,Shawshank Redemption,A Journey of Redemption and Hope,快乐肥仔队MathewPeterBenedict,Speaker :,DifferentSeasons,Stephen King,1983. 8. 29,The Hope of Spring,This book mixed with memories and sort of melancholy reflected Stephens views of contemporary American social culture.,Mathew,1.1,CHAPTER,CHAPTER,CHAPTER,(1),Andy Dufresne,Know everything in prison,Red,TEXT HERE,A banker was slandered into prison,Main Role,E x p e r I e n c e,5 hammer,20years,Digging for,Regain freedom,Inches,Peter / 2.2,video,It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.,About Redemption,Andy save Red,Review,IMPRESSION,Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies,