Unit 5 My clothes (A Lets learn),Listen to the song:colour song,yellow,red,green,blue,white,brown,Free talk,clothes,dress,red dress,skirt,green skirt,I like that red dress.,I like that green skirt.,hat,blue hat,pants,purple pants,I like those pants,hat,skirt,dress,blue,red,purple pants,green,clothes,pair work,顾客: I like that/those.老板: Here you are.顾客:Thank you.老板: You are welcome.,以小组为单位,一人扮演服装店老板,其余的扮演顾客。,socks,sweater,Whats in her pink box?,What s in her yellow box?,What s in her green box?,Whats in her pink box?,Its a shirt.,Its a skirt.,They are pants.,What s in her green box?,What s in her yellow box?,Homework,Design the clothes you like.,设计自己喜欢的服装,并用今天学过的英语描述给你的伙伴听。,Thank you! Bye-bye!,