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    How can we call those black people,Black,African American,黑人牙膏 Darkie,In 1985, an American company bought this toothpaste company and changed its name.,Darlie,disrespectful,African-American Civil Rights Movement,Outline,1. Brief introduction 2. Background information 3. Major events 4. Influence,What is civil rights movement,The civil rights movement was a mass popular movement to secure for African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citizenship. The civil rights movement was the largest social movement of the 20th century in the United States. It influenced the modern womens rights movement and the student movement of the 1960s.,Although the roots of the movement go back to the 19th century, it peaked in the 1950s and 1960s. African American men and women, along with whites, organized and led the movement at national and local levels. They pursued their goals through legal means, negotiations, petitions, and nonviolent protest demonstrations.,2. Historical background,Early in its history, black Africans were brought to America as slaves. They were bought and sold, like animals.,Nearly 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans in Southern states still inhabited a starkly unequal world of disenfranchisement, segregation and various forms of oppression, including race-inspired violence. Jim Crow laws (美国针对黑人实施的种族隔离法案) at the local and state levels barred them from classrooms and bathrooms, from theaters and train cars, from juries and legislatures.,Education,For every $150.000 spent on white children at the white schools only $50.000 was spent on African American children at the black schools. The parents of the African American children thought that their school was not treated as fairly because they were colored. They did not have the most current textbooks, not enough school supplies, and overcrowded classrooms.,Black elementary school White elementary school,3. Major events,Brown Decision-Separation Is Inherently IllegalThe 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas ushered in a new era in the struggle for civil rights. This landmark decision outlawed racial segregation in public schools.,1954,On December 1, 1955Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.arrested demand a more humane bus transportation system lasted for more than a year,1955,Sit-insIn February 1960, four African American students sat down at a segregated lunch counter in a local store in Greensboro, North Carolina. They refused to leave until they were served.,1960,1961,In the spring of 1961, civil rights activists volunteered as “Freedom Riders” to ride buses into segregated terminals throughout the South. In May busloads of Freedom Riders were attacked by mobs in the Alabama cities of Anniston and Birmingham.,1963,The March on Washington was organized by a group of civil rights, labor, and religious organizations under the theme jobs, and freedom. Estimates of the number of participants varied from 200,000 (police) to over 300,000 (leaders of the march). About 80% of the marchers were African Americans and the rest were white and other ethnic groups.The march began at the Washington Monument and ended at the Lincoln Memorial with a program of music and speakers.,1964,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered I Have a Dream speech to hundreds of thousands at the March on Washington.,I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today,Meaningful civil rights lawsA massive federal works programFull and fair employmentDecent housingThe right to voteAdequate integrated education,six official goals:,Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr eventually became the leader of the Civil Rights Movement.,1964,Congress passed Civil Rights Act declaring discrimination based on race illegal after 75-day long argument.,1965,The passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped pave the way for more African Americans to vote. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 also helped other minorities. It set aside a New York state law requiring voters to be able to read English, enabling such groups as Puerto Ricans and Mexican Americans to vote.,Edward Brooke, elected first black U.S. senator in 85 years.,1966,1968,On April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated by a sniper as he stood on the balcony of his hotel room in Memphis, TN. He was there to support the African American sanitation workers. He was planning a national poor peoples campaign to promote economic gains for African Americans and poor people.,Later Development,1973 - Maynard Jackson ,first black elected mayor of a major Southern U.S. city. 1975 - Voting Rights Act extended.1988 - Congress passes Civil Rights Restoration Act over President Reagans veto.1989 - L. Douglas Wilder (Virginia) becomes first black elected governor.,1991 - Civil rights museum opens at King assassination site in Memphis.,2009 - Barack Obama took the office of white house in 2009,Influence,Reconstruction of the Image and Confidence of African Americans Impact on the Other Disadvantaged GroupsStrong Faith in Equity More Stable American Society,The Civil Rights Movement itself was the process of the African Americans finding their own values, increasing self-awareness, improving the social status. It pointed out to African Americans that they should be equal with anyone else both on spirit and mental, and they should have the rights of being equal in spirit. “What is your blood?” “I am a African American.” “I am proud of being an African American.”,4.1,4.2,Women, Hispanics, and Native Americans-found new hope in the African Americans struggle and formed movements of their own. Because of civil rights struggle, many Americans began to question the status of American society and the policies of the government. Under the influence of the African Americans, these disadvantaged groups struggle made great improvement.,4.3,Under the promotion of African American Civil Rights Movement, the concept of equality enjoyed popular and the oppressed Americans fought together, forming the massive social movement in the late sixties early seventies.On December, 5th, 2008, Americans finally welcome their first African American president- Barack Hussein Obama Jr.-on the land of the most colorful ethnic color on earth. This was not Obama himself and People of color victory, but also the victory of the Civil Rights.,4.4,After the Civil Rights Movement, people in America had more freedom. They have the channel of expressing ideas and ways of venting emotions. So it was not easy to burst out and make huge destruction. The Civil Rights Movement gave the African Americans a good chance to express their injustice and entitled the biggest minority in America the real equity. From this time on, the African Americans had stronger faith in the constitution and the federal government, which was good to build a more stable society.,Thanks,


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