrasePara 4: by far (adv.)到目前为止Para 5:bring into 引进;使开始 bring about 引起; 致使; 造成; 达成 intimate 及时地 discharge (vt.) 卸下, 放出, 解雇, 拔染, 履行, 放电Para 7: function (n.)功能,作用,函数,模块 hub 轴心,活动中心Para 8: spoke 辐条 e.g. put a spoke in someones wheel 从中作梗,Computer-aided Production and Control System,Para 8Q1:What is the hub of Fig.1.2 ?Q2:What are the spokes of Fig.1.2 ?Q3: What are advantages of CAPACS ? - increase productivity, reduce waste, and produce things it would not otherwise be able to make.,1.1 Automation Concept,Definition,-Take the place of observation, effort and decision by human.,-Be defined as a system that is relatively self-operating.,Function,PhraseLine 3: take the place of 取代Line 5: respond to 对响应Line 5: encoded instruction 编码指令,1.1 Automation Concept,1.2 Computer Process Control,Definition-The control of variables in a manufacturing process, where one or any combination of materials and equipment produces or modifies a product to make it more useful and more valuable.Classification,1.2 Computer Process Control,Open-loop Control System,1.2 Computer Process Control,Open-loop Control System,1.2 Computer Process Control,Closed-loop Control System,1.2 Computer Process Control,Closed-loop Control System,PhrasePara 1:involve 涉及,包含,就是, serve as 作为 mechanism 装置 instrument 仪器,仪表 calibrated dials 分度盘,校准盘Para 2: in charge of 负责 sensing device= transmit传感器 feedback mechanism 反馈装置 difference 误差 begin at 从.开始,开始于 end at 结束于Para 3:data logging 数据存储,1.2 Computer Process Control,1.3 Management Information System,CharacteristicsBe designed to aid in the performance of management functions.To be developed to provide executives with up-to-the-minute information about the operations of the enterprise.,PhraseLine 1 Para 1:be designed to do 被设计用来Line 3 Para 1:executive 执行程序、行政部门Line 3 Para 1:up-to-the-minute 最新的Line 5 Para 1:viewas 将看作Line 2 from bottom :software package 软件包,1.3 Management Information System,Q1: What is the definition of Engineering ? Engineering is a profession in which a knowledge of the natural sciences is applied with judgment to develop ways of using the materials and forces of nature.Q2: What are the advantages CAPACS ofIn Engineering? -increase the productivity of engineers , improve the quality of design,1.4 Engineering,Paragraph 2 Make examples to explain the advantages because of using computer.Paragraph 3Q: What are the roles of computer ? -automated operations, relieve the engineer of tedious manual calculations,1.4 Engineering,PhraseLine 1 Para 1:engineering (n.)工程;设计、制定;工艺技术;操纵、管理;Human engineering 环境工程学 power engineering 动力学Line 5 Para 1:simulation 模拟;仿真;模型化;伪装、冒充;Line 5 Para 1:modeling 模型化成型;模型制造;模拟;仿形、靠模; Line 7 Para 2: physical properties 物理性质Line 2 Para 3:document (n.)文件、资料 (v.) 用文件证明 Line 4 Para 3: relieve of 免除、解除,1.4 Introduction of Engineering,1.4 Computer-aided Engineering and Production,Definition Phase方案论证阶段,初步设计阶段, conceptual phase,Translation Phase 详细设计阶段 ;detailed design phase,Construction Phase 生产准备及制造阶段,Support Phase,List Four Phases of Production,Fig,一个机电一体化产品的设计和开发归纳为以下14个基本步骤。(1)拟定产品(设计)目标,确定初步技术规范。(2)收集资料,市场分析,可行性分析,技术经济性分析。(3)初步设计(总体方案设计)。(4)初步设计方案的评审、评价(不满意,修改)。(5)确定数学模型(理论分析)。(6)详细设计(样机设计)。(7)详细设计方案评审、评价(不满意,修改)。(8)试制样机。(9)样机试验,测试。(10)技术评价与审定(不满意,修改)。(11)小批量生产。(12)试销。(13)正常正产,收集用户意见。(14)销售,收集用户意见。