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    单元语法聚焦一,Unit 1语法点击,情态动词should的用法1情态动词should的用法should表示“应该;应当”,后跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。should常用于提出意见或建议。如:You should have a good rest first. 你应该先好好休息一下。My brother has a toothache and he should see a dentist. 我哥哥牙痛,他应该去看牙医。2情态动词should的句式变化,单元语法聚焦一,二、重点句型1. What s the matter? 什么事?怎么啦?What s the matter with you?你怎么了?= Whats the trouble with you?= What s wrong with you? 2. W hat should she do?她该怎么办呢?Should I take my temperature?我应该量一下体温吗?主语+ should/shouldnt + 动词原形. .You should lie down and rest.你应该躺下休息一会儿。 You shouldn t go out at night.你晚上不应该出去。,Section A,自 主 预 习,Section A,have a cold,lie down,take ones temperature,have a fever,get off,to ones surprise,wait for,agree to do sth,in time,fall down,Section A,休息,立即;马上,看牙医,陷入麻烦,考虑,Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.,单元语法聚焦二,Unit 2 语法点击,动词不定式动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种。动词不定式是一个重要的语法点。和动词不定式有关的用法有:1动词不定式的语法功能,单元语法聚焦二,单元语法聚焦二,2.“特殊疑问词动词不定式”的复合结构动词不定式可以用在疑问词what, how, when, where, which等之后,作主语、宾语、宾语补足语等。如:How to get there is a problem. 怎样去那里是个问题。(作主语)I dont know what to say. 我不知道说什么。(作宾语)He showed me how to use the computer. 他教我怎样用电脑。(作宾语补足语),自 主 预 习,Section A,clean up,cheer up,put off,call up,used to,try out,make a plan/plans,at the age of,decide to do sth,come true,at the same time,Section A,put up,come up with,分发;散发,分发,照顾;非常喜欢,希望做某事,忙于做某事,Unit 3Could you please clean your room?,1. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure./ Of course/ Certainly.2.Could you please do the dishes? Sorry/ No, I cant.,Key sentence structures,Could you(please).? 表示委婉地提出请求,I have a headache.,Im very busy.,I have to do my homework.,Could I stay out late?,Could I please use the car?,Sorry, you cant. I have to go to a meeting.,Could I please get a ride?,No, you have a test tomorrow.,Yes, you can.,委婉的获得许可,Foroneweek,shedidnotdoanyhouseworkandneitherdidI.一周的时间,她不做任何家务,我也没做。【解析】neither+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语表示“某人(主语)也不”neither两者都不neithernor既不也不,连接两主语时,谓语动词采取就近原则NeitherTomnorJim_astudent.,is,自 主 预 习,Section A,do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the rubbish,make the bed,fold the clothes,come over,takefor a walk,all the time,all day,all evening,in surprise,as soon as,Section A,搭便车,至少,扔下,自 主 预 习,Section A,look through,work out,get on/along with,allow sb. to do sth,on the phone,have a fight with sb./go into a fight with sb,give back,be angry with sb,refuse to do sth,offer to do sth,Section A,闲逛,睡觉,擅长,与交流,Section A,wrong,Why,dont,you,so,that,found,looking,Although,自 主 预 习,Section A,go off,take a shower,make sure,wake up,接电话,睡着,逐渐变弱;逐渐消失,凌乱;杂乱,过去进行时,1. 概念: 表示过去某一时刻或某段时间内正进行的动作。2. 构成: was/were + 动词现在分词3. 用法: a: 表示过去某一时刻正进行的行为, 与特定的过去时间状 语连用,常见的时间有: when从句,at 8 last night, at the time of . at this time,at that time, at that moment,then 等b: 表示过去某段时间内正进行的动作,常见的时间有: while从句,last night, last Sunday,yesterday the whole 等。,过去进行时和一般过去时的区别,1) 过去进行时表示过去正在进行的动作, 而一般过去时则表示一个完整的动作。如:They were writing letters to their friends last night.昨晚他们在写信给他们的朋友。(没有说明信是否写完)They wrote letters to their friends last night .他们昨晚写了信给他们的朋友。(表达了他们已写好的意思, 整个写的过程已完成),when和while都可表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。你知道两者在过去进行时中的用法有什么不同吗?请仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全空格中的内容。,过去进行时中的when和while, I was walking to school when I saw a cat in a tree.When Sally arrived home, her mother was cleaning the house. 主句的动作是持续性的,而从句动作是短暂性的,此时用_引导时间状语从句,主句用_时态,从句用一般过去时态。,过去进行,when, While I was sleeping in the bedroom, someone knocked at the door. David fell while he was riding his bike. 主句的动作是短暂性的,从句的动作是持续性的,此时用_引导从句,主句用_时态,从句用过去进行时态。,一般过去,while, While Andy was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper. He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 主句和从句的动作在过去的某时刻或某段时间同时发生,而且动作都是持续性的,此时用_引导从句,而且主句和从句都_时态。,过去进行,while,UNIT6 An old man tried to move mountains.,自 主 预 习,Section A,instead of,turninto,once upon a time,fall in love,get married,try to do sth,for the first time,有点儿;稍微,继续做某事,看起来像,Section A,As,soon,as,continue,to,reminds,unless,so,that,stop,smiling,got,married,sothat “如此以致” 结构:so+adj./adv.+that引导的结果状语从句 天气如此冷,以至于他们不得不呆在家里。 The weather was so cold that they had to stay at home.(表示结果) 这件外套太贵,我不想买。 