,精品教学课件,授课教师:,八年级上册 课文,外语教学与研究出版社,让孩子的英语学习之路充满阳光。我们一起去发现城堡、发现演绎的乐趣。,上课要求:准备好课本和学习工具 坐姿端正,精神饱满,认真思考,勇于质疑 积极举手回答问题,不讲小话、不插话、完成任务,学校:,精品教学课件授课教师:八年级上册 课文外语教学与研究出版,Module 5,Lao She Teahouse,Module 5Lao She Teahouse,Unit 2,It describes the changes in Chinese society.,Unit 2It describes the changes,学习目标:,words and expressions:act; show; common; twentieth; describe; society; head teacher; college; novel; if; magic,学习目标: words and expressions:,学习目标,1. 学会找出段落大意2.学会找出文章细节3. 能够复述课文,学习目标1. 学会找出段落大意,Lao She,The winter of Jinan,Luo Tuo Xiangzi,Teahouse,He is one of the greatest writers .,Lao SheThe winter of JinanLuo,novel,magic,act,describe,common,society,普通的,一幕,描写,社会,魔术的,小说,novelmagicactdescribecommonsoc,Lao Shes Teahouse(Its a play.),Lao She Teahouse(Its a place.),Wang Lifa,Can you tell the difference?,Lao Shes TeahouseLao She Teah,Watch and read,Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.a) Lao She Teahouseb) The story of Teahousec) Lao She1. _2. _3. _,b c a,Watch and readRead the passage,Reading Skills 阅读技巧,组内讨论:如何找段落大意?请画出关键词语。,Paragraph 1: Teahouse,Paragraph 2: Lao She,Paragraph 3: At Lao She Teahouse,Reading Skills 阅读技巧组内讨论:如何找段落大,The Story of Teahouse,第一段,The Story of Teahouse第一段,The story of Teahouse,1. When did Lao She write the story?,A. In 1957.,B. In the first half of the twentieth century.,2. Where does the story take place?,A. At a theatre in Beijing.,B. At a teahouse in Beijing.,The story of Teahouse1. When,3. The story tells the lives of _ people,such as Wang Lifa and his customers.,The story of Teahouse,4. The story _ the changes in Chinese _ over 50 years.,common,describes,society,3. The story tells the lives o,Lao She,第二段,Lao She第二段,_,19571924191819131899,wrote Teahouseleft home and went to Englandfinished school and became the head teacher of a primary schoolwent to a teachers school,born in Beijing,Lao She,_,Talking about the question,组内讨论:为什么上面的动词都用过去式呢?,与已故人士有关的内容,因其活动发生在过去,习惯上常用过去式。你明白了吗?,Talking about the question组内讨论,连连看,19571924191819131899,born in Beijingwent to a teachers schoolfinished school and became the head teacher of a primary schoolwrote Teahouse,left home and went to England,timeline,连连看1957born in Beijingleft hom,Lao She Teahouse,第三段,Lao She Teahouse第三段,Lao She Teahouse,What can you do at Lao SheTeahouse?A. drink _ B. eat _C.watch_, _ music or_ shows.,tea,delicious Beijing food,the Beijing Opera,traditional,magic,Lao She TeahouseWhat can you d,2,1,3,Talk Show 脱口秀,2 13Talk Show 脱口秀,Teahouse is one of Lao Shes _ plays. It shows the lives of _ people in China. It_ the changes in Chinese _ for more than 50 years.,与老师一起说,most famous,common,describes,society,Teahouse is one of Lao Shes _,Lao She _ in Beijing. He went to a _ school, and taught Chinese at a _ in London. _ he returned to China. He was named _ Chinas greatest writers.,was born,teachers,college,In the end,one of,Lao She _ in Beijing,Come to Lao She Teahouse _you like the Beijing Opera, traditional music of (6) _shows.,if,magic,我要大声说,Come to Lao She Teahouse _yo,Lao Shes Teahousecommon peopleChinese societymagic showsleft schoolprimary schoolone of the greatest writers,What do we learn today?,Lao Shes TeahouseWhat do we l,Write a passage about Lao She.,The winter of Jinan,Teahouse,He is one of the greatest writers .,Homework,born in Beijing, left home and went to London, wrote many stories, novels,Write a passage about Lao Sh,感 谢 聆 听,再见,感 谢 聆 听再见,