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    Unit 7. Shopping,口语实战句型:Shopping,1)今天是星期六,是购物的日子.Today is Saturday, it means shopping day. 2)我只是看看.I am just looking.3)我在找小号的这种裤子.I am looking for these pants in small size.4)恐怕我们已经没有你要的尺寸了.I am afraid were out of your size.5)我可以帮你找什么东西么?Can I help you find anything?6)我在找IAMS牌的狗粮给我的狗.I am looking for some IAMS dog biscuits.,7)我们已经不卖这种牌子了.But we dont carry that brand any more.8)请问您打算怎么付账,现金、支票还是信用卡.How would you like to pay, cash, check or credit card? 9)只收现金/不收支票.Cash only./ No checks.10)这件衣服很适合我,多少钱?This coat fits me perfectly. How much?11)你的车子打算卖多少钱啊?六千.How much do you plan on selling your car for?Six grand.,12)可以打个折扣么?对不起,我们不讲价.Any discount? Sorry, our price is set.13) 如果你们现在就签合同,我们会免费送你一个无绳电话作礼物.If you sign up with us right now, you will receive a free wireless phone as a gift.15)听起来不错,有什么猫腻的?It sounds good. Whats the catch?16)万一我买了这件女装回家,我太太不高兴呢?What if I bring home this dress and my wife doesnt like it?17)逛街是很多女孩消磨时间的首选方式.Window-shopping is many girls favorite pastime.,18)你可以随时带回来,我们全额退款.You can always bring it back to us for a full refund. 19)你花了500买了这个,你被骗了.You paid 500 bucks for that? Man, youve got ripped off.20)这么好的东西,这个价格是很便宜的.Its pretty inexpensive for a quality monitor like this.21)17寸的监视器花了200块,真值!200 for this 17 inch monitor? What a deal!22)我能不能到我的包裹倒达时才付款?Can I pay when my package arrives?,23)我能不能试穿这件衣服?我帮你找间更衣室.Can I try them on? Let me get you a room.24)你帮我把这件女装用礼品纸包装一下.Could you have this dress gift wrapped ,pls? 25)我想退这条裤子.Id like to return this pants.26)小姐,你再换一条吧?Maam, would you like an exchange?27)你的收据还在么?Do you still have your receipt?28)看,这家皮鞋优惠.Look, they have a special offer on the shoes.,雅思口语真题解析,分析:购物经常和时尚联系在一起考察Do you love shopping?When and where do you go shopping?Who prefer shopping more, men or women? Do you love fashion, why?What do you think of fashion?,Do you love shopping? Wow, I am definitely a shopping freak. And you know, I am usually gonna be hitting the books from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, so I think shopping is the thing that can make me totally relaxed and refreshed. And I can also get a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction every time when I open my wardrobe which is full of eye-catching outfits.,2) When do you go shopping?Generally speaking, I am usually gonna be shopping when it comes to weekend. You know, I am working from Monday to Friday for 5 days in a row, so there is no way for me to squeeze anytime to go shopping during the weekdays. Another time I go shopping is the time when shopping mall is doing end-of-season sale, final clearance and special offer. Sometimes some stuff can be really a bargain.,3) Where do you go shopping?Well, in terms of where I go shopping, well, again, it depends. It depends on what stuff I am going to buy. Say, if I am gonna buy some necessities or food, I am gonna run to supermarket or 24-hour stores; but I am gonna be popping up department store, big shopping mall if I want to buy cosmetics, clothes, electric appliances. You know, good quality, warranty, 7-day return policy, everything is guaranteed.,4) Who prefer shopping more, men or women? Well, women are more likely to shop. This seems to be one of the fields that women got privilege. They are just shopping freaks. However, men tend to think shopping is the very last thing that they would ever want to do!,


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