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    第三讲:战略与组织变革,范黎波对外经济贸易大学国际商学院2008年11月,第十三章:组织变革与创新,MANAGING CHANGE AND INNOVATION,引言,作家加德勒(John Cardler)说过:大多数有问题的组织是因为滋生了功能性的盲目,看不到自己的缺点。它们的症结并不在于无法解决问题,而是根本看不到问题。你是否知道事情在发生?你是否能够看到事情发生?你是否可以令事情发生?,Learning Objectives,You should learn to:Contrast the calm waters and white-water rapids metaphors of changeDescribe what managers can change in organizationsExplain why people are likely to resist changeList techniques for reducing resistance to change,Learning Objectives (cont.),Describe the situational factors that facilitate cultural changeExplain how process reengineering is related to changeDifferentiate between creativity and innovationExplain how organizations can stimulate and nurture innovation,What Is Change?,Changealterations in people, structure, or technology, and culturechange is an organizational realitymanaging change is an integral part of every managers job,Forces For Change,External Forcesmarketplace Technologylabor markets economic - uncertainties about interest rates, budget deficits, and currency exchange rates,Forces For Change (cont.),Internal Forcesoriginate from the operations of the organizationforces may include strategy, workforce, new equipment, or employee attitudesManager initiatives-as Change Agent,13-8,Two Views Of The Change Process,The Calm Waters Metaphorchange is a break in the organizations equilibrium state Lewins three-step modelunfreezing - preparing for the needed change by:increasing the driving forces that direct behavior away from the status quodecreasing the restraining forces that push behavior towards the status quochanging - move to another equilibrium levelrefreezing - make change permanent,The Change Process,Two Views Of The Change Process (cont.),White-Water Rapids Metaphorconsistent with uncertain and dynamic environmentsconsistent with a world increasingly dominated by information, ideas, and knowledgemanagers must continually maneuver in uninterrupted rapidstoday, managers must be ready to efficiently and effectively manage the changes facing their organizations or their work areas,Three Categories Of Change,The Categories Of Change,changing structure - organizations formal design, centralization, degree of formalization, and work specialization structural components and structural design,changing technology - modifications in the way work is performedalterations in the methods and equipment usedconsequence of competitive factors or innovations within an industryautomation - replaces tasks done by people with machinescomputerization - recent visible changes in information systems,changing people - changes in employee attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behaviororganizational development (OD) - techniques or programs to change people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationshipsintended to help individuals and groups work together more effectively,Organizational Development Techniques,Dealing with Resistance to Change,Why people resist changechange replaces the known with ambiguity and uncertaintychange threatens investments in the status quobelief that change is incompatible with the goals and interests of the organizationTechniques for reducing resistancea variety of actions available to managers to deal with dysfunctional resistance,Managerial Actions to Reduce Resistance to Change,Contemporary Issues In Managing Change,Changing Organizational Cultureculture resistant to change because it is made up of relatively stable and permanent characteristicsstrong cultures are particularly resistant to changeUnderstanding the Situational Factors - makes cultural change more likelydramatic crisis occursleadership changes handsorganization is young and smallculture is weak,Contemporary Issues (cont.),Changing Organizational Culture (cont.)How Can Cultural Change Be Accomplished?requires a comprehensive and coordinated strategyunfreeze the current cultureimplement new “ways of doing things”reinforce those new valueschange, if it comes, is likely to be slowprotect against any return to old, familiar practices and traditions,The Road to Cultural Change,Contemporary Issues (cont.),Continuous Quality Improvement Programscontinuous, small, incremental changesfix and improve current work activitiesrely on participative decision making from the bottom levelsProcess Reengineeringdramatic shift in the way an organization does its workbegins with the redesign of workdefine customer needsdesign work processes to best meet those needsrequires participation from managers and workers,Continuous Quality Improvement Versus Reengineering,Continuous Quality Improvement Continuous, incremental change Fixing and improving Mostly “as is” Works from bottom up in organization,Reengineering Radical change Redesigning - starting over Mostly “what can be” Initiated by top management,创新 Stimulating innovation,Stimulating Innovation,Creativity versus Innovationcreativity - ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideasinnovation - process of transforming creative ideas into a useful product, service, or method of operation,Systems View Of Innovation,13-26,Stimulating and Nurturing Innovationmust focus on inputs creative people and groups within the organizationrequires appropriate environment structural variables organic designplentiful resourcesfrequent inter-unit communication,Stimulating Innovation (cont.),Stimulating Innovation (cont.),Stimulating and Nurturing Innovation (cont.)requires appropriate environment (cont.)cultural variablesencourage experimentationreward success and failurescelebrate mistakeshuman resource variablespromote training and development of employeesoffer high job securityencourage individuals to become idea championsself-confident, persistent, risk takingenergize others with visions of innovation,Innovation Variables,在组织变革引入公平操作(fair process),本章结言,1、过程公正与公平操作,人们对司法制度的信任正是基于对过程公正的信任。审判的过程是否公正和审判的结果是否公正,具有同样的重要性。在司法领域,过程公正使得人们对司法结果有了事先就准备接受的预期。,把“过程公正”这一概念移植到组织变革和转型领域,就是我们所说的“公平操作”。在组织变革过程中,“公平操作” 可以使员工对组织更加信任,并自觉自愿地接受组织的领导。,2、公平操作的3E原则,参与(Engagement)解释(Explanation)清晰的预期(Clarity of Expectation),“参与”意味着允许个人在组织变革过程中发表自己的意见,包括提出不同意见和展开争论。这样的沟通显示出管理层对个人意见的尊重,而鼓励争论更能够调动员工的积极性,形成更有质量的综合意见。,“解释”是为了使与组织变革相关和受影响的员工能够理解最终的决定。尤其是,对组织变革背后的理念进行阐释,可以使员工相信,他们的意见和既得利益都已经在组织的整体利益中得到了考虑。,“清晰的预期”要求管理层明确说明组织变革中的新游戏规则,员工应该事先被告知评判业绩的标准,以及如果业绩完成得不好会受到什么样惩罚。组织变革到底是要达到什么目的?总体目标和阶段性的目标都是什么?,3、为什么公平操作至关重要?,为什么“公平操作”对员工的的态度和行为具有如此重要的影响?为什么是否遵守公平操作原则可以影响到组织变革的成败?可归结为理性和感性两方面原因,为什么公平操作至关重要?,从情感角度看,每个人都希望被人认为有价值,都希望被看作是“局内人”,而不仅是 “劳动者”、“员工”、或“体制外的人”,无论地位高低,人都有这样的需要。,为什么公平操作至关重要?,从理性的角度来看,员工希望自己的意见能够受到重视,别人在听到他们理性的想法后,愿意和他们解释沟通。,


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