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    ,汇报人:XXX,小组成员:XXX XXX XXX,UNIT6,1.Definition2.Reading Ability3.How to Write a Reading Test Volume,Contents,6.1 Definition,1. Reading is examined in terms of purpose, activities and materials.(From text book) 2. The nature of reading can be summarized as extracting the required information from a written text as efficiently as possible(Grellet,1981:1). 3. Reading (process), the cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning (reading a book or reading music)obtaining information from devices such as sensors.(From Wikipedia),6.1.1 Reading Purpose,1. 生存需要(reading for survival) It is generally intended to meet certain needs immediately. e.g. Subway indicator;Commodity price list2. 学习需要(reading for learning) It is intended to acquire all kinds of information or knowledge to enrich and update existing knowledge, and broaden horizons. e.g. Postgraduate entrance examination研究生入学考试 Professional field research,6.1.1 Reading Purpose,3. 休闲需要(reading for pleasure) It is neither for survival nor for learning. Reading for its own sack. (Wallace,1992:7) e.g. Read for relaxation,6.1.2 Reading Mode,1.泛读(extensive reading) This way does not seek for a thorough understanding of reading materials, it only focuses on general idea and the smoothness of reading. e.g. Detective or mystery novels;Long passages2.精读(intensive reading) This way is used for reading the materials which are abstruse深奥的. It dose not pursue speed or fluency, but to grasp details or understand accuracy准确. e.g. Argumentative paper,6.1.2 Reading Mode,3.跳读(skimming) It is often used to read materials that need to be learned through quick browsing. This way of reading is characterized by its speed and generality. e.g. Newspaper;Magazine4.寻读(scanning) This way is often used to browse materials quickly to get the required information. It is characterized by fast speed and search information point clearly. e.g. Commodity advertisements; Find names or numbers,6.1.3 Reading Materials,1. Daily life categories: letters, newspapers and magazines, literary works, various advertisements, signs on the road, timetable for railway stations or airports, public notice, e-mail, various information on the Internet and so on.,6.1.3 Reading Materials,2. Learning work: textbooks, reference books, all kinds of reference books, academic monograph, papers, course assignments, manuals and so on.,6.2 Reading Ability,Definition: Reading ability is a theoretical hypothesis(理论假设) that can only be expressed through different skills in the reading process.,Reading Skills,macro skills,grammatical and lexical knowledge,micro skills,macro skills 篇章理解技能,1. to understand explicitly stated information; 2. to perceive temporal and spatial relationships, and also sequences of ideas; 3. to understand conceptual meaning; (a) quantity and amount (b) comparison and degree (c)cause, result, purpose, reason, condition, addition, contrast, concession;,macro skills 篇章理解技能,4. to anticipate and predict what will come next in the text; 5. to identify the main idea and other salient features in a text; 6. to generalise and draw conclusions; 7. to understand information not explicitly stated by (a)making interences (i.e. reading between the lines) (b)understