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    在英语的江湖中,有这么一群词的存在,他们神通广大,既能指代前文出现的名词,又能在从句中充当一定成分,并起到连词的作用,若非用于正事,必将江湖大乱啊!他们到底是谁呢?元芳,你怎么看?,大人,必须将此党拿下,严刑拷打,归我等所用!,靠谱!,who,which,that,whom,whose,as,when,where,why,9人已全数归案,剧终!,欲知后事如何,敬请下回分析.,who,which,that,whom,whose,as,when,where,why,9人已全数归案,定语从句,英语中常充当定语,起修饰作用的有:1) It is obvious that she is a charming lady.2) The party yesterday was very exciting.3)The phone from his parents made him upset.4) The man lying on the floor is Lao Wang.5) The basketball game held last month was extremely successful.6)The compitition, which will be held next week, is about Human and Nature.,形容词,副词,介词短语,现在分词短语,过去分词短语,从句,定语从句:在复合句中,起修饰、限定一个名词或代词的从句。一些关键的要素:1)被修饰的名词或代词,叫先行词;从句一般紧跟在被修饰的先行词后面。2) 连接主从句的词有关系代词和关系副词(共9个), 既能指代先行词,且在从句中充当一定成分,又能起到连词的作用。3) 关系词在从句中所充当的成分决定了该用关系代词还是关系副词!,普通代词和关系代词的区别,I have a sister. She works in Shanghai.I have a sister who/that works in Shanghai.,普通的人称代词,指代前文的sister.,关系代词,指代前文的sister又起到连词的作用,连接了两个句子。,I cant find my gold watch. My father gave it to me as a birthday present.I cant find my gold watch which/that my father gave to me as a birthday present.A robber asked me to hand out my money. His face was covered with a piece of cloth.A robber,whose face was covered with a piece of cloth,asked me to hand out my money.,普通代词,关系代词,指代the robber,做定语;相当于the robbers,也指代the robber,做定语,还能当连词用,定语从句的关系词只有9个:,whothat,whomthat,whose,whichthat,whichthat,whose(of which),whenwherewhy,牢记这些词的功能:指代先行词在从句中充当成分起连词的作用!,as,as,选用正确的关系词,Can you see the woman _ is speaking at the stage? I dont know the woman _ my mother is speaking to.,who/that,who/whomthat/省略,who/whom/that 可指代前文提到的人,在从句中做主语或宾语;做宾语时,可省略;做主语一定不能省!,选用正确的关系词,Have you heard of the accident _ happened this morning?Have you found the bike _ you lost?,which/that,which/that省略,which/that 可指代前文提到的事、物,在从句中做主语或宾语;做宾语时,可省略;做主语一定不能省!,选用正确的关系词,Can you see the lady _ hair is brown?I can recommend you to my friend _ father is a doctor in that hospital.Dont enter the house _ door is white.Our school will have a compitition _ topic is about Friendship.,whose,whose,whose,whose,指代the lady,在从句中做定语,相当于the ladys,my friends,the topic of the compitition,whose 可指代前文提到的人或事物,在从句中做定语;,选用正确的关系词,I have the same hat _ you wear._ is listed above, smoking does great harm to our lungs and hearts._ is known to all, Langlang is a famous pianist in the world.,as,As,As,当先行词被the same/such修饰时,表“跟(从句)一样的、如此的”或 从句有“犹如、正如那样”的含义时,关系代词用As.,连连看,Here are the books.You are looking for them._Have you seen the children? They are playing football._This is the hero. We are proud of him._Can you show me the novel. Its cover is red._,whichthat,Here are the books which/that you are looking for.,whothat,Have you seen the children who/that are playing football?,who/whomthat,This is the hero who/whom/that we are proud of.,whose,Can you show me the novel whose cover is red.,任务:将下列的简单句合成复合句,1.The little girl is crying. Her money was stolen.2.The colour of the bike is green. Have you seen the bike?3.The students dont agree with us. They are standing at the door.4.Where is the man? You talked with him just now.5.The watch is very expensive. He gave her the watch as a present.6. The novel is very interesting. You lent the novel to me yesterday.7. This is the man. My father worked with him.,8.The letter is from my friend. I received it yesterday.9. Im reading a book. Its name is Who Moved My Cheese.10. The little girl is near the river. He is looking for her.11. Do you still remember the temple. We visited it last year.12. Look at that house. My friend lives in it. 13. He failed the exam again. It disappointed him.14.Her father was extremely angry. It made her afraid.15. His teacher forgave him. It moved him.,16.The girl is crying. The girl lost her way.17. The story is fake. He made up the story.18. The woman ran to the coming bus. She held a baby in her arms. Many people were waiting for the bus. 19. The passengers turned to the woman. The passengers were reading. The woman was crying. 