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    20个新冠肺炎相关词汇 牛津英语词典破例更新!收录20个新冠肺炎相关词汇,你认识几个?今天给大家带来20个新冠肺炎相关词汇,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。牛津英语词典破例更新!收录20个新冠肺炎相关词汇,你认识几个?新冠肺炎,居家隔离, 方舱医院,呼吸机,防护服.三个月前,绝大多数中国人对上面这些词汇都感觉很陌生,有些词甚至是这次疫情中新创造出来的。而现在,它们充斥在各大媒体的报道中和我们每个人的日常对话中。当今世界上最全面和最权威的英语词典牛津英语词典最近就因疫情进行了一次破例更新。 收录了一些在新冠肺炎疫情中出现频率很高的英文单词和词组。包括: Covid-19 infodemic R0 self-isolation self-quarantine social distancing WFH PPE to flatten the curve social recession elbow bump这里卖个关子,先不放单词释义。或许有同学知道所有这些单词和词组的意思吗?那你最近没少看英文报道喔释义版见文末。一、热度上升最快的英文单词在过去的四个月中,有两个英文单词热度蹿升极快: coronavirus 冠状病毒 COVID-19 新型冠状病毒病但你知道吗?在2020年之前,coronavirus 这个单词在医学和科研领域以外还很罕见。 COVID-19 这个词更是在今年2月份才被创造出来。而现在,主流英语媒体在报道疫情的时候,都会使用 coronavirus 和 COVID-19 来指代新冠病毒。不过它们在各种媒体上,常会以不同的变型出现。例如把coronavirus简写成 corona,COVID-19 简写成covid。 在社交媒体上,甚至还有更短的简写,如 rone和 rona。其中有两个简写:nCoV 和 2019-nCoV 在2月份时,曾被媒体广泛使用,但此后出现的频率就没那么高了。二、新冠疫情给语言带来的影响从2020年1月3月,出现频率最高的20个热门词汇中可以发现,1月开始,跟新冠有关的词汇的使用频率开始增加,但尚未在新闻中占据主导。其他的时事词汇如 bushfire(澳洲山火)、koala(考拉)、impeachment(弹劾特朗普)、locust(蝗虫)的热度还是比较高的。但到了3月份,最热门的20个关键词全部与新冠有关。值得注意的是,从1月到3月,跟新冠有关的关键词出现了一些变化。1月份,新冠热词多与病毒的名称和症状有关。 如:coronavirus(冠状病毒) SARS(非典) 病毒(virus) 人传人(human-to-human) respiratory(呼吸道) flu-like(类似感冒)而到了3月份,新冠热词开始转向病毒所带来的社会影响和医疗问题。如 : social distancing(社交疏远) self-isolation、self-quarantine(自我隔离) lock down(封锁) non-essential(非必要,如非必要旅行) postpone(推迟) PPE(Personal Protective Equipment,个人防护设备) ventilator(呼吸机)牛津英语词典在更新中说,很多在当前疫情危机中广泛使用的单词和词组,并非是全新创造,只是这些用法在今年以前比较少见。例如,WFH(居家工作)这一缩写用法是最早出现在1995年,但词典的执行主编帕顿指出,在今年以前,很少有人知道这个缩写。PPE(个人防护设备)的出现可以追溯到1977年,以前主要是医疗和急救专业人员使用。social distancing 这个词是1957年首次使用的。最初是指一种冷漠或有意与他人在社交上保持距离的行为。但在疫情中,这个词指的是;保持与他人的身体距离。雅思大作文模板:读书比看电视好吗Some people think reading stories in book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?雅思大作文模板范文参考:Reading stories in books is a basic way for children to obtain knowledge and open their minds. Although watching TV and playing computer games are also popular educational methods among children, reading bookstore, in my view, is still better because of effectiveness and health.Compared to TV and games, learning by reading is more effective since it is a synthetic skill. Like any other skills, reading takes practice. Children learn to read by sounding out the letters and finding the meaning of the words. Then, they begin to comprehend the context, paragraph and chapter. To fully understand the content, children have to give all their attention to the text. Also, more than just understanding a certain topic, children tend to develop reasoning, imagination and critical thinking during reading books, which will help them to learn more efficiently and deeply in the future.In addition, reading books is good to childrens eyesight. According to some researches, spending too much time before a computer screen or watching TV will lead to shortsightedness. Therefore, reading is better for both efficiency and health purpose.Admittedly, the knowledge disseminated by vivid pictures on screen is easier for children to catch information, but too many moving objects and colorful images will distract children, especially to some young kids, from their primary tasks. Moreover, using TV and computers too long will lead to a sedentary life that is more harmful to ones wrist and back.In conclusion, reading stories in book is better than TV and computers for it is a more effective way to learn and better for health.雅思大作文模板:面试可不可靠?Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable. There are some other better methods. Do you agree or disagree?雅思大作文模板范文参考:It has been a wide-spreading method for many large companies to select potential employees through interviews. Nevertheless, the reliability of this means is among some peoples consideration and they suggest there exist other superior ways in completing the process of selection.From my point of view, interviews are a comparatively reliable means to select talents and should still be regarded as a main method for companies. First of all, unlike some other selection methods, for instance, taking written exams, interviews produces instant and mutual communication between interviewers and interviewees which not only allows interviewers to know better about the interviewees responding competence but also their true personal abilities since the answers could not be prepared in advance and there are not the so-called “standard answers”.Additionally, interviews enable interviewers to meet interviewees in person. It is quite important because interviewers can use this opportunity to observe interviewees from a more comprehensive way including their appearance, manners, etc, especially for some positions which need employers to communicate with other people for instance teachers and those who work in the PR section.Moreover, interviews make it possible for interviewers to ask further questions which make the whole selection process more personal-oriented and flexible. Undoubtedly, people may give various answers towards the same question, with the means of interviews, interviewers can bring forward different further down questions and dig in as much as they want so as to better test the interviewees problem-solving competence.Based on the several aspects discussed above, the reliability of interviews is comparatively high and should be carried on in the process of selecting employees.20个新冠肺炎相关词汇


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