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    翻译篇第五章 短文翻译练习ppt课件.ppt

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    翻译篇第五章 短文翻译练习ppt课件.ppt

    Progressive Translation 翻译篇,第五章 短文翻译练习,第五章 短文翻译练习,把下列各短文翻译成汉语,注意灵活运用本书前面各章节所介绍的翻译理论、翻译方法和翻译技巧。,(1) Fire Making,At first men did not know how to make fire. When they had a fire, they did not let it stop burning. If it went out, they could not start it again. They had to wait for lightning to start another fire. Sometimes they had to wait for years. Later, they discovered how to make fire. If you rub two pieces of wood together, they become hot and burn. You have to rub very fast! One way of doing it is to make a little hole in a piece of wood. Pieces of wood or dry leaves are put into the hole. Then you put the end of a stick into the hole. You rub the,stick between the hands. This makes it turn very quickly. The end in the hole becomes very hot. The small pieces of wood and dry leaves begin to burn.,生火,开始人们不懂得怎样生火。有了火时,他们就不让它熄灭。如果火灭了,他们就无法再生起来。他们只好等待闪电引起另一场大火。有时候,他们要等数年之久。后来,人们发现了取火的办法。如果你拿两块木头相互摩擦,木头变热,就会燃烧起来。你得摩擦得非常快。办法之一是在一块木头上挖一个小洞,在里面放些木片或干树叶。然后,把一根木棒的一端放入洞内,双手搓动木棒,使它迅速转动。置于洞中的那段木棒变得很热,小木片和干树叶就开始燃烧起来。,第五章 短文翻译练习,第五章 短文翻译练习,(2) The Solar System,The Sun, its planets and their moons, together with the asteroids and comets constitute the Solar System, which lies in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way, the cluster of millions of stars which forms our own Galaxy. There are nine known planets in the Solar System. The Earth being the largest of the inner group, and they all rotate around the Sun, a dense, roughly spherical mass of glowing, pulsation matter 1,384,000 km across and the only star in the Solar System.,第五章 短文翻译练习,太阳系,太阳及其恒星和卫星与诸多小行星一起构成了太阳系。太阳系位于银河系的一个螺旋臂中。银河系是由几百万颗恒星组成的星云。太阳系中已知的行星有九颗,地球是内行星中最大的一颗行星。九颗行星都围绕太阳旋转。太阳是由发光的脉动物质组成的一个稠密而粗糙的球形气团,其直径为138.4万公里,是太阳系中唯一的恒星。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(3) Nowhere and never in the world can there have been a deeper peace; and the bells from the little red church down by the river seemed to be the music of it, as the song of birds is the music of spring. There one saw how beautiful the life of man can be, and how men by the innocent labors of many generations can give to the earth a beauty it has never known in its wildness. And all this peace, one knew, was threatened; and threat came into ones mind as if it were a soundless message from over the great eastward plain; and with it the beauty seemed unsubstantial and strange, as if it were sinking away into the past, as if it were only a memory of childhood.,第五章 短文翻译练习,世间任何地方在任何时候都不可能领略比这儿更为深沉的和平。从山下河畔那座红砖小教堂传出的钟声,像是和平的主题音乐,正如啁啾鸟语是春天的音乐一样。在这儿,你看到了人类的生活是多么的美好,人类又如何以祖祖辈辈的诚实劳动给土地带来了一种土地在蛮荒时代从未领略的美。然而,你也意识到,这儿的和平景象正遭到威胁。这威胁如同从向东延伸的大平原上传来的无声信息,随之,这儿的田园之美顿时变得空虚而诡异,似乎正融入往昔而渐渐消失,宛若童年的记忆。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(4) George died in January, 1936, and succeeded by his son Edward , who, as a Prince of Wales, like his grandfather Edward , had achieved a reputation as a rather gay blade. Edward intended to marry an American, Mrs. Warfield Simpson, whose second divorce was pending. Stanley Baldwin, a premier, made the question of marriage a constitutional one. He refused permission for the King to marry Mrs. Simpson, even though Edward proposed that the marriage should be on a morganatic basis and that children, if there be issue, should not inherit the throne. While the King might reign, the prime minister ruled. On December 10, 1936, Edward made a farewell broadcast, announcing his abdication to his people.,第五章 短文翻译练习,乔治五世于1936年1月逝世,他的儿子爱德华八世继承了王位。当爱德华八世还是威尔士亲王的时候,就和他的祖父爱德华七世一样,是个有名的浪荡子弟。