,1.5 Business,Para 1What is CAB? The applications of computers to assist or aid in performing various operations in these functions are referred to as CAB.What are the functions of CAB? production planning and control, finance and accounting, distribution management, maintenance scheduling and control, management information systems, data processing, and product planning.,1.5 Business,Para 24:Computer influences the ways of mfg. in three respects.(1) changing the way of operations (Para 2). (2) changing the way of design (Para 3). (3) changing the internal structure of manufacturing organization, their methods of operations, and their external relationship to society (Para 4).,PhaseLine 4 Para 1: finance and accounting 财(政和)会(计)Line 2 Para 2: carry out 实行、执行Line 5 Para 2: long term 长期的Line 6 Para 2: MRP2=Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划Line 1 Para 3: go beyond 过分、超越、超出范围Line 1 Para 3:payroll 工资单Line 3 Para 3: labor intensive 劳动力密集的Line 4 Para 3:intricate (a.) 复杂的、错综的、难以理解的,1.5 Business,PhaseLine 3 Para 4: scenario (n.)电影剧本、情况、方案Line 5 Para 4: conceptual design= preliminary design 初步设计Line 7 Para 4: iteration after iteration 反反复复Line 8 Para 4: draw on 利用、抽烟 Line 9 Para 4: serviceable有用的、耐用的Line 2 from bottom Para 4: in conformance with 与一致,1.5 Business,1.6 Computer Control of Manufacturing System,Q1: What are the roles of computer-controlled mfg. systems? control stand-alone systems (spray painting) control the use of resources to produce a salable product control complex systems (FMS),1.6 Computer Control of Manufacturing System,1.6 Computer Control of Manufacturing System,Q2: What is the challenging in computer-controlled systems? data communication database management the integration of the many islands of automation,PhaseLine 1 Para 1: useas = viewas 使作为Line 5 Para 1: stand-alone 独立的Line 7 Para 1: a salable product 畅销产品Line 2 Para 2: manufacturing cycle 生产周期Line 2 Para 2: production line 生产线Line 2 Para 2: take over control of 接管Line 5 Para 2: islands of automation 自动化岛Line 1 Para 3: integrated control system 集成控制系统Line 2 Para 3: thrust (n.)插, 戳, 刺, 推力, 猛推, 口头攻击(vt.)力推, 冲, 插入, 挤进, 刺, 戳, 强加, 延伸(vi.)插入, 刺, 戳, 延伸, 强行推进,1.6 Computer Control of Manufacturing System,1.6.1 Computer-Integrated Control System,Q1: What is the definition of ICS ? The philosophy of an ICS is to tie together the subsystems of business, engineering, and production over the complete manufacturing cycle to create a smooth manufacturing business machine.,1.6.1 Computer-Integrated Control System,Q2: What are the targets of ICS? (Computer Integrated Control System )be directed at changing the subtle differences in the meaning of control as the concept is used by rhe various functions in the manufacturing enterprise. be directed at tying together the management objectives for the firm and the various process functions required to produce the product.,1.6.1 Computer-Integrated Control System,Q2: What is the concept and targets of ICS? (Computer Integrated Control System )be directed at creating and controlling a single, integrated plan for operating the facility and producing a cooperative, harmonious working relationship among all parts of the business.,S7-200主机外形,PLC可编程序控制器:PLC英文全称Programmable Logic Controller ,中文全称为可编程逻辑控制器,定义是:一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境应用而设计的。它采用一类可编程的存储器,用于其内部存储程序,执行逻辑运算,顺序控制,定时,计数与算术操作等面向用户的指令,并通过数字或模拟式输入/输出控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。,DCS集散系统: DCS英文全称 DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM ,中文全称为集散型控制系统。DCS可以解释为在模拟量回路控制较多的行业中广泛使用的,尽量将控制所造成的危险性分散,而将管理和显示功能集中的一种自动化高技术产品。