The Lab Exam,The Lab Exam,The exam will take 10 min and there are 5 cases.You just need write down the name of the disease,do not need to describe the feature.Write your name, ID number and answers on a blank paper.,The exam will take 10 min and,Question 1,病理实验模拟考:留学生实验考试课件,Picture 1,Picture 1,Picture 2,Picture 2,Question 2,病理实验模拟考:留学生实验考试课件,Picture 1,Picture 1,Picture 2,Picture 2,Question 3,病理实验模拟考:留学生实验考试课件,This mass occurrs in breast: Picture 1,This mass occurrs in breast: P,Picture 2,Picture 2,Question 4,病理实验模拟考:留学生实验考试课件,Picture 1,Picture 1,Picture 2,Picture 2,Picture 3,Picture 3,Question 5,病理实验模拟考:留学生实验考试课件,This nodule occurs in thyroid: Picture 1,This nodule occurs in thyroid:,Picture 2,Picture 2,Picture 3,Picture 3,The end!,病理实验模拟考:留学生实验考试课件,