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    高三语法复习,冠词,冠词的分类,冠词:不定冠词(a,an) 定冠词(the) (零冠词),冠词的复习要点,一、冠词的分类二、不定冠词的基本用法三、不定冠词的特殊用法四、定冠词的用法五、零冠词的用法六、冠词位置问题七、惯用法辨析,不定冠词的基本用法,1. 在辅音音素开头的单数名词前用a,在原音音素开头的词前用an。如:a girla heroa universityan islandan houran old man Note: 区分是按元音发音不是元音字母。universityEuropeanunionone-hundred-pound noteuniformhouran honest manIts an honour to have you here.,不定冠词的基本用法,2、不定冠词表示泛指用在单数可数名词之前,泛指某一类人或物中的“任何一个”。(不定冠词与数词one同源,相当于汉语的“一”, 但不强调数目概念。)例如:His father is an English teacher.I am going to tell you a story.A comrade is waiting for you downstairs.I met an old friend on my way here.,不定冠词的基本用法,3、和时间或度量衡名词连用,表示“每一”,例如:Take the medicine three times a day.The train is running fifty miles an hour.Rice is sold at about 40fen a kilo.,不定冠词的特殊用法,1、不定冠词位于专有名词前,使专有名词普通化。表示某一个,相当于“a certain”。A Mr. Green paid a visit to you this morning. I cant remember when exactly the Robinsons left the city. I only remember it was a Monday.例题:_ Mr Zhang is waiting for you in the office. I seem to have seen him in _ newspaper. A. A ; / B. A ; a C. / ; / D. The; the,答案选B.,不定冠词的特殊用法,2、不定冠词位于抽象名词前,与抽象名词连用,使抽象名词具体化,表示“一场、一次、一件”。1)表示情感的不可数名词前加不定冠词。 如:a pleasure一件乐事,a surprise一件令人惊讶的事,a joy一件高兴的事,a pity一件遗憾的事,an honour一个(件)引以为荣的人(事)。 The little boy is a joy to her parents. What a pleasant surprise you gave me!,不定冠词的特殊用法,2)不可数名词danger/ difficulty/ disappointment/failure/help/success/ wonder/pressure前加不定冠词表示“一个。的人或物”。 This experiment is a great success to human beings. He is a failure as a teacher.,不定冠词的特殊用法,3)不定冠词在某些物质名词前,表示“一份”、“一种”或“一阵/场”。如:a coffee/ tea/ frog/ rain/ snow/ wind. a coffee 一份咖啡 a red tea 一种红茶 a strong wing 一阵大风 4)用于序数词前,表示“又一”。例题:Give it _ second thought and youll find it wise to accept _ job. A. the ; the B. a ; a C. a ; the D. the ; a,答案:C。 a second thought 表示“再次考虑 ”。,不定冠词的特殊用法,3. 不定冠词运用于固定习语中。 have a look athave a history ( knowledge /population) ofhave a wonderful timein such a hurry/ in a minute all of a suddenpay a visit tomake it a rulekeep an eye on give sb a handdo sb. a favourat a distancereceive/get an education,不定冠词的特殊用法,in a low/high voiceonce in a whileas a resultlive a happy lifehave/take a seat,不定冠词的特殊用法,4. 用于成对的名词前a cup and saucera horse and carta knife and forka teacher and writerC.f.a raincoat and a camera,不定冠词的特殊用法,5.“ 同一个,相同的”,相当于the same.The two stockings are of a size, but of different colors.这两只长筒袜大小一样,但颜色不同。这种用法常用于of+a/an+n.结构中,表示某种具有相同大小,长短,高度,宽度,年龄,特征,颜色,材料,形状等特征的东西。,不定冠词的特殊用法,6.用在某些由动词转化来的名词前,表示一次活动Have a lookTake a restGive a laughMake a choice,定冠词的用法,1、定冠词表示特指,用在单数可数名词、复数可数名词或不可数名词之前,表示某个(些)特定的人或物。 (第二次提到的或者谈话双方都知道的)定冠词与this (these), that (those)同源,有“这(这些)”或“那(那些)”的意思,但指示的意味较弱。例如:How did you like the film that we saw yesterday? (名词后面有过去分词短语、V-ing短语、介词短语或定语从句作定语时,其前通常要加定冠词the。C.f. This is a film that everyone likes.),定冠词的用法,The books that I borrowed have been returned to the library.I ought to have warned you of the danger.Yesterday I saw a dog. The dog was running after a cat. The cat ran into a hole.,定冠词的用法,2、在叙述词和形容词最高级前要用定冠词。例如:The first time (that) I saw Premier Zhou Enlai was in 1958.Could you tell me the shortest way to the railway station?Note:Then he tried a second time.a most beautiful city,定冠词的用法,3、用于指独一无二的自然界现象,或表示方位,左右等的名词之前。例如:Which is farther from the earth, the sun or the moon?The wind has changed to the south.Turn to the left and you will find the post office.note:She was the first woman in space.,定冠词的用法,4、定冠词与某些形容词或分词连用,表示某一类人或事物,如:the richthe poorthe oldthe youngthe sickthe blindthe deadthe newthe dyingthe wounded, etcnote:作主语时,如指一类人,谓语用复数;如指抽象概念,谓语用单数。