英语文化的魅力 有趣的俚语,Shes a couch potato.,Have a guess!,Slang,Couch potato(电视迷): a person who watches too much television.,Party animal(派对狂): someone that loves parties or go out to clubs e.g. Youve been partying every night this week. You are such a party animal!,Jock(体育高手): someone good at sports e.g. John is the biggest jock in school.,英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合。,俚语:指民间非正式、较口语的词句。,一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,译成中文不能直译。,哇塞、纯爷们儿,使用原因: 俚语因为比较夸张,可以让你的语言变得更“生动”更“流利”。俚语比喻一般比较“夸张”,所以很适合用来表达自己的心情和想法。,使用场合: 俚语适用于非正式的社交场合,一般会用在身份平等的人身上。如果上级喜欢用俚语,那你也可以“适当”的用一些,但是千万不要模仿上司的语气。,Talk turkey,All Greek to me,The third wheel,Talk turkey,以后talk turkey延伸为坦率地说出心中想法,或者严肃认真的谈论某事的意思由于商人都是很务实的,所以这个习语在business方面用得比较广泛。 To talk turkey with you,I didnt lose my wallet. 实话说我并没有丢失钱包。,The third wheel,至于它的词源,普遍的猜测认为是源于“自行车”反正“the third wheel”(电灯泡)被大众广为使用。在英语中,“the third wheel”指那些“碍手碍脚、不合时宜”的人,也就是我们汉语中的“电灯泡”。所以说,哪天若有某对情侣邀你一起看电影,你完全可以说:You two just go ahead. I dont want to be a third wheel.(你们俩去好了,我不想当电灯泡。),All Greek to me,来源:众所周知,希腊是世界上的四大文明古国之一。希腊语对西方各国语言文字的影响很大,曾经在英国上流社会风行一时。但是,古希腊语语法深奥繁复,多曲折变化,常被学习者视为畏途。所以,古希腊语作为一种艰涩难懂的语言形象根深蒂固,于是便和“晦涩难懂的事物”等同起来,并作为一个习语固定下来。 被人们用来表示完全不懂、一窍不通、天书比如说Math means all Greek to me,就是说我完全不懂数学。,像这样自己设计对话吧,A: Im very tired, I have to catch some Zs.B:What happened?A: I have worked on the program for over 70 hours this week!To talk turkey with you, it is all Greek to me.C: Oh, come on. How about going to a movie with us?A: Are you kidding me? I dont want to be a third wheel, you two just go ahead.,Thank you!,