20. The policemen caught the robber. The policemen jumped out of a car. The robber robbed some money from a store.,1.The little girl is crying. Her money was stolen.2.The colour of the bike is green. Have you seen the bike?3.The students dont agree with us. They are standing at the door.,The little whose money was stolen is crying.,whose,whose,Have you seen the bike whose colour is green?,whothat,The students who are standing at the door dont agree with us.The students who dont agree with us are standing at the door.,5.The watch is very expensive. He gave her the watch as a present.6. The novel is very interesting. You lent the novel to me yesterday.,whichthat,The watch (which/that) he gave her as a present is very expensive.He gave her a watch which/that is very expensive as a present.,whichthat,The novel (which/that) you lent to me yesterday is very interesting.,7. This is the man. My father worked with him.,whomwhothat,This is the man (who/whom/that) my father worked with.This is the man with whom my father worked. 【注意:若介词一起前提到从句句首,关系代词只能用whom (人) 或which(物)】,8.The letter is from my friend. I received it yesterday,which/that,The letter (which/that) I received yesterday is from my friend.,9. Im reading a book. Its name is Who Moved My Cheese.10. The little girl is near the river. He is looking for her.,whose,Im reading a book whose name is Who Moved My Cheese.,who/that/whom,The little girl (who/whom/that) he is looking for is near the river.,11. Do you still remember the temple. We visited it last year.Do you still remember the temple (which / that) we visited last year?12. Look at that house. My friend lives in it. Look at that house (which/that) my friend lives in. Look at that house in which my friend lives.13. He failed the exam again. It disappointed him.He failed the exam again, which disappointed him.,14.Her father was extremely angry . It made her afraid.15. His teacher forgave him. It moved him.16.The girl is crying. The girl lost her way.The girl who/that lost her way is crying.17. The story is false. He made up the story.The story (which/that) he made up is false., which, which,18. The woman ran to the coming bus. She held a baby in her arms. Many people were waiting for the bus.The woman who/that held a baby in her arms ran to the coming bus (which/that) many people were waiting for.,19. The passengers turned to the woman. The passengers were reading newspapers. The woman was crying. The passengers who were reading newspapers turned to the woman who was crying.,20. The policemen caught the robber. The policemen jumped out of a car. The robber robbed some money from a store.The policemen who jumped out of a car caught the robber who robbed some money from a store.,which; who; that; whom; whose; aswhere; when; why,which that aswhowhomwhosewhere when why,指代“事、物”在从句中作主语或宾语,指代“人”,在从句中作主语或宾语,指代“人”,在从句中作宾语,指代先行词,在从句中作定语,指代先行词,在从句中作状语,Can you make sentences by yourself?,Baby正在敲打那些从洞里伸出来的人。Baby is hitting the people _,who stick out from the holes.,Angelababy,中文名杨颖,1989年2月28日出生于上海.,Angelababy , whose Chinese name is Yang Yin, was born in Shanghai on February 28th 1989.,_,李晨正在努力地吃一颗糖,糖用绳子绑着。,Li Chen is trying to eat a candy _.,which,was tied with a string,李晨正在拉一辆木车,车上有5个人。,Li Chen is dragging a wooden vehicle_ _.,on which,there are five people,李晨,力气特别大,他正拉着一辆木车,车上有5个人。,Li Chen ,_ , is dragging a wooden vehicle _,who has strong power,where there are 5 people.,who is very strong,帽子是红色的那个女人是Baby, 邓超和鹿晗在她旁边跳舞。,The lady whose hat is red is Baby, beside whom Dengchao and Luhan are dancing.,一群人在一座房子前面摆pose, 房子的颜色是棕色的。,A group of people are posing in front of a house whose color is brown.,定语从句特殊规则:,用何关系词?,Runningman is the best show _ I have ever watched.The first city _ they went to was Hangzhou.This is the third season _ they have taken part in.,that,that,that,1.当先行词被最高级或者序数词修饰时,指物用that,不用which。,用何关系词?,Den Chao will show you something _ you never saw before.They should be grateful for everthing _ they have achieved.There is much _interests me in this show.Wang Zulan handed out all the keys_ he had found.He has little experience _ can be applied to this job.,that,that,that,that,that,2.当先行词是something/nothing/few/little等不定代词; 或被few/all/little/much等数量形容词修饰时,指物,用that,不用which。,用何关系词?,He talked about the people and things _ he saw in the passage.He can clearly remember the person and things _ he noticed during the game.,that,that,3.当先行词既包括物又包括人时,用that。,用何关系词?,Runningman is one of the programs _ I am fond of.Is this the one_ you are looking for?The Safe Room was the only place _ they would go to.This is the right/very envelope _ they have been looking for for a long time.,that,that,that,that,4.当先行词是one of;the one; 或被the only/ right/ very(正好;恰好)等修饰时,指物,用that,不用which。,用何关系词?,Who is the man _ is walking to them?Which is the key _is matched to the lock?,that,that,5.