The English often drink beer in pubs. (=Englishmen often drink beer in pubs.)The new and progressive always triumphs over the old and obsolete(过时的).,定冠词的用法,Note: the+单数可数名词表示一类人、物(整个类属)。例如:The whale is the biggest of all animals.When is the telephone invented?The computer has changed our life.A horse is a useful animal.The horse is a useful animal.Horses are useful animals.,定冠词的用法,but:下列情况不能用a/复数名词表示类别。The tiger is in danger of dying out.The computer has changed our life.The bald eagle is used as a symbol of the USA.,定冠词的用法,5、乐器前必须加定冠词。 play the piano /guitar / violin 6、年代、时代、朝代前加定冠词。 in the 1870s the Ming Dynasty in the modern times7、由普通名词和另外一些词共同构成的许多专有名词前,通常用定冠词,如:the United States of Americathe Chinese Peoples Liberation Armythe Beijing Railway Stationthe Beijing No.4 High School,定冠词的用法,例题:The most important thing about cotton in history is _ part that it played in _ Industrial Revolution. A. 不填;不填 B. the;不填C. the ;the D. a; the 提示:Industrial Revolution是由普通名词构成的专有名词,其前须用定冠词。,答案:C,定冠词的用法,8、江、河、湖、海、洋、山脉等的名称前the Yellow Riverthe Pacific oceanthe Alps9、the+人名复数表示一家人Well have the Smiths over this weekend.,定冠词的用法,10、用于固定句型中1)beat / hit / knock / strike sb +in / on the+人体部位I led the child by the hand.The cruel landlord hit the farmhand in the face.The policeman grasped the thief by the sleeve.,定冠词的用法,例题When I told him he had to be paid by _ hour, he become angry and hit me on _nose. A. an; my B. the ; the C. an ;the D. / ;a 提示:hit sb on the nose表示“打在某人的鼻子上”,用the。,答案:B.,定冠词的用法,2) the+比较级,the+比较级,表示越来越例题:_ more you use a dictionary, _ more useful it will become to you. A. The ;the B. The ;/ C. /; the D. / ; / 答案:A,定冠词的用法,11、在很多习惯用语中须用定冠词,如:In the morning (afternoon, evening, night, daytime, summertime, etc.)go to the cinema (theatre, concert, opera, pictures, opera-house, music-hall, etc.),定冠词的用法,at the age of the other dayon the way to with the help of make the best use of put sb to the trouble of doing sth be in the habit of the talk of the townat the very beginningby the hour at the sight of,零冠词的用法,1、单个的专有名词(人名、地名机构名);物质名词、抽象名词和复数可数名词表示泛指或一般概念时,不用冠词。例如:China is a large country with a long history. Glass can be recycled from broken bottles.Peace and union is what we want.The streets were clean and shaded with treesNote:但是,当这一类名词具体化时,可和冠词连用。试比较:,零冠词的用法,Do you like music?Do you like the music of the film?She has a deep love for our Party.The snow before the window has melted.There was a heavy snow last night.Do you know the names of the doctors?A modern China will be born.,零冠词的用法,2、在表示一日三餐日常饮食的名词前,不用冠词。例如:Have you had breakfast?Dinner will be served at eight oclock.She arrived before supper.Will you stay for tea with us?但是,如果特指或指具体的饮食时,可用定冠词。例如:The breakfast was well cooked.He poured the tea himself.,零冠词的用法,3、在四季、月份、星期、学科以及节假日等名词前,不用冠词。例如: We have classes from Monday to Friday. Does your brother like skating in winter? March is the third month in a year.Do you speak German (c.f. the German language) ?He teaches English in a middle school.,零冠词的用法,4、在表示球类运动、棋类、游戏等的名词前,不用冠词。例如:Lets go and watch them play football.How about having a game of chess, John?Do you like to play bridge?5、在称呼语以及表示家庭成员的名词(常大写)之前,不用冠词。