,烟雾传感器 红外线传感器,传感器sensor直接作用于被测量,并能按一定方式将其转换成同种或别种量值输出的器件。通常由敏感元件和转换元件组成。当传感器的输出为规定的标准信号时,则称为变送器transducer。,温度传感器 压力传感器,超声波 点钞/验钞磁阻式,发送传感器(或称超声波发送器)-transmitter接收传感器(或称超声波接收器)-receiver,PhaseLine 1 Para 1: tie together 结合成有机整体Line 4 Page 1: account for 考虑到、解释说明 Line 1 Para 2: be directed at 目的在于Line 2 from bottom Para 2: cooperative 合作的Line 1 Para 3: 3C技术=Computer, Communication, CollectionLine 1 Para 3: PLC=Programmable Logic ControllerLine 3 Para 3: user-oriented 面向用户的Object-oriented language 面向对象的语言 Line 1 Para 3: sensor传感器、transducer 变换器,1.6.1 Computer-Integrated Control System,1.6.2 Levels of Control,Levels of Control,The definition of distributed control system,1.6.3 Distributed Control,Supervisory and administration functions, where real-time communication is not so critical, must not interfere with the time-critical control loop.,1.6.3 Distributed Control,Q1: What is the definition of Communication? -the transmission of intelligence between points of origin and reception without alteration of sequence or structure of the information.Q2: What is data communication? -the movement of computer-encoded information by means of electrical transmission,1.6.4 Plant Communication,Q3: What is the heart of communication system? -computersQ4: How to choose a controller? -the Controller should be efficient in the performance of their assigned responsibility,1.6.4 Plant Communication,Summary A key communication issue is access to the up-to-the-minute data to eliminate costly errors, to improve product quality and to improve productivity., Plant Communication,1.6.5 Network Architectures,1.Hardware2.Software3.Protocols4.Data Link Controls5.Local Area Networks6.Topology, Hardware,Definition -the physical equipmentExamples computer, terminals, machines, controllers, modems,,大亚 华为 新桥,调制解调器(即Modem),是计算机与电话线之间进行信号转换的装置,由调制器和解调器两部分组成,调制器是把计算机的数字信号(如文件等)调制成可在电话线上传输的声音信号的装置,在接收端,解调器再把声音信号转换成计算机能接收的数字信号。通过调制解调器和电话线就可以实现计算机之间的数据通信。 作用是利用模拟信号传输线路传输数字信号。,,Definition -a set of programsExamples CWS,AP,OS,DBMS 软件主要是指支持系统运行并对系统进行管理和控制的程序系统。 实时软件 系统软件 应用软件 开发软件,,Definition A protocol is a formal set of conventions about the format and content of messages to be changed.Function establish communications exchange data terminate communications,网络协议即网络中(包括互联网)传递、管理信息的一些规范。常见的协议有:TCP/IP协议、IPX/SPX协议、NetBEUI协议等。在局域网中用得的比较多的是IPX/SPX。用户如果访问Internet,则必须在网络协议中添加TCP/IP协议。,TCP/IP是“transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol”的简写,中文译名为传输控制协议/互联网络协议)协议, TCP/IP(传输控制协议/网间协议)是一种网络通信协议,它规范了网络上的所有通信设备,尤其是一个主机与另一个主机之间的数据往来格式以及传送方式。TCP/IP是INTERNET的基础协议,也是一种电脑数据打包和寻址的标准方法。, Link Controls,asynchronous & synchronous定义: 同步通信要求接收端时钟频率和发送端时钟频率一致。发送端发送连续的比特流。 异步通信时不要求接收端时钟和发送端时钟同步。发送端发送完一个字节后,可经过任意长的时间间隔再发送下一个字节。特点: 异步通信的通信开销较大,但接收端可使用廉价的、具有一般精度的时钟来进行数据通信。, Local Area Network,Definition A data link is an installation of equipment that are operating in a particular way to permit information to be exchanged between installations.Classificationasynchronous & synchronous, Workstation,Phrasescable television tap=CATV有线电视接头infrared diodes for infrared paths红外线二极管用于红外线传输 coaxial TV Cables同轴电视电缆signal-to-noise ratio信噪比low signal radiation低信号辐射low error rate低出错率,,Definition Topology describes the surface layout of the elements comprising the communication network-that is, it is the shape of the system., & Broad-band,2. Internet,2.1 Services Supported by Internet,2.2 Who Uses the Internet,2.3 Internet Origins,


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