Political System,英语1204张灵芝,1. System of government of US,Federalismthere is a federal or national government. there are individual states, each with its own government.,2.Three Branches of Government,The legislative branch(立法)The executive branch(执行)The judicial branch (司法),The Senate参议院The House of Representatives众议院Congresss main function is to make laws.,The Senate参议院,1.Composition : 100 senator 2.The speaker :vice president 3.Tenure :6 years 4.The qualification: 1) at least 30 years old 2) 9 years American citizenship 3) local person,The House of Representatives 众议院,1.Composition :about 340 senator 2.The speaker : election by themselves 3.Tenure: 2 years 1)at least 25 years old 4.The qualification: 2 ) 7 years American citizenship 3) local person,headed by the Presidentadministers the laws,interprets the laws makes sure that new laws are in keeping with the Constitution,3.Constitution,A constitution is a set of rules for a country. It defines how the country should be run and how new rules should be made.,4. Major Parties,The Democratic Party民主党The Republican Party共和党,The Democratic Party,Thomas Jefferson the Democratic-Republic Partythe dominant political party in the US from 1800s until the 1820s,The Republican Party,Abraham Lincoln , 1854 to keep slavery from spreading to other parts of the country The party presided over the American Civil War,1.1870s2.HARPER(哈珀斯)3. Thomas Nast(托马斯纳斯特)4.Caricature(讽刺漫画,The Origin of Donkey and Elephant,Democratic donkey,Republican elephant,