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    动词的ing 形式做主语和宾语ppt课件.ppt

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    动词的ing 形式做主语和宾语ppt课件.ppt

    Unit 2,Unit 2Working the land,动词-ing形式作主语和宾语,1. 动词-ing形式是在动词末尾加 -ing,属于非谓语动词。如:do-doing, write-writing, sit-sitting, etc. 否定形式:not + v-ing2. 动词-ing形式作主语或宾语时,也可称为动名词。,动词-ing形式作主语1. 动词-ing形式作主语表示抽象的或泛指的动作, 谓语动词用单数。如:Reading aloud is very important for us to learn a foreign language. Going to bed early and getting up early is considered to be a good habit.,2. 动词-ing形式作主语时常后置, 用it作形式主语,用形容词或名词作表语。常见的作表语的名词或短语有:no use, no good, fun, hard work, a hard / difficult job, a wonder, a waste of time等。如:Is it worthwhile quarrelling with her? Its no good waiting here. Lets go home. It was a waste of time reading that book.,3. “There is + no”后可以用动词-ing形式作主语,表示“没法”。如:There was no telling when this might happen again. 没法预料这样的事什么时候会再发生。There was no knowing what he could do. 他能做什么很难说。,动词-ing形式作宾语 1. 有些动词如admit, avoid, consider, escape, deny, risk, suggest等后能接动词-ing形式作宾语,而不能接动词不定式。如:Were considering paying a visit to the Science Museum.,2. 有些短语如cant help, be used to(习惯于), end up, feel like(想要), lead to, be busy, be tired of(对感到厌倦), be fond of, be afraid of, be proud of, think of / about, put off(推迟), keep on, insist on(坚持), be good at, give up等后常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。如:I have been used to living here. Im fond of collecting stamps and coins.,3. need, require, want作“需要”解时, 后接动词-ing形式作宾语, 主动形式表示被动意义, 相当于to be done。如: The radio needs / requires / wants repairing / to be repaired.,常跟动词ing作宾语的动词歌诀(笔记!),考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想,避免错过继续练,否认完成停能赏,不禁介意准逃亡,不准冒险凭想象。,consider, suggest / advise, look forward to, excuse, admit, delay / put off, fancy avoid, miss, keep /keep on, practise deny, finish, stop, enjoy / appreciate cant help, mind, allow/ permit, escape forbid, risk, imagine,注意 动词-ing形式的复合结构是指在动词-ing形式前面加上逻辑主语来强调动作的执行者,该逻辑主语常为形容词性物主代词或名词所有格;当逻辑主语不出现在句首时,可用人称代词的宾格代替形容词性物主代词或用名词普通格代替名词的所有格。如:,Im annoyed about Johns forgetting to pay.I really cant understand you treating her like that.,2. 动词-ing形式的否定形式是在其前面加not,带有逻辑主语时not应在动词-ing形式之前。如:Not cleaning his teeth made him smell bad.Your schoolmates not coming home in time made her parents worried.,需要注意的问题:,以下的动词后面加动词的不定式作宾语:decide, hope, expect, seem, agree, afford, arrange, choose, offer, plan, promise, determine, demand, manage, fail, prepare, refuse, pretend,常跟不定式作宾语的动词歌诀(笔记!),三个希望两答应,hope; wish; want; agree; promise两个要求莫拒绝, demand; ask; refuse设法学会做决定, manage; learn; decide 不要假装在选择。pretend; choose 想要拒绝命令, want; refuse; order 需要努力学习, need; try; learn 期望同意帮助, expect; agree; help 希望决定开始。 hope; wish; decide; begin; start,以下的动词后面既可接动词的不定式又可以接动词的ing作宾语:hate, love, prefer, remember, forget, regret, like, try, stop, begin, start,既跟动词-ing又接不定式作宾语的动词(笔记),双方一旦开始begin/start ,不论喜欢like, prefer与否hate, dislike ,都得继续continue下去。不管记住remember与否forget ,努力try打算mean停止stop ,后悔regret三个需要want, need, require 。,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。1. Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview. _ the answers ready will be of great help. A. To have had B. Having hadC. Have D. Having,D,2. The parents suggested _ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.A. sleep B. to sleepC. sleeping D. having slept,C,3. How I regret _ so much time in the net bar! I should have studied harder.A. to waste B. wasting C. wasted D. being wasted,B,高考链接,1. Lydia doesnt feel like _ abroad. Her parents are old. A. study B. studying C. studied D. to study,2. Planning so far ahead _ no sense so many things will have changed by next year. A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made,Rewrite the following sentences using the ing form as the subject.Example: It is necessary to get water from wet to dry places. Getting water from wet to dry places is necessary.,1. It is nice to help people in need of help. Helping people in need of help is nice.2. It is not easy to grow super hybrid rice. Growing super hybrid rice is not easy.3. It is not difficult to learn more about farming. Learning more about farming is not difficult.,4. In the countryside it is not as easy to do research as in the city. Doing research in the countryside is not as easy as in the city.5. To get rid of hunger is very important for some African countries. Getting rid of hunger is very important for some African countries.,6. It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students. Explaining this again is important or we will confuse the students.,Which verbs are followed by ing? Which by the infinitive? First write doing or to do over the correct group. Then write the verbs in the box in the correct columns and finally practise making at least four sentences with them.,to do,doing,promise, enjoy, fail, try, finish, hope, stop, begin, afford, forget, like mind, miss, start, plan, keep,promisefailhopeaffordplan,enjoyfinishmindmisskeep,trystopbeginforgetlikestart,1. Finish exercise 4 on Page 13. 2. Next time well learn Organic Farming on Page 14. Find some information.,


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