爱德华打算和一个第二次离婚手续尚未了结的美国女人沃费尔德辛普森夫人结婚。担任首相的斯坦利鲍尔温把国王的婚姻问题作为宪法问题来对待。尽管爱德华表示他们的婚姻是上层社会男子与下层社会女子的结合,如果生下儿女,不应继承王位,但是鲍尔温还是不肯答应国王与辛普森夫人结婚。国王可以君临,但首相实际当政。1936年10月10日,爱德华通过广播发表告别演说,向英帝国各族人民宣布退位。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(5) To Mrs. Bixby, Boston, Mass.,Dear Madam, I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which shall attempt to you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the public they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of you bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and the lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly,第五章 短文翻译练习,a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. Yours very sincerely and respectfully, ALincoln,致麻省波士顿比克斯比夫人的信,亲爱的夫人:,在陆军部的一份档案里,我看到了麻省(麻萨诸塞州)副官长的一份声明:您是光荣地牺牲在战场上的五个儿子的母亲。我觉得任何试图使您摆脱如此沉重损失的痛苦的言词,都必然是苍白无力、于事无补的。但是,我不能不向您表示慰问,尽管您可能发现,这已体现在你的儿子用生命拯救的民众的感激之情里。在此我祈求省府减少您的丧子之痛,留给您的仅仅是对失去的亲人的永久缅怀,以及您为自由圣坛献上这份如此昂贵的祭品而必定属于您的崇高自豪感。,顺致真诚的敬意!,A林肯,第五章 短文翻译练习,(6) British newspapersall of them some of the time, and some of them almost all the timebehave badly in two ways. They intrude unnecessarily into peoples privacy; and they publish inaccurate, sometimes made up stories. The victims have little redress. If they are rich and the article is defamatory, they can sue for libel. Most cannot afford to do so, and even the rich cannot prevent an invasion of their privacy. Fierce competition between newspapers, particularly between tabloid newspapers, leads to more feet in more doors.,第五章 短文翻译练习,英国的报纸有两种恶行:一是无端侵犯别人的私生活,;二是刊登失实的有时甚至是无中生有的报道。所有的报纸都无一例外,有的偶尔为之,有的则几乎天天如此。受害人很少能得到赔偿。若是有钱人家,而报纸刊登的文章又确是恶意中伤,那么他可以以诽谤罪向法院起诉。但大多数受害者是打不起这类官司的。即使是有钱人家也不能使自己的隐私免受侵犯。各种报纸之间,特别是各种图片小报之间的激烈竞争,导致这种侵犯隐私的行为日见增多。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(7) I discovered the worth of super slow reading years ago. Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decided, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar. I had started with the practical object of making my book last. But by the end of the second week I began to realize how much I was getting from super slow reading itself.,第五章 短文翻译练习,Sometimes just a particular phrase caught my attention, sometimes a sentence. I would read it slowly, analyze it, read it againperhaps changing down into an even lower gearand then sit for 20 minutes thinking about it before moving on. I was like a pianist studying a piece of music, phrase by phrase, rehearsing it, trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey.,第五章 短文翻译练习,几年之前,我发现了超慢速阅读的妙处。在那之前,如果我对一本书感兴趣,我就会一页一页拼命往前翻,急于想知道下文的究竟。现在,我决定当一个词汇的守财奴,把每个句子当作穷汉身上的最后一块钱,让它尽量拖长。我开始的目标很实际,就是想把自己读一本书的时间拉长一些。但两个星期之后,我开始领略到超慢速阅读本身给我带来的益处。吸引我注意的有时是个别的短语,有时是整个句子。我会慢慢地读,慢慢地分析,然后再回头重读这次速度可能放得更慢之后静坐冥想20分钟,这才接着往下读。我就像一个钢琴演奏家在品位一段音乐,一个乐段一个乐段地领会,接着练习一番,尽可能地挖掘并准确地重现作曲家所要表达的内容。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(8) There is a general rule of thumb, probably existing since the earliest days of international trading, that selling must be carried out in the customers language unless the commodity is in short supply or there is a monopoly provider. The linguistic consequence of this is that language popularity will follow markets: “the merchant speaks the customers language.” In import export terms, the language of the customer will tend to dictate the process. Since most countries aim to balance the value of imports and export, at least roughly, then the language effect should be reciprocal. Therefore it might be argued that the world status of a language depends less on GDP than on the extent to which its native speakers trade their goods and services internationally.,第五章 短文翻译练习,可能从国际贸易诞生之日起就存在一条通用的经验法则:除非存在商品供应不足或卖方垄断的情况,否则交易必须以买方的语言进行。