托福口语第六题应该如何备考 托福口语题型解析 ,口语第六题应该如何备考?今天给大家带来托福口语题型解析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语题型解析 口语第六题应该如何备考?托福口语第六题备考需要学习专业词汇托福口语TASK6要求考生在90秒-120秒左右的时间听一段230词-280词的听力,虽然这个题目从考试形式上来说和TASK5一样,都是只有听力。但是在这个题目中,包含有更多的学术词汇,说话人说话的速度也更快,所以如果考生在做这个题目之前,对于天文类,地质类,植物类,动物类等方面的专业词汇一点都不懂的话,肯定会影响自己在这个题目中的发挥的。比如考生在回答官方真题Official13TASK6的时候,如果对 predators,detection,permanent,protrusion等词汇一点都不了解,肯定会影响自己答题的。因此建议,考生在备考的过程中,要着重注意积累一些专业性的词汇,而且提醒考生,在背诵的过程中,应该把重点放在掌握单词的发音上,要做到听到这个单词的发音就能立刻反应出来它所表达的意思的程度。托福口语第六题备考需要学会组织答案1.听力材料中心句重点听托福口语TASK6的答案一般包括两个部分,分别是教授论述的中心内容,以及教授为了证明自己的观点所举的例子或者所做的实验等等,所以认为,如果考生想要在考试中取得高分,就一定要学会掌握中心句。在托福口语TASK6中,教授有的时候会在*的一开始就表明自己要论述的主要内容,有的时候会先说别的内容,然后用转折引出自己要表达的主要内容。比如在官方真题Official14TASK6中,教授一开始论述的并不是自己想要表达的中心内容,而是论述的地面上的植物,后来用but引出自己要论述的main idea:two adAPtations deep sea animals use to survive the harsh。所以考生在备考的过程中,一定要学会把握中心句。2.听力中例子重点听在教授论述完自己想要陈述的观点之后,一般会用具体的例子来证明自己观点的正确性,所以考生在听听力的时候,也要提升对于例子的掌控能力,如果听到了for example,another等衔接词就一定要引起注意。托福口语范文:学校减少校报投入20XX年最新托福口语题目:学校减少校报投入Task 5题目学校要减少对于校报的funding, 要是不能再发行了怎么办?第一个解决方案是减少国内外新闻时事的部分,因为其他的地方也能看到这些消息,但是可能会减少学生的interest;第二个解决方案是减少报纸的发行量,反正有一部分学生是相互传阅的,但是这样有可能有一些学生就看不到了。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:The university is going to reduce the campus newspapers funding, two editors were worried about the distribution problem. They could cut down the national and international news part or reduce circulation of the newspaper. Personally, I think, in case of some students might not have the chance to read the newspaper, I perfer the the first solution. Cause, students still could read those news from other media, such as on the internet, they might even learn more details about the events and see some interesting comments about the events. At the meanwhile, there will be more spaces for school events which I think will actually increase the students interest. For example, they could set up a school calender about what kinds of activities will be on during the week for students to participate, in that way students definitely gonna read it.托福口语范文:公司新产品的影响20XX年最新托福口语题目:公司新产品的影响Task 6范例商科,marketing的,介绍了公司当有一个新产品的时候又不同的影响distribution channels(比如商场,网络,电话)的因素。第一个是要考虑成本,比如卖书,要是在商场的话就要考虑各式各样的别的开销,比如租金什么的,所以在网上卖更合适,可以省钱;第二个是individual needs, 比如卖衣服,那在网上卖顾客就不能试穿,所以还是要提供face to face的服务,所以商场更好,可以measure。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文一:when a company has a new product coming, there will be some different distribution channels, such as shopping mall, online,or cellphone. There are two factors need to be concerned. First is the cost, for example, the company wants to sell books, if they sell them in the shopping mall, they have to think about the rent and stuffs, so it will be more convenient to sell books online. The second factor is individual needs. For instance, the company wants to sell clothes, if they do it online, the consumers could not try them on, so the company need to provide some kind of face-to-face services, such as measurement, which means it will be better for the company to sell clothes in a shopping mall.(托福口语范文:通过群落对环境的作用20XX年最新托福口语题目:通过群落对环境的作用Task 4题目*中介绍的词是autogenic succession, 意思大概是通过群落对环境的反作用使环境条件发生变化,由于这些变化了的条件的作用形成了新的群落而引起演替。听力中用了松树(pine tree)作为例子,最开始森林里非常的dry,阳光又充足, 松树长得就特别好,这时候松针(needle)就开始掉了,然后积攒在地上,然后土就变得非湿了。而且当松树长得特别好的时候,松树的shade会挡住阳光,这时候就非常适合oak tree生长了托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:The autogenic succession means where the plant community causes the environment to change and this modification drives the succession. The professor talked about the pine trees in the forest. At the beginning, the forest was full of the sunlight and the soil was dry, so the pine trees were especially good. Then the needles started to fall and build up on the ground so that the soil became moisture; also, the pine trees shade started to block the sunlight, the whole ground became shady. Contrary to the beginning, the whole environment started to be more suitable for oak trees.托福口语第六题应该如何备考