UNIT 4 I HAVE A PEN PAL,A LETS TALK,第四单元:我有一个笔友,单元总览,主题:pen pal话题:hobbies and habits功能:呈现,询问,书信、电邮,语言结构:时态:一般现在时(一般疑问句,回答)句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting (He/She likes ) Does he/she like? Yes, / No, 词汇:riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, collecting stamps, making kites, lives, teaches, goes, watches, reads,单元教学目标:知识目标,听说读A/B部分Lets learn, Lets talk中的短语和句子。听说读写Lets talk中的加粗词句和Lets learn中的黑体单词阅读Read and write部分,并对练习部分进行熟练的问答。掌握Pronunciation中音素的发音理解Story time, Good to know的含义,单元教学目标:能力目标,能够简单介绍自己和他人的爱好并问答能够描述他人一天的生活能够唱My Pen Pal,和Lets chant的内容,单元教学目标:情感目标,注重学生拥有有益的兴趣爱好鼓励学生关心他人,广交善友培养学生热爱生活,养成有规律的生活好习惯,教学重点,重点:运用句型进行问答 Whats your/his/her hobby? Does he/she?运用句型表达兴趣爱好 I like doing. He/She likes doing.Lets learn部分短语的认读和运用四会单词和句子的听说读写,教学难点,四会词汇的读写Do you 和Does he/she/Sarah的区别运用I like doing. He/She like doing.Lets read(p48 & p51),Clap your hands, and read it.,What is your hobby?,What is your hobby?,Playing, playing, I like,Collecting, collecting, I like,Riding, riding, I like,Making, making, I like,Diving, diving, I like,playing the violin.,collecting stamps.,riding a bike.,making kites.,diving.,Whats your hobby? hbi业余爱好,lucky dog,Sorry!,Sorry!,Sorry!,Sorry!,playing the violin,collecting stamps,riding a bike,making kites,diving,playing basketball,painting,singing,NEXT,I like,-Whats your hobby?,I like riding a bike.,Lets try录音:,Look!This is Bill. Hes from the U k. He likes playing football. This is Daniel. Hes a university student. hes tall and strong. He likes driving.,-I like painting.,-Do you like painting?,-I like collecting stamps.,-He likes collecting stamps, too.,-Whats his/her hobby?,What is your hobby?,-He/She likes.,PAINTING SHOWTIME: SUNDAYPLACE: MUSEUM,KITE SHOWTIME: SATURDAYPLACE: PARK,BIKE SHOWTIME: SATURDAYPLACE: STADIUM,back,油画展时间:星期天地点:博物馆,风筝展时间:星期六地点:公园,自行车展时间:星期六地点:体育馆,He likesBecause I can see,Mr.Hu,sleeping,a bed.,Lets read英汉对照,Does Mr. Black live in Beijing ?,Yes , he does .,Does Mr. Black live in Dalian ?,No ,he doesnt .He lives in Beijing .,Mr. Black,Beijing,He lives in Beijing .,Where dose your pen pal live ?你的笔友在哪里居住?My pen pal lives in.我的笔友在.居住.,English,teaches English,goes to work,He goes to work by bus .,Mr . Black likes watching TV .,He watches TV at night.,Mr.Black likes reading newspapers .,He reads newspapers every day .,He / She reads newspapers every day .,常见的三人称单数形式的变化,live-lives(居住,住)teach-teaches(教)go-goes(去)watch-watches(看)read-reads ( 读,看),我们都是火眼金睛,I,drink,play,eat,swim,run,.,.,.,.,.,He/She,drink,play,eat,swim,run,.,.,.,.,.,s,s,s,s,s,water , milk , juice , water ; in the river , in the sea ; every day, in the morning,ping pong ,basketball , football ,pingpong,Lets try,Listen and circle.,Lets talk,My mother is a teacher. Does she teach English?No, she doesn t . She teaches math.Does she teach you math?Yes, she does.,Zhang:,Sarah:,Zhang:,Sarah:,Zhang:,Tick and say勾一勾,说一说:,His uncle lives in Urumqi.他叔叔住在乌鲁木齐.,英汉对照,我的新朋友 刘云 爱丽丝是我的新朋友,她住在奥大利亚。她父亲在学校工作。他乘坐公共汽车去上班。 她母亲是个护士。她在医院工作。她开车去上班。 爱丽丝和她姐姐是对双胞胎。她们看上去一样,但她们非常不一样。每天早上,爱丽丝骑自行车去上课,而安妮走路去上学。每天晚上,爱丽丝看报纸,她姐姐安妮看动画片。在星期六,爱丽丝经常去公园玩,安妮通常制作风筝。 我每周都写邮件给爱丽丝。爱丽丝说她全家很快来中国。我很激动。,1.填充信息:,2.把你们的卡片放在一起,挑选张并找出这是谁的卡片.A:这是一个男孩.B:他喜欢画画吗?A:是的,他喜欢.C:他乘公交车上学吗?A:不,他不乘公交车上学.B:他走路上学吗?A:是的B:这是吴一凡.A:对了.,pronunciation,/ / / / /r/ /:/ shirt learn ragwort 衬衫 学习 狗舌草/ usher pleasure colour mirror 接待员 愉快 颜色 镜子Read and match:读一读,连一连:,earth 地球,Mirror镜子,shirt 衬衫,learn 学习,:,:t,l:n,mir,Lets check录音,Bill lives in Australia. He works in a TV company. He goes to work by bus. He usually reads newspapers on the bus. He goes back home at about six. He watches TV in the evening. He likes collecting stamps. He often plays basketball on weekends.Key: (1).Yes, he does.(2).No he doesnt, (3). Yes, he does. (4). No he doesnt.(5). Yes, he does.,Good to know,怎样给你的外国朋友的信封上写地址。return address(sender)加信地址(发送者),stamp邮票,name姓名,Street address街道地址,City proyincev(state)城市,省(州),Postal code邮政号码,中英文写信格式的区别,由于文化的差异,中国人写信时地址的排列顺序是从大到小的顺序.如:中国云南省昭通市昭阳区路113号. 而西方写信时地址的排列顺序是从小到大的顺序写的.如:55Shatan Houjie沙滩后街55号Dongcheng District东城区Beijing, P.R.C.100009北京邮编 100009,英汉对照,(1).Joe:猴子住在山上吗?Dad:是的.Joe:我喜欢猴子,你呢?Dad:我也是的.(2).(突然,乔看见了一只猴子)Joe:看!一只小猴子,它受伤了.Dad:是的.(3). Joe:我们照顾他吧.Mom:好的,给他取名叫Ben怎样?Joe:好的.(4). Mom: Ben不可以永远和我们生活在一起.让我们把它送到动物园去.Joe:不,不.(5). Joe:(啜泣)不,让他跟我们呆在一起.Mom: Joe,我们走.().parents:嘿,Joe,你在干什么?Joe:我喜爱Ben,从现在起我要跟他生活在一起.,Joe:Dad:,