其语言方面的后果就是语言的通用程度受市场制约:“商人讲顾客的语言”。用进出口的术语来表达,就是顾客的语言通常主导整个贸易进程。由于多数国家致力于使其进出口额平衡或起码大致平衡,所以贸易对语言的影响应该是相互的。因此可以说,某一语言的世界地位不是取决于一个国家的GDP,而是取决于其使用者在多大程度上进行商品和服务的国际贸易。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(9) But international trade is often a complex, cross-border business: goods are taken from one country, refined or given added value by a second, sold to a third, repackaged, resold and so on. Such multilateral trade brings with it greater reliance on lingua francas.,English is the preferred, though not the sole, language of external trade for European countries. Japan and the U.S. also use English widely for international trade. The overall pattern seems to be that trade driven the Big Three encourages the use of English globally. But as patterns of trade change, so patterns of language use may change. The key to understanding the future of business English will lie in the extent to which other languages become important trade lingua francas for internal trade within Asia and Latin America.,第五章 短文翻译练习,但国际贸易经常是复杂的、跨国界的交易:商品从一国运走,在另一国精加工或增值,再卖给第三国,再包装,再销售,如此等等。这种多边贸易造成了人们对通用语言与日俱增的依赖。,在欧洲国家对外贸易中,英语虽不是唯一的语言,却是人们最愿意使用的语言。日本和美国在国际贸易中也广泛使用英语。总体形势似乎是“三大”集团推动的贸易促进了英语在全球范围内的使用。但随着贸易形势的变化,语言使用的形势也会发生变化。要想知道商务英语的未来,关键要看其它语言能在多大程度上成为亚洲和拉丁美洲内部贸易中重要的通用商务语言。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(10) As world population becomes denser, we feel greater pressure from the expanding number of people. There are those who argue that we are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can support adequately, and they feel we should turn to compulsory birth control. And, on the other hand, there are those who feel that if birth control is imposed on the population, the future of mankind would be seriously jeopardized. They think that very intelligent people would be more likely to have fewer children, and this would bring about a lowering of the general level of intelligence in the population as a whole. However, I can see a fallacy in this argument. In addition to genetics, intelligence depends on an adequate diet, a,第五章 短文翻译练习,good home environment, parental attention, and educationall of which are increasing in the world as the general population becomes more affluent.,随着世界人口的不断增长,我们由此感到的压力也越来越大。有人认为人口增长已接近地球所能承受的限度。他们认为我们应采取强制性的人口控制措施。但是另一些人则认为采取人口控制措施会给人类的将来带来严重的危害。他们认为智商极高的人更有可能因此减少生育,从而造成整个人类智力的下降。然而,我认为这种说法也有荒谬之处。除了遗传基因外,人类智力的高低还取决于足够的营养、良好的家庭环境、父母间的关系以及所受的教育。随着人类生活水平的逐渐提高,这一切也正在得到改善。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(11) It is no simple task to identify the reasons for the rise in the number of people living alone and establishing their own households, for it is a complicated phenomenon involving several factors. For some, they are benefiting from a decrease in the social stigma against flying solo. In the past, the tongue-clicking assumption was that if man was not married, he must be poor, and if a woman was not, she must be undesirable. Now living alone has become socially acceptable. For others, the improved standard of living helps to fulfill their old dream. That is, financial comfort has contributed to the rise in one person households.,第五章 短文翻译练习,要找出宁愿单身而不愿结婚人数上升的原因并不简单。因为这是涉及诸多因素的复杂现象。其中有些人之所以选择单身的生活方式,是因为社会认为单身不再是什么丢人的事了。过去,如果到了婚龄而不结婚,会被人暗地耻笑:男的必是太穷,女的定是嫁不出去了,等等。现在过单身生活已为社会所接受。对另一些人来说,生活水平的提高,使他们得以实现宿愿,即经济上的宽裕使得越来越多的人能够过上独身生活。