人教版新目标英语七年级下册第九单元课件,Unit 7 What does he look like?,Learning goals:,1. Be able to describe the appearance and draw some pictures according to it.(学会描述人的外貌,并根据描述画出人像)2. Learn to talk about the main features of the appearance of characters (学会谈论人物的主要特征如身高、体重、发型等)3. Learn to be friendly to describe others appearance and improve the friendship. (学会友好地谈论外貌,增进友谊),short,heavy,tall,thin,medium height,medium build,中等的,/ hait /,高度,/ bild /,体格,重的,高的,瘦的,矮的,short,tall,What does he look like?He is,t:l,:t,mi:djm hait,What does he look like?He is,heavy,thin,medium build,short tall medium height 矮的 高的 中等身高 thin heavy/fat medium build 瘦的 重的/胖的 中等身材,height,and,build,straight,hair,curly,short,long,k:li,:t,streit,l,She has long curly hair.,She has long straight hair.,curly hair,long hair,straight hair,long hair,Lets describe their hair !,She has short straight brown hair.,short hair,straight hair,brown hair,Hair 头发short hair long hair curly hair straight hair,描述头发长短+形状+颜色,她有一头短的黄色的卷发。She has short curly yellow hair.他有一头乌黑的长发。 He has long black hair.,New Words Focus,Words for describing people,1. height(高度) : tall, medium height, short2. build (体格) : heavy, medium build, thin 3. hair (头发): short hair, long hair ,straight hair, curly hair black hair, brown hair, blonde hair4. others(其余表达) :glasses, sweater, T-shirt, dress,skirt, pants, shirt, jeans, shoes, good-looking ,beautiful, handsome.,Description about myself 我的自画像,Hello !.I am tall/of medium height / short .I am heavy / of medium build / thin . I have _ hair . .,1a,Match the words with the pictures.1.short hair_2.curly hair _3.long hair _4.straight hair _5.tall _6.short _7.medium height _8.thin _9.heavy_10. medium build_,c,f,a,a,d,h,e,b,g/a,e/c,tall,curly,hair,1b,Lets play a guessing game.,short black hair,two small eyes,a big nose,a big mouth,He has short black hair, big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth.,He is not tall.He is popular.,He is a great actor.,He can do Chinese kung fu.,1.,2a,Listen and circle “is” or “has” .,is / has tall. is / has heavy. is / has curly hair. is / has of medium height is / has thin. is / has long hair. is / has short. is / has of medium build. is / has short hair.,David,Pete,Sally,火眼金睛找规律He has short hair.He has long hair.He has curly hair.He has straight hair.He is tall He is of medium height He is shortHe is heavy He is of medium build He is thin,have(has)形容词名词,be 形容词,注意:说某人是“中等个子”或“中 等身材”时,要用“be of”, 而不能用have/has, 也不能只用is.,He/She is and He/She is of He/She has hair /eyes.He /She is a player/singer.He/She likesOh, his/her names,Groupwork (Describe your favorite stars),2010.4长沙发生抢劫杀人案,一男子抢劫杀人后逃离现场公安人员迅速展开调查并确定主要犯罪嫌疑人。,受重伤的保安还躺在病床上,生命垂危,警察根据附近居民的描述搜捕罪犯。 他究竟长什么样子?,最新消息:该罪犯已逃往河北秦皇岛,希望人们行动起来,抓捕罪犯。该罪犯相貌特征为:,He is tall and he is heavy. He has no hair. He has a big nose and small eyes. He wears a pair of sunglasses. He wears a black shirt ,blue pants and white shoes. He likes smoking(吸烟).,Please draw a picture about the robber(抢劫犯)according to the description. Hurry up,我的收获,1. Be able to describe the appearance and draw some pictures according to it.(学会描述人的外貌,并根据描述画出人像)2. Learn to talk about the main features of the appearance of characters (学会谈论人物的主要特征如身高、体重、发型等)3. Learn to be friendly to describe others appearance and improve the friendship. (学会友好地谈论外貌,增进友谊),一.写出下列词或词组的反义词。long _ thin _tall _ big _old _ difficult _good _ curly _,short hair _,Exercise,short,heavy,short,small,new/young,easy,bad,straight,long hair,二.用is, has, 或with 填空。 1. He_tall and he _big eyes. 2. She _of medium height,and she _curly hair. 3. She_ very short and she _very young 4. He is tall_ brown hair and he _ heavy . 5. There is a girl _ long hair in the street. She _ flowers in her right hand.,is,has,is,has,is,is,is,with,with,has,1. Lucy looks l_ her sister Lily. 2. My dogs h_ is white and long. 3. Her friend is of medium b_. 4. My sister is of medium h_. 5. Li Wen has short c_ hair.,三、 Fill in the blanks,ike,air,uild,eight,urly,Drawing and Writing画一幅你们任意授课老师的图像,并加以描述,然后送给他们。,Homework,Everyone is special! 人人都很特别!Everyone is important! 人人都很重要!,Dont judge the others by their appearance .不要以貌取人.,Goodbye !,