翻译概论翻译 直译和意译ppt课件.ppt
直译和意译,定义和运用和示例意译的功能和示例意译和直译的对比和统一,一)Literal translation 直译,定义:直译指在翻译过程中按原文逐字逐句一对一的翻译。 特点:直译是一种重要的翻译方法,它有 不少优点,能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。据估算,大约70%的句子要用直译方法来处理,所以直译广为译者采用,二)直译和死译,直译决非死译。 死译也叫逐词翻译(word-for-word translation),翻译时是以词为单位进行考虑的,力求翻译目标语的每一个词都能与原语中的词绝对对等,这是一种“对号入座”式的翻译,在同一语系的语言之间大多可以。但在不同语系的语言之间,如英语和汉语,则不可以。,三)直译和死译的区别,(1)It was an old and ragged moon. 死译:那是一个又老又破的月亮。 直译:这是一弯下弦残月。 (2)好是很好,可是买这么多扇子干什呀? 死译:Good is very good,but buy so many fans do what? 直译: It is good, but why do you buy so many fans?,直译的运用,(1) 某些习语和短语的翻译 (2)含义广为流传,读者较为熟悉的短语、习语等,直译可以丰富译语语言。 (3)英语句子结构与中文较为接近时,直译能使译文显得通顺自然。,某些习语和短语的翻译,cold war 冷战hot line 热线hot girls in cool suit, spicy girl 辣妹Hot-selling books 热销书/畅销书black market 黑市pillar industry 支柱产业 Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水,含义广为流传的短语、习语,1) He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then wiped his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief. 他走在送葬队伍的前头,还不时用一条大手绢抹去那鳄鱼的眼泪。 2) The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today extended the olive branch to the Clinton Government by pleading for cooperation in developing foreign policy. 参议院外交委员会今天向克林顿政府伸出了橄榄枝,要求在发展外交政策上合作。,英语句子结构与中文较为接近时,1) “Merry”, as you may know, has two meanings: happy and drunk. 你可能知道“MERRY”有两层意思:快乐和醉酒。 2) Ill always remember Thanksgivings as the times we ate good food, sang old-fashioned songs, and shared a lot of love with family and friends. 我将永远记得,感恩节是我们吃美食、唱老歌、与家人朋友分享爱的时刻。,意译的功能和示例,意译的功能围绕“效果”译者可以对原文的词句顺序、逻辑关系、修辞手段等进行调整和变通,来使译文地道流畅符合译入语读者的阅读习惯更好地传达原文的艺术效果,Rebecca,吕蓓卡 VS 蝴蝶梦,理论根据,意译的理论根据在于 不同文化间的差异,示例,You can trust him completely,he eats no fish,意译为: “你完全可以相信他,他是个诚实的人。” “你完全可以相信他,他不吃鱼”,“eat no fish”这个习语产生于伊丽莎白一世时代。当时信奉天主教的英国人按照罗马天主教定下的法规,每逢星期五那天只吃鱼不吃其他的肉。英国天主教也把星期五定为“fish day”,但是,信奉基督教的人却不理会这套,星期五他们照样吃其他的肉,因此得出“He eats no fish ”以此来赞扬他们对基督教的忠诚。因此“eat no fish”就转义为“忠诚,诚实,可以信赖”。,escape with the skin of ones teeth,意译为: 死里逃生、幸免遇难,这个成语来源于圣经: My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh,and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth ( 我的皮肉紧贴骨头,我只剩牙皮逃脱了。) 牙上本没有皮,“只剩牙皮逃脱了”,是言其极险,除了保全生命之外全部丧失,因此以后在文中出现通常要意译。,断肠”“breaking ones intestines” “heart-breaking” “玉颜” “jade face”,直译和意译兼用,在翻译实践中,直译和意译是不可分割的。直译和意译兼用也被看作是 “平行式转换” (Paralleling)(刘宓庆当代翻译理论。这中翻译方法是指在翻译过程中将直译和意译二者结合,交替使用。,(1). I want a man who will throw his hat over the Chindwin and then lead his troops after it. 我要的是这样一个人,他决心在钦敦江破釜沉舟,然后率领部队前进。,(2)She didnt like him much, but if she went out with him, itd be one in the eye for Kath. 她并不怎么喜欢他,可是如果她跟他一起出去玩,那到可以让凯丝心中感到不是滋味。,(3)Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door. 鲁丝一直在扰乱别的孩子,我就把她撵了出去。(4) Dont take the low-fat label as a license to eat. 不能因为食品标明低脂肪,而敞开食用。,从跨文化语言交际和文化交流的角度来看,意译强调的是译语文化体系和原语文化体系的相对独立性。意译更能够体现出本民族的语言特征。例如习语、诗词、成语等的翻译,常常通过意译来达到“信、达、雅”,直译与意译的对比例证分析(1),塞翁失马,焉知非福 【直译】When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise? 【意译】 A loss may turn out to be gain.,例证分析(2),三口之家 nuclear family三世同堂 the extended family with three generations under the same roof. 爸爸,感谢您对我们的爱,你的辛勤工作让我和妈妈衣食无忧。 Dear dad, thank you for your affection on us, your hard work,例证分析(3),胆小如鼠 as timid as a hare一箭之遥 at a stones throw 落汤鸡 wet like a drown rat 蠢得像猪 as stupid as a goose 犟得像牛 as stubborn as a mule 缘木求鱼 seek a hare in a hens nest 守口如瓶 as dumb as an oyster,直译的译法,而直译既保持原文内容,又保持原文形式,特别注重保持原文比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。,例证分析,But I hate Sakamoto, and I had a feeling hed surely lead us both to our ancestors.但是我恨版本,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先。,直译的特点,直译还有助于不断从外国引进一些新鲜的生动词语、句法结构和表达方法,使我们祖国的语言日益丰富、完善、精密:如,“一石双鸟”来自英语to kill two birds with one stone“连锁反应”来自英语chain reaction“掉鳄鱼眼泪”来自英语to shed crocodile tears,如果觉得不够,第一部分可以加点warm-up exercise, 后面部分可以加点 除了直译意译外的东西,THANK YOU !,