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(12) Now think what kind of results the current population growth will bring about. The first and most obvious result is that improvement in agriculture will never be able to catch up with the increase in population, and more people will suffer from hunger, malnutrition and chronic or periodical famine. Second, as a large population “mines the soil” in a desperate search for food, the destructive processes of erosion and deforestation will be speeded up. And finally, the increasing pressure of population upon resources will result in increasing political and social unrest, and this unrest will culminate in wars and revolutions.,第五章 短文翻译练习,想一想目前的人口增长会带来怎样的后果。首先最明显的是农业的进步永远跟不上人口的增长速度,于是更多的人会挨饿,会营养不良,会遭受长期或周期性的饥荒。其二,由于大量的人在拼命开垦土地种植粮食,土地退化、森林减少的破坏性进程会加快。最后,由于人口增长对资源造成越来越多的压力,随之而来的将是日益加剧的政治和社会动荡,而这将导致战争与革命。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(13) To produce the upheaval in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid-1860s to the mid-1880s, three primary causes interacted. The emergence of a half-dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was needed. Moreover, an outcry for a fresher, more practical, and more advanced kind of instruction arose among the alumni and friends of nearly all of the old colleges and grew into a movement that overrode all conservative opposition. The aggressive “Young Yale” movement appeared, demanding partial alumni control, a more liberal spirit, and a broader course of study. The graduates of Harvard College simultaneously rallied to relieve the colleges poverty and demand new enterprise. Education was pushing,第五章 短文翻译练习,toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new sense of public duty.,从19世纪60年代中期到19世纪80年代中期,改变了美国高等教育并促成其现代化剧变的有三个互相作用的因素。六位教育界领导者的出现保证了所需的人力资源,除此之外,要求更新、更实用、更高层次教育的呼声在几乎所有老式学院的校友和朋友之间响起并发展成为压倒所有保守派的一场运动。咄咄逼人的“青年耶鲁”运动出现了,要求学生参与学校管理,要求更自由的精神和更广的选课范围。哈佛学院的毕业生一致团结起来缓解学校的贫困状况并要求有新的发展。东部地区各高等学府抛弃了教堂的领导,西部地区的高校则扩大了学习范围,树立了一种新的社会责任感,由此把教育推向了更高的标准。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(14) We all know that science plays an important role in the society in which we live. Many people believe, however, that our progress depends on two aspects of science, the first of which is the application of the machines, products and systems of applied knowledge that scientists and technologists develop. Through technology, science improves the structure of society and helps man to gain increasing control over his environment. The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.,第五章 短文翻译练习,我们都知道,科学在我们生活里起着重要的作用。然而许多人认为,我们的进步取决于科学的两个方面:第一个方面是应用科学和技术专家创造出来的机器、产品和应用知识系统。科学通过技术来改进社会结构和帮助人们提高其对周围环境的控制能力。第二个方面是全体社会成员(从政府官员到普通公民)都使用科学家们在工作中所采用的那种特殊的思维方法和行为方式。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(15) Because of growing concern over the negative effects of technology, it is necessary that steps should be called for to plan and guide its future direction. Here are a few examples of the measures that might be taken: the political system must exert more effective control over technology, it cannot be left simply to economic considerations of the market; better means must be found to anticipate the consequences, both intended and unintended, of technology; and more reliable information and analysis about technological developments must be available to citizens at large.,第五章 短文翻译练习,由于人们对技术发展所产生的副作用越来越关切,因此很有必要出台一些措施来计划和引导技术的未来发展方向。下面的措施可以一试:政治制度必须发挥作用,更有效地控制技术,而不能只让市场经济来决定;必须寻找更好的方法来预测某项技术可能产生的后果,不论这种后果是有意还是无意造成的。而且,有关技术发展的比较可靠的信息和分析必须让全民知道。,第五章 短文翻译练习,(16) The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and, consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in negotiation in an international arena as have their foreign counterparts.,Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise, but in order to participate in either one, the negotiators must understand the ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within the culture of negotiation.


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