初中英语语音现象 爆破 连读 弱化等ppt课件.ppt
发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,1.弱读,单词读音的弱化现象Ex: and /nd/ /nd/,/n/,/n/ of /ov/ /v/ can /kn/ /kn/,1.最常见弱读单词, a / e / / am /m/ /m/, / m / an /n/ /n/ and /nd/ /nd/, /n/, /n/ are / ar / / r /, / /(r ) as /z/ /z/ at /t/ /t/ be /bi/ /bI/ been /bin/ /bIn/ but /bt/ /bt/ can /kn/ /kn/ do /du/ /dU/ does /dz/ /dz/ for /fr/ /f /,1.最常见弱读单词, from /fram/ /frm/ had /hd/ /hd/ has /hz/ /hz/ have /hv/ /hv/ he / hi / / hI / her / h:r / /h/,/ / is /Iz/ /z / me /mi/ /mI/ must /mst/ /mst/ not /nat/ / nt / of /v/ /v/ or /r/ / / shall /l/ /l/, /l/ should /Ud/ /d/,1.最常见弱读单词, sir /s:r / /s/ some /sm/ /sm/ than /n/ /n/ that /t/ / t/ the / i / / I / them /m/ / m/ there /r/ / / till /tIl/ / tl / to / tu / /t/ us /s/ /s/ was /waz/ /wz/ were /w:r / /w/, /w/ will /wIl/ /l/ you /ju/ /j/,1.弱读,单词读音的弱化现象Ex: and of to for been he总结:嘴形张得大的音小,发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,2. 略读,单词读音的省略现象 because cause, coz /kz/ goodbye gbye / gbai / goodnightgnight / gnait /,发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,3. 缩读,两个或两个以上单词读音的合并现象. They haveTheyve; They are Theyre He is Hes are not arent,3. 最常见缩读词组总结,are you ya Where ya going?does she dushi Dushi speak English?dont know dunno I dunno him.give me gimme Gimme that.going to gonna Im gonna help him.have got to gotta I gotta help him.in front of in fronna Hes in fronna the house.out of outta Get outta here.want to wanna I wanna go home.what are you Wachya/ wacha Wachya/ wacha doing,发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,4.连读,1. 辅音与元音之间的连读2.元音与元音之间的连读,1.辅音与元音之间的连读,特殊连读-一箭双雕/r/ a number of , for instance ;/n/ in an hour , on a sunny day; /l/ fall on sleep, all of a sudden,2.元音对元音的连读,在元音之间插入j或w, 从而使纯元音音节之间的过渡变得自然、流畅,读起来更加上口。, 前面的单词以元音e或i或ai结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时,在两个单词之间出现j作为过渡 say it stay up he and she she is, 前面的单词以u或o或au结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时,在两个单词之间出现w作为过渡。 go out go away how old,连读规则总结,同一意群 前辅后元 前元后元,发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,5. 同化,/ t / / d / / s / / z / + / j / 读音合并 /t/+/j/ /t/ /d/+/j/ / /s/+/j/ / /z/+/j/ /,/t/+/j/-/t/,Nice to meet youFit you wellLast year,/d/+/j/ /,We need you.Would you please sit down?Hide yourself.,/s/+/j/ /,Well miss you. God bless you .Kiss you goodbye.,/z/+/j/ /,Heres your ticketClose your eyes.As you wish,发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,5.叠合,前面单词结尾辅音=紧随其后的单词的起始辅音为同一个音时,只读一次。 同一辅音相邻只读一次 Eg: next time, some money, hot tea bad dog, book case,发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,6.失爆,失去爆破:指爆破音失去爆破。 当前面的单词以/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/这六个爆破音中的任何一个结尾,而其后的单词是以辅音开头的,这时前面单词中的爆破音失去爆破。,6.失爆,/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/ + 辅音失爆Ex: good boy hot day fat cat hot dogIm a big big girl in a big big world,发音规则,1. 弱读 2. 略读 3. 缩读 4. 连读 5. 同化 6. 叠合 失爆,