Unit3 The Band,Weather,cloud cloudy If it is cloudy, there are a lot of clouds in the sky.,云,多云的,snow snowy If it is snowy, there is a lot of snow.,雪,下雪的,rain rainyIf it is rainy somewhere then there is rain for a long time.,一段时间,sun sunnyWhen the weather is sunny, the sun is shining brightly.,太阳,晴天的,耀眼的,明亮得,wind windyIf it is windy, the wind is blowing a lot.,风,刮风的,fog foggyWhen it is foggy, there is fog. You cannot see places far away.,雾,有雾的,很远,storm stormyWhen the weather is stormy, there are strong winds, heavy rain and dark clouds.,暴风雨,下暴风雨的,强大的,大的,黑暗的,Nov.27th What is the weather like today?It is sunny.,Nov.26thWhat was the weather like yesterday?It was cloudy.,Sentence pattern:,Is 的过去式,昨天,可以用 “last week, last Friday”替换,今天,1. What was the weather like yesterday?It was sunny.2. What was the weather like last week?It was cloudy.,What was the weather like yesterday?,It was windy.,Did you go anywhere?,No, I stayed at home.,Part 5. listen, read and learn.,Have you ever heard of showers of frogs and fish? Well, they do happen. Sometimes the very strong winds suck up the animals from lakes and rivers and then throw them onto the ground. Later on, with the rain. ever:曾经; hear:听,hear of 意思是:听说; hear的过去式是heard.happen: 发生 suck up:卷起来later on :之后,There is an old saying, “it is raining cats and dogs.” It goes back to 17th century England at a time when many dogs and cats ran wild. After a heavy storm, a lot of these animals were found dead. Some people thought they had come down with the rain. Thats why people say its raining cats and dogs.it is raining cats and dogs:下着倾盆大雨;go back to:回到century:世纪;die:死;过去式是died;它的形容词是dead,意思是死的;,7.Listen, read and sing.,You are my sunshine,My only sunshine.You make me happy, When skies are grey,Youll never know ,dear,How much I love you.Please dont take my sunshine away!,Weather sayings,April shower bring May flower. 四月雨带来五月花。2)Flowers close up before a storm.花在暴风雨前合上了。,3)Evening red and morning grey are sure signs of a fine day.4) Evening grey and morning red, put your hat on or youll wet your head.日出胭脂红,无雨也有风。早上烧霞到不了黑,晚上烧霞晴半月。,Sichuan,乐山大佛地处四川省乐山市,岷江、青衣江、大渡河三江汇流处,与乐山城隔江相望。乐山大佛雕凿在岷江、青衣江、大渡河汇流处的岩壁上,依岷江南岸凌云山栖霞峰临江峭壁凿造而成,又名凌云大佛,为弥勒佛坐像。 乐山大佛是唐代摩岩造像中的艺术精品之一,是世界上最大的石刻弥勒佛坐像。大佛双手抚膝正襟危坐的姿势,造型庄严,排水设施隐而不见,设计巧妙。佛像开凿于唐玄宗开元初年(公元713年),是海通和尚为减杀水势,普渡众生而发起,招集人力,物力修凿的,海通死后,海通的弟子接手修筑。直至唐德宗贞元19年(公元803年)完工,历时90年。被诗人誉为“山是一尊佛,佛是一座山”。 乐山大佛景区由凌云山、麻浩岩墓、乌尤山、巨形卧佛景观等组成,面积约8平方公里。景区属峨眉山风景名胜区范围,是国家5A级风景名胜区,闻名遐迩的风景旅游胜地。古有“上朝峨眉、下朝凌云”之说,崇圣寺三塔属全国重点文物保护单位,是南诏国和大理国时期建筑的一组颇具规模的佛教寺庙,位于原崇圣寺正前方,呈三足鼎立之势。崇圣寺初建于南诏丰佑年间(公元824859年),大塔先建,南北小塔后建,寺中立塔,故塔以寺名。现寺的壮观庙宇在咸同年间已毁,只有三塔完好地保留下来,上海东方明珠广播电视塔坐落于黄浦江畔浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望。塔高468米,位居亚洲第一、世界第三的高塔和左右两侧的南浦大桥、杨浦大桥一起,形成双龙戏珠之势,成为上海改革开放的象征。 东方明珠广播电视塔的设计者富于幻想地将十一个大小不一、高低错落的球体从蔚蓝的空中串联到如茵的绿色草地上,两个巨大球体宛如两颗红宝石,晶莹夺目,与塔下新落成的世界一流的上海国际会议中心(1999财富论坛上海年会主会场)的两个地球球体,构成了充满“大珠小珠落玉盘”诗情画意的壮美景观。,Heilongjiang,武夷山 福建.南平 简介: 武夷的美感在于山,其典型的丹霞地貌,素有“碧水丹山”、“奇秀甲东南”之美誉。西部分布着世界同纬度带现存最完整、最典型、面积最大的中亚热带森林。,Tibet,Xingjiang,妙应寺,俗称白塔寺,位于北京市西城区阜成门内大街上。它始建于元代,原名大圣寿万安寺,寺内的白塔是中国现存年代最早、规模最大的喇嘛塔。1961年,妙应寺白塔被中华人民共和国国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位之一。,Making a weather vaneDraw a circle on the cardboard and then cut it out and draw a small circle in the centre and cut it out. Push a stick through. Cut the paper as shown and put it under the cardboard circle. Draw and cut arrow ends and slot them into the smaller piece of wood. Hammer a nail through the centre and then put into a ball-point pen. Tie it to the stick.,风向标,圆圈,硬纸板,谢 谢!,放映结束 感谢各位的批评指导!,让我们共同进步,