托福口语考试心态调整攻略 托福口语考试心态调整攻略, 这三种心态要不得,今天给大家带来托福口语考试心态调整攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语考试心态调整攻略 这三种心态要不得托福口语考试心态调整攻略一 不要妄自菲薄部分考生缺乏信心,总认为托福口语太难,自己无法攻破。托福考的是母语非英语的人的英语水平。美国人评分比较公正,不要轻易气馁。实际上,托福口语是高度模式化的考试,有机可循,尤其是3-6题。通过同类题目的训练一定会达到心中有数从容应对的程度。1-2题有以往的真题机经作为参考,不会难到开不了口。其实只要稍微沾边,轻微点题,并且让美国人懂大家在说什么,都会有个基本分数的。托福口语考试心态调整攻略二 不要骄傲自满部分考生参加过英语演讲比赛或者有比较丰富的口译经历,感觉自己的英语水平很高,认为托福口语考试不在话下,不看题型裸考都能考高分。这就是另一个极端了。因为大多数人在日常交流中都会用面部表情和肢体语言弥补口头语言中某些表意不明的不足,而托福口语完全是靠嘴巴说,并非视频聊天。所以,即使大家平时和老外面对面交谈十分自如愉快,也不一定在托福口语考试中就能得意考场。另外,在和外国人面对面的交流中,对方的不时反馈会让大家觉得交流更简单,但是托福口语考试中只有大家一个人说,没有互动。口语底子好的同学思想上一定要重视并认真对待托福口语考试,把最基本的东西看看练练,高分才能唾手可得。托福口语考试心态调整攻略三 不要太过相信高分经验部分考生反映,那种诸如“一个星期意外考110+”、“10天115+”、“29+29+29+29”的*自己没少看,看他们的分数和分享感受,自己仿佛也拥有他们的高分一样,很羡慕很陶醉。“经验帖有时确实能治疗复习无方向的症状,不过它和任何药物一样也是有副作用的,尤其是当考生对它们过分依赖的时候。”每个人的英语基础、经历和性格以及很多细节都可能影响口语成绩,因此一个人成功的经验照搬到另一个人身上不一定会收到同样的效果。类似这样的经验贴很容易产生一种善意的、不经意的、很微妙的误导。单从这些经验贴中提供的信息来看,某些考生的高分和他们给出的经验和经历并不一定有必然的联系,他们不可能给出自身完整的特点。就算这个经验是他们成功的法宝,但有可能是其他人失败的毒药。任何经验都是建立在刻苦实践上的,不下苦功,经验不会有效果的。但是经验本身就有光鲜的色彩,比起努力勤奋更具有吸引力,拿到高分的考生往往没有提及他们曾经付出的汗水和代价,或许他们考试近期确实没有怎么太用功复习,他们前期学习英语的辛劳和拼搏可能是我们无法想象的。以上三种托福口语考试心态是需要大家注意避开的,不要妄自菲薄,不能骄傲自满,不要相信高分经验,这样才能调整好考场心态,考出自己满意的托福口语成绩。托福口语范文:将音乐人运动员作为学习对象20XX年最新托福口语题目:将音乐人运动员作为学习对象Task2Do you agree or disagree that celebrities such as artists and athlete should be the role model for people?你同意将popular celebrities such as actors and artists音乐人,体育运动员,作为学习的对象吗?【思路】1. 有些人认为偶像的力量是很强大的,崇拜偶像会给自己带来很多positive energy,如果能有幸见到偶像就会非常激动,这里其实有很多例子可以举,接机,演唱会,见面会等等,偶像也可以举出一个具体的,描述你是如何喜欢他,所以他让你的生活很有动力,甚至学习时很开心。(比如真的有学生说过,她的梦想就是做林更新的经纪人,所以要很努力的学习变得很牛逼)2. 另一个角度,celebrities like artists and athlete他们的成功很大程度上依靠天分,外表和机遇,所以并不完全每个人自己能决定的。其实有很多人,比如说曾经并不知名的科学家屠呦呦,她坚韧不拔的品质是值得学习的。并且,社会主流价值观应该更加推崇培养靠自己的努力成功的态度,并不应该过多的在意外表和机遇。Task2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that celebrities like musician, athletes or performers can set good examples for young people?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:Task 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: current celebrities (like musicians, actor/actress, athlete) set a good example as role model the young people.Personally, celebrities generally do set a good example for the younger generation. Take Kobe Bryant for example, he works very hard to be a better basketball player, he is so determined to win the game that he never gives up even when his team is about to lose, and I think his willpower and perseverance are contagious, teenagers can learn a lot from him. Additionally, despite of his busy schedule as a player, he sometime volunteers in local school and teaches these little kids how to play basketball. The kids can also learn a good lesson here, since we should care and reach out to the community.托福口语范文二:SampleI think some famous people can be good examples for young people. For example, my favorite basket player is Allen Iverson. I have a huge admiration for him because he is such a hard-working guy. According to his coach, Allen was so diligent that he was always the first person arrived for training and the last one to leave. He often spent extra two hours practicing after his teammate left for dinner. So its definitely his hard work that made him one of the most famous phenomenal players in the league. His spirit motivates me a lot especially when I felt depressed or had difficulty dealing with my tests.托福口语范文:学生宿舍养宠物应不应该20XX年最新托福口语题目:学生宿舍养宠物应不应该Task1 College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What do you think? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.20XX年1月9号托福独立口语题目解析Task 1The school allows students to keep pets in their dorms. Do you think it is good or not?学生宿舍养宠物应不应该?【思路】1. 独立问题一定要根据自己的主观感受和经历来分析答题,不要纠结哪种可能更加好说。如果你自身很喜欢小动物,觉得他们很可爱,是一种陪伴,给宿舍带来温馨和欢乐,自己也有一直陪伴的宠物,如果上学离开它会很难过,自然会选择同意。2. 但有些人会觉得,有动物就需要有人打扫卫生,宿舍会有味道,会有些脏有些吵,所以并不希望宿舍中有动物,这样也是可以有很多细节和例子的。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:Task 1Do you think college students should be allowed to keep pets in their dorm?I would no pets should be allowed in campus dorms, cuz dorm is supposed to be a quiet place, where students can get some rest from whole days study, and pets are generally very messy and noisy, and some people are allergic to them. Additionally, going to college costs a lot and one should prioritize their role as a student and maintain a high GPA, everything else comes after that, I would suggest students should leave the animals home, and I think it is kind of fair to pets, cuz college are busy, one does not have enough time to be with the pets.托福口语范文二:Sample:I dont think students should be allowed to keep pets in the dormitories. It is true that pets can bring us a lot of joy and happiness, but dorms are not the appropriate place to raise pets. A cat or a dog can just mess up the dorm within a minute. Like my roommate Belle used to keep a cat in our dorm, it often made some noises at night and we all have trouble falling asleep. Also, it is smelly, sometimes when I come back from classes. I had to open the doors and windows for a long time to get rid of the bad smell. Whats more, the primary job for a college student is study. Keeping pets will take up too much time and effort.