The coat is so expensive that I dont want to buy it. (表示结果),so that “以便;以使”so that引导的目的状语从句我穿了一件红外套以便他能很容易地看见我。 I put on a red coat so that he could see me easily.他们又买了一些礼物,为的是我们每人都能有一份。 They bought some more presents so that each of us could have one.,remind vt.1、 使(人)想起,使记起;提醒 remind sb. of/about sb./sth. 使想到某人或某物;提醒某人某物 他使我想起他的父亲。 He reminds me of his father. 务必提醒她妈妈的生日。 Be sure to remind her of the date of her mother., remind sb. that-clause 使人回忆起;提醒某人 看到钟使我想起我晚了。 The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. 请提醒我会议将会被推迟。 Please remind me that the meeting will be put off. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 请提醒我寄那封信。 Please remind me to post the letter.,unless conj. 除非, 如果不 引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式。unless = if not。unless引导条件状语从句时遵循主将从现 1. 如果不多小心的话,你会出事故的。 Unless you take care, youll have an accident. If you dont take care,2.我的妹妹除非饿了,否则她是从来不哭的。 My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry.,seem 连系动词或不及物动词 意为“似乎;好像;看上去”,其常见用法现归纳如1、“主语+ seem +(to be )+n./adj.” (1) 汤姆看上去是一个非常聪明的男孩。 Tom seems (to be ) a very clever boy. (2)那边的那个人看上去像一个新老师。 The man over there seems to be a new teacher. (3)布莱克先生好像十分快乐。 Mr Black seems to be quite happy.,二、“主语+ seem + to v.”这个年轻人看起来变化很大。 The young man seemed to change much. 格林夫人似乎很喜欢这个主意。 Mrs Green seemed to like the idea very much.三、“It seems + that从句”,其中it 是形式主语,that引导主语从句。似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。 It seems that no one knows what happened in the park.,自 主 预 习,Section A,take in,in the face of,asas,即使;虽然,实现某人的梦想,单元语法聚焦七,语法点击,形容词、副词的比较级和最高级1形容词及副词比较级和最高级的构成:(1)规则变化:一般在原级词尾加er或est。wild wilderwildest,talltallertallest以不发音的字母e结尾的只加r或st。latelaterlatest,finefinerfinest 以辅音字母加y结尾的双音节词,先变y为i,再加er或est。heavyheavierheaviest,funnyfunnierfunniest,单元语法聚焦七,以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,需双写词尾辅音字母,再加er或est。hothotterhottest, thinthinnerthinnest在多音节词和部分双音节词原级前加more或most。beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful,carefulmore carefulmost carefulathleticmore athleticmost athletic,单元语法聚焦七,(2)不规则变化:good/wellbetterbest,bad/illworseworst, many/muchmoremost,littlelessleast, farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest, oldolder/elderoldest/eldest,单元语法聚焦七,2: (1)形容词及副词比较级的用法:,单元语法聚焦七,单元语法聚焦七,(2)形容词及副词最高级的用法:,互 动 探 究,词汇点睛,Section A,1population n. 人口;人口数量观察 The population of the world is growing faster and faster.世界人口增长得越来越快。拓展 (1)询问具体人口数量的句型:Whats the population of地点?How many people are there in地点?如:,Section A,Whats the population of Canada?加拿大有多少人口?(2)表示人口的“多少”不用much和little, 用large和small。如:India has a large population. 印度人口众多。(3)有时, population可用作可数名词, 其前可用不定冠词。如:China has a population of about 1.3 billion.中国大约有十三亿人口。,Section A,Section A,Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high. 珠穆朗玛峰8 844.43米高。探究 (1)在英语中,表达长、宽、高、深等概念时,用“数字单位long/wide/high(tall)/deep”。如:9 meters tall 9米高80 meters long 80米长(2)还可以用“数字单位in名词(length/width/height/weight/size)”表示。300 miles long300 miles in length 300英里长10 meters wide10 meters in width 10米宽,自 主 预 习,Section A,(be) full of,hurry up,lose ones life,go out,完成做某事,长大,Section A,Have,read,I,havent,which,book,to,write,Who,else,the,day,I,met,him,单元语法聚焦八,语法点击,现在完成时(一)1构成主语助动词have/has动词的过去分词。2用法表示过去发生或已完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常和already, yet, never, ever, just, before等副词连用。如:I cant find my watch now.I think I have already lost it.,单元语法聚焦九,语法点击,现在完成时(二)现在完成时态中的has/have been to sp. 意为“去过某地”,即现在已经回到说话地;has/have gone to sp.意为“去了某地”,表示现在还没有回到说话地;has/have been in sp. 表示“在某地待了多长时间”。注意:如果看到表示次数的词,例如three times, twice, once 等时,要用has/have been to表示“去过多少次了”。,单元语法聚焦十,语法点击,现在完成时(三)现在完成时通常和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。这样的时间状语有“for时间段”, “since过去的时间点” 或how long等疑问词。如:My uncle has worked at this factory for five years. 我叔叔在这家工厂已经工作五年了。Mr. Black has lived in China since 2002.自2002年起布莱克先生就一直住在中国。注意: 此种用法中的动词必须是延续性动词(否定句除外)。延续性动词和非延续性动词的转换如下:,单元语法聚焦十,单元语法聚焦十,自 主 预 习,Section A,go skating,different kinds of,encourage sb. to do sth,玩得开心,两个;一对;几个,Section A,Have,you,ever,been,to,I,have,Have,you,ever,been,to,I,havent,Me,neither,somewhere,different,Section A,isnt,it,Ive,ever,been,to,Its unbelievable,that,自 主 预 习,Section A,as for,to be honest,bring back,in need,庭院拍卖会,察看;观察,初级中学,清理;丢弃,不再,放弃;交出,


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