当疑问句里已有Who或Which时,关系代词用that,避免重复。,【一】当先行词指事、物时,只用that,不用which 的情况:1. 先行词被最高级或序数词修饰时;2. 先行词是不定代词;或被every/ all/ few等数量形容词修饰时;3. 当先行词既有人又有物时;4. 先行词是 one of、 the one; 或被 the only/ the right/the very 修饰时;5.当主句已有which和who时;,【二】先行词指事、物,只用which, 不用that的情况:1. 在非限制性定语从句中Chen He and Ella turned out to be the adopted children, which astonished all the other players. 2. 在“介词+关系词”引导的定语从句中They looked carefully at the mirror from which they could obtain some information.They must pay attention to the information with which they could find out the adopted children.,【三】先行词指人,只用who,不用that的情况:1.当先行词是everyone/ all/ those/ nobody 等不定代词时,关系代词只用who Those who want to get out of the room must work out the sum(算术题) on the paper.Anyone who gave a wrong answer would be punished.This game is suitable for someone who has strong power.,2. 在there be 句型中。There were three men in black who would tear their name tags(名牌) during the game.There was a person who had been secretly appointed as a spy.,3. 在非限制性定语从句中Li Chen is a charming man, who appeals to many fans.4.“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,只用whom。Huang Xiaoming is the lucky man with whom Baby got married.,Look ! What day is it today? Why are they getting together again?Today is March, 12th . On this day people get together to plant trees!, on which,-What is it? -It is a basketball court . We can play basketball on it indoors.,which, on which we can,play basketball indoors.,I havent seen Mrs. Green for some days. She gave birth to a pair of twins. That is the reason. For that reason, she asked for a leave.,which,Today is March, 12th , on which people get together to plant trees !It is a basketball court , on which we can play basketball indoors.That is the reason, for which she asked for a leave.,观察下列3个句子:,on which,在从句中作时间状语,可直接用关系副词when,when,on which,在从句中作地点状语,可直接用关系副词where,where,for which,在从句中作原因状语,可直接用关系副词why,why,定语从句中关系副词的用法,1. 定语从句中关系副词有: when, where, why 2. 关系副词在定语从句中所作的成份: 关系副词在定语从句中都作状语。 when 作时间状语;where 作地点状语; why 作原因状语。,He remembered the day when I arrived in this big city. I went back to the place where I was born and grew up. Please give me the reason why you were late this time.,when 作时间状语,意为 on the day,where 作地点状语,意为in the place,why作原因状语,意为for the reason,Detailed explanation,when 指时间,在从句中作时间状语,它的先行词为time, day, morning, night, week, year, moment, period, age等,亦可用“介词+which”替代。例:,I still remember the time when I first traveled by plane.,We are living in an age when many things can be done on computer.,我仍然记得第一次坐飞机旅行的时间。,我们生活在许多事情可以在电脑做的时代。,where指地点,在从句中作地点状语。它的先行词通常为place, spot, street, house, room, city, town, country等,亦可用“介词+ which”替代。例:Can you tell me the company where he works?Keep the books in a place where you can find them easily.,你能告诉我他工作的公司吗?,请把书放在容易找到的地方。,why 指原因或理由,它的先行词只有reason,在定语从句中作原因状语,亦可用“介词for+ which”替代。Can you tell me the reason why you didnt come to his birthday party?He broke the law. That is the reason why he was put into prison.,你能告诉我你没参加他的生日宴会的原因吗?,他犯法了, 这就是他坐牢的原因。,完成句子:1. 我一直都记得我来学校的第一天。I always remember the first day _.2. 从他出国的那年起,我就再也没见过他。I havent seen him since the year _3. 1949年是新中国成立的那一年。1949 is the year when China was founded.,when I came to,school,when he went,abroad.,4. 明天我要回去我的出生的故乡。I will go back to the hometown _5. 我爸爸上班的公司离这特别远。The company _ is far from here. 6. 这就是我们吃午餐的那家餐馆。This is the restaurant where we had our lunch.,where I was,born.,where my father works,5. 我没有告诉她我为什么害怕的原因。I didnt tell her the reason why I am afraid.6. 我真的不知道他又迟到的原因。I really dont know the reason why he was late again.,3. 并非先行词是表示时间、地点和原因的名词时都用when, where, why,若先行词在定语从句中作主、宾语, 用which that 若是作状语,才用where, when, why,试比较:I will never forget the days_ I spent with my grandmother in the countryside. I will never forget the days _ I spent my summer holiday in the countryside.,when,spend是vt.从句缺宾语,先行词放回从句作宾语,应用关系代词which/that.,虽然横线前后都是完整的句子,但明显有内在关系,the days放回后面的句子做时间状语,所以找关系副词when,既能指代前面先行词在从句中作状语,又能起到连词的作用。,which/that,试比较:Put the book back to the desk _ others can easily find it.Put the book back to the desk _ John moved in.,where,which/that,先行词在从句中作地点状语,先行词在从句中作moved的宾语,再比较:Nobody believed the reason _ he put forward in the meeting. The reason _ he didnt want to attend the meeting is still unknown.,which/that,先行词the reason 在从句中作put forward 的宾语,why,先行词the reason 在从句中作状语,知识回顾Knowledge Review,祝您成功!,


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