高压电安全意识培训High Voltage Awareness Training,High Voltage Awareness training 目的 PURPOSE,给那些可能接触高压电的员工和承包商提供培训以便避免伤害。 To provide training to employees or contractors who potential access the high voltage to avoid injuries .,High Voltage Awareness training 范围 SCOPE,所有的海上人员以及经常出海的人员。All offshore personnel and personnel that frequently travel offshore.,Electricity jumps!,美国每年大约700工人死于电击,其中许多是由于距离高压线太近。About 700 U.S. workers are killed by electricity each year!many because they got too close to a high voltage line.by OSHA,High Voltage Awareness training,High Voltage Awareness training 电的分类Electricity category,1).2).,36伏特以下的电压是安全的。 Only Less than 36v is safe Voltage. 什么是高压电?OHSA认为大于600伏特为高压电。 What is High Voltage? Higher than 600 voltage electricity.,36V!,High Voltage Awareness training 电的分类Electricity category,康菲石油中国有限公司目前采用电压分级:Voltage level in COPC,High Voltage Awareness training 电的分类Electricity category,如果触电了,你可能变成这样!You will be like this if you are electric shocked!,High Voltage Awareness training,导致火灾; Cause fire(additional hazard); 停止呼吸或者心跳; High voltage can stop your heart or your breathing. 可以导致心脏纤维性颤动一种快速的不规律的心跳。 It can also cause fibrillationa fast, irregular heartbeat.,High Voltage Awareness training 高压电击有什么伤害?What kinds of injuries can you get from a high voltage electric shock?, 严重的外部或者内部烧伤;You can get a serious burnexternal or internal. 从梯子或者脚手架上跌落导致伤害;You can fall off a ladder or scaffold and get injured. 高压可以将人抛出导致骨折。Even if youre not on a ladder or scaffold, high voltage can “throw” youcausing fractures or broken bones.,High Voltage Awareness training 高压电击有什么伤害?What kinds of injuries can you get from a high voltage electric shock?,1)非电工人员远离高压; Keep persons who are not electricians 620 feet away from high voltage area ;,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害How to prevent high voltage injury,康菲石油中国有限公司渤海明珠号和蓬莱193A平台有以下标志的区域请不要进入:The following signs mean that only authorized personal can enter High Voltage Area on BH FPSO and PL19-3A :,康菲石油中国有限公司渤海明珠号和蓬莱193A平台现有高压:High Voltage on BH FPSO and PL19-3A of COPC,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害How to prevent high voltage injury,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害How to prevent high voltage injury,2)保证所有设备和工具远离高压线使用; Keep all tools and equipment away from high voltage lines: 金属梯子Metal ladders 脚手架Scaffolds 长金属管Long pipes 天线Antennas 提升设备Lifting equipment 吊车Cranes 刷漆用可延长滚筒 Extension rollers used in painting,3). 禁止无证人员进行相关电工作业;Only qualified personal(electricians) can conduct electrical work.,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害How to prevent high voltage injury,4).电工遵守锁定标识程序;Lockout/Tagout procedure should be followed absolutely.,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害锁定/标识How to prevent high voltage injuryLT/TT,锁定lockout,挂牌tagout,康菲中国石油有限公司锁定/标识程序如下:Lockout/Tagout regulation of COPC is as following:,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害锁定/标识How to prevent high voltage injuryLO/TO,对锁定/标识作进一步了解,请参考康菲中国有限公司健康环境安全管理体系文件B-032设备的隔离;For detailed information about Lockout/Tagout, please refer to COPC HSE MS B-032Isolation of Equipment;,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害锁定/标识How to prevent high voltage injuryLO/TO,5). 严格遵守电工作业许可证制度;Follow Electrical Work permit regulation strictly.,Electrical permit 电工 可证,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害工作许可证制度 How to prevent high voltage injurypermit to work,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害工作许可证制度 How to prevent high voltage injurypermit to work,工作许可证上指明了工作地点,内容,责任人,相关危险和采取的预防措施,并且保证了相关部门和人员都得到了该工作的信息。Work permit shows that responsible persons, work location and description; it also make sure all hazards are identified, proper preventive actions have been taken and all affected departments&personal are informed before the work starts.,到安全员处去开许可证!Issue work permit!,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害工作许可证制度 How to prevent high voltage injurypermit to work,对工作许可制度作进一步了解,请参考康菲中国有限公司健康环境安全管理体系文件B-033工作许可证;For detailed information about Permit to Work, please refer to COPC HSE MS B-033 Permit to work;,6). 佩戴个人防护用品(PPE) Proper Personal Protective Equipment is necessary:绝缘鞋Insulation shoes绝缘手套Insulation gloves电工服Electrician coverall绝缘网Insulation screen,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害How to prevent high voltage injury,7). 监护制度;buddy system操作人员必须为电工;一二级监护人员要求受过足够的培训;三级监护人员也必须为电工。2nd person should have sufficient training and experience for level 1 or 2 voltage, but for level 3, 2nd person should also be a electrician.,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害How to prevent high voltage injury,欲知详情,请参考康菲中国有限公司健康环境安全管 理体系文件B-032 设备的隔离,B-033 工作许可证; For detailed information, please refer to COPC HSE MS B-032 “Isolation of Equipment” and B-033 “Permit to Work”; 如果仍然有疑问,请向你的安全工程师咨询; You can also contact your safety engineer for further explanations。,High Voltage Awareness training 如何防止被高压伤害How to prevent high voltage injury,High Voltage Awareness training 参考文献 REFERENCES,COPC HSE MS B-032,B-033,HSE handbookOSHA relevant regulations;Chinese related Regulations.,问题和答案Questions and Answers,High Voltage Awareness training,