Unit 6 Im watching TV. 单元主题写作,每天晚上的这个时候,你和你的家人都在干什么呢?晚上的生活是不是也很丰富多彩呢?下面我们看看Mary和她的一家正在干什么吧?,单元主题写作,假如你是Mary, 现在是晚上七点半, 请根据下表提供的信息, 写一篇短文描述Mary一家人此时的活动情况, 可以适当补充内容, 短文不得少于60词。,写作实践,写作实践,思路构建,Hello! My name is Mary. I have a happy family. It is 7:30 in the evening now. My family are all at home. My father is reading a newspaper. He likes reading. My mother is doing the dishes. She is a good mother. She does much housework for our family. My grandparents are watching TV. Tom is my little brother. He is playing with the cat. Im doing my homework. We are having a good time.,精彩范文,1. Now its (oclock). 2. Toms family are all at home. 3. Look!My father/ mother is doing the dishes/watching TV. 4. Listen! My sister is singing/playing the piano in her bedroom. 5. Whats my brother/sister doing?6. My brother is playing with the dog/playing the guitar/watching a talk show. 7. Everyone is busy. 8. We are all having a good time/having fun/happy.,同类话题写作积累,现在是周日早上9点,你的朋友们正在不同的地方做不同的事情。请你根据下图及英文提示,写一篇英语短文描述他们的活动。,实战演练,2018年中学下学期语文教学工作总结分析学下学期语文教学工作总结学下学期语文教学工作总结一个学期的结束,预示着一学年又匆匆而过。在这个学年里,换了一批学科同盟。开始和zz搭档,后来zz换成了zz。配合默契,搭档愉快。而班主任zz和zz,途zz转接了zz的班级。年级主任zz伴随我们始终。最后半月年级大调整,zz和zz共管理六个班级,形成竞争局面。而几乎所有初二老师都被原初三年级的老师提前接受。把初二学生在升级前,变成了初三。这一切的变动和调整,都是工作和现实的需要。说说只为以后回忆时,便于区别其它年岁。在这一个学年的教学工作,有点收获但更多的是不足。一、在备课上这一个学期的备课,在用心程度上,一如既往。哪怕我的备课排名不在前列,但是我自我感觉还是比较用心的。每一次,都会结合教材教参,把资料和网络上的知识点汇总在备课活页上,力争不出现知识上的疏漏。每一节课、每一篇文章,我都会认真去搜集,尽可能做好知识储备。有的老师形容知识储备好比桶水、自来水,也许我的做法就向这方面靠拢吧。尽可能发挥学生自觉主动性,让学生自主去搜集、整理,老师做到有备无患。例如,在与朱元思书一文,“蝉则千转,提示:,实战演练,要求:60词左右,可适当发挥。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。,Its 9:00 a. m. on Sunday. Where are my friends? What are they doing?_,Look! This is Ben. He is taking photos in the park. Linda is shopping with her friends in the shop now. Next week is her mothers birthday. She wants to buy a dress for her mother. Bill is good at sports. He is playing soccer in the playground. Bob likes books a lot. He is reading a book in the library. Everyone is having fun.,实战演练,