例如:Stay where you are, girl!My eyesight is still weak, doctor.Tom asked, “Why is Father out of work?”Aunt is taking sister out for a walk.,零冠词的用法,6、名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词或名词所有格限定时,不再用冠词。例如:Raise your right hand, please.Is he really going to marry that girl?Did they leave any word?Xiao Wangs mother has just been operated on.7、在表语、宾语补足语以及同位语中,表示独一无二的头衔、职位时,通常不用冠词。例如:Tom,chairman of the meeting, will give us a speech.In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States.c.f. The president is coming.The foreign teacher asked me to act as interpreter.He was secretary to the Prime Minister.,零冠词的用法,8、特殊用法 1)man/ mankind表示“人类”和 word 表示“消息”时一般不加冠词。 例如: Word came that he had been saved by the doctor. 例题: Early in the morning _ word came that David had been made _governor of the state. A. the ;the B. / ; / C. a ; theD. / ; the 答案选B. word表示“消息”时一般不加冠词,governor 表示头衔不加冠词.,零冠词的用法,2)有些物质名词和抽象名词前即使有形容词,也不加冠词。常见的有:weather, progress, fun, advice, news, information, work (工作), luck, furniture, wealth, honesty. 3). Child as he is, he has published three novels.4) After four years of hard training, he finally turned professional. / He did not appear to be the type which could be persuaded to turn traitor.5) 名词加数字前不加冠词Room 203,零冠词的用法,*6)在若干独立结构中,不用冠词。例如:The hunter entered the forest, gun in hand.He sat at the table, coat off, head down, and pen in hand.9、在某些习惯用语中,不用冠词,如:1)表示建筑物等地点名词的用途go to school (college, hospital, class, church, bed, prison, market, court, etc.)be in bed (hospital, prison, church, etc.)be at school (college, church, market, etc.),零冠词的用法,c.f.My daughter has gone to school. (指上学)Im going to the school to see the headmaster. (指地点)He has stayed in bed for several days. (指卧床休息)Lie down on the bed. (指地点),零冠词的用法,He was sent to prison without any reason. (指关进监狱)They drove past the prison. (指地点)2)表示交通工具Come (go) by bike (bus, train, car, boat, ship, plane, air, etc.)Come (go) on foot (horseback)c.f.ride on the bike (on a horse) get on the bus,零冠词的用法,3) 表示时间at dawn (daybreak, sunrise, sunset, noon, dusk, night, midnight, etc.) 4)与work, home, town, sea连用的一些表达法be at work (home, sea)go to work (town, sea, sleep)go (come, get, arrive, reach, hurry, leave) home,零冠词的用法,5)在以in或with结构表示某种情感或状态时,不加冠词。 如:in danger/ hunger / fear/ sorrow/ safety / trouble/surprise. 或 tremble with fear (由于害怕而颤抖)/ cry with anger (由于生气而哭泣),零冠词的用法,5)其他短语husband and wifefather and sonrich and poorday and nightold and youngknife and forkevery other dayarm in armshoulder by shoulderhand in handside by sidefrom beginning to endstep by stepfrom head to footface to facecatch firelose heartmake way for/ make room for send word/ leave wordset sail,零冠词的用法,by chanceon purposebe in charge ofon handin fear/ in surprisein spite ofout of datebe in place ofcatch sight ofmake use oftake hold ofat night/ midnight/dawn/ daybreak/ noonday by day / day after dayby day/ by night. towards eveningon holiday/ businessby accidentby mistaketake - by surpriseget rid ofOut of sight, out of mind,零冠词的用法,6.一个人兼多种身份的情况,只在第一个名词前使用冠词,其他名词前不再使用冠词,如a teacher and writer7.在某些独立主格结构中,如单数名词+介词短语中,名词前不用冠词,如He rushed into the classroom, book in hand.手里拿着一本书,他冲进了教室。,冠词用法小结,不定冠词的特殊用法1、半元音(辅音)a university a uniform a union, a European a usual thing, a useful book, a one-eyed man, an umbrellaan hour an honor an honest man, s, h, x, m, f, r2、抽象名词具体化3、不可数名词前表一份、一杯、一阵、一种4、序数词前加不定冠词表示“又一”。5、表“某一”(a certain)6、a most,冠词用法小结,定冠词的用法1、特指和再次提到2、在序数词及形容词最高级前3、用于指独一无二的自然界现象,或表方位,左右等名词之前4、与某些形容词或分词连用,表一类人或事物5、在乐器名称前6、在山脉、江河,湖海,岛屿7、由普通名词构成的表示国名,组织名,姓氏名等专有名词前8、表说话人与听话人共同知道,共同所指的东西9、by和计量单位名词之间要有the10、表类别(指整体概念,有别于不定冠词和复数名词表类别) a名词、the名词、复数名词的区别11、习惯用法,冠词用法小结,不用冠词/零冠词的用法。1、物质名词,抽象名词,复数可数名词,专用名词2、在球类,棋类,一日三餐3、表独一无二的头衔、职位时4、称呼语之前及表示家庭成员的名词前或指家用雇用的nurse、cook等名词前及表示头衔职务的名词作宾语、补语及同位语时,一般不加冠词。5、在节日、星期、月份、季节前6、音译地名组成的街道,广场,公园,旅馆和大学等前7、名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词或名词所有格限制时8、倒装:as引导让步状语从句中,表语提前9、在与by连用的交通工具名称前不加冠词。10、man表人类, turn 11、 turn teacher=become a teacher,冠词位置问题,(1)不定冠词 + 副词 + 形容词 + 名词。This is a very interesting story.(2)such、what、quite、rather +不定冠词+形容词+名词。Ive never seen such a film!Half a pound of pork, please!What a good idea it is!(3)as、so、too、how+形容词+不定冠词+名词。It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent.I cant finish the task in so short a time.This seems not too long a distance.,冠词位置问题,We wonder how difficult a problem he worked out.(4)定冠词位置。half、twice、three times + the + 名词He paid twice the price for it.Their house is three times the size of yours.all、both、double + the + 名词Both the blind men were mistaken.All the students in our class are eager to know the secret.I offered him double the amount, but he still refused.,冠词位置问题小结,1、A very beautiful girl2、Such an interesting book (what、quite、rather)3、As good a person as he is (so、too、how)4、Half the price (twice、three times)5、All the book (both、double),冠词题解题关键,区分名词类型:可数与不可数;物质名词和抽象名词不可数,不加冠词。区分泛指与特指;冠词活用与名词活用有密切关系。惯用语。,辨析词组:,1. a number of & the number of2. in front of & in the front of3. three of us & the three of us4. at school & at the school5. by bus &on the bus6. for a moment &for the moment眼下,目前,暂时,辨析词组:,7. take place &take the place8. last week(从周一往前数一周) &in the last week(从现在往前数一周)9. man & a man10. take a chair 入座,就座 & take the chair主持会议11. by day & by the day12. by the pound & by weight,辨析词组:,13. the doctor and teacher & the doctor and the teacher14. in office在职 & in the office15. in class上课中 &in the class16. on fire着火 &on the fire在炉火上17. at table &at the table,辨析词组:,18. go to sea 去当水手, 出航 &go to the sea到海边去19. go to church &go to the church20. by sea adv.由海路& by the sea adv.在海边21. out of question (=no problem) &out of the question (=impossible)22. English &the English language23. in word 口头上 & in a word24. in charge of & in the charge of,辨析词组:,25. have words with & have a word with26. some students & some of the students27. on earth 在世上, 究竟& on the earth,冠词用法小结,高三语法复习冠词一、冠词的分类二、不定冠词的基本用法1、a和ana universityan houra one-hundred-pound note2、不定冠词表示泛指3、和时间或度量衡名词连用,表示“每一”。,冠词用法小结,三、不定冠词的特殊用法1、相当于“a certain”。2、使抽象名词具体化,表示“一场、一次、一件”、“一个。的人或物”、 “一份”、“一种”或“一阵”。或者表示“又一”。4、用于成对的名词前,冠词用法小结,四、定冠词的用法1、某个(些)特定的人或物。 (第二次提到的或者谈话双方都知道的)2、在叙述词和形容词最高级前3、用于指独一无二的自然界现象,或表示方位,左右等的名词之前。4、定冠词与某些形容词或分词连用,表示某一类人或事物,冠词用法小结,5、乐器前必须加定冠词。 6、年代、时代、朝代前加定冠词。 7、由普通名词和另外一些词共同构成的许多专有名词前,通常用定冠词。8、江、河、湖、海、洋、山脉等的名称前9、the+人名复数表示一家人10、用于固定句型中1)beat / hit / knock / strike sb +in / on the+人体部位2)the+比较级,the+比较级,表示越来越,冠词用法小结,11、在很多习惯用语中须用定冠词,如:五、零冠词的用法1、单个的专有名词(人名、地名机构名);物质名词、抽象名词和复数可数名词表示泛指或一般概念时,不用冠词。2、在表示日常饮食的名词前,不用冠词。3、在四季、月份、星期、学科以及节假日等名词前,不用冠词。4、在表示球类运动、棋类、游戏等的名词前,不用冠词。,冠词用法小结,5、在称呼语以及表示家庭成员的名词(常大写)之前,不用冠词。6、名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词或名词所有个限定时,不再用冠词。7、在表语、宾语补足语以及同位语中,表示独一无二的头衔、职位时,通常不用冠词。8、特殊用法 man/ mankind、wordRoom 103 Child as he isbook in handturn professional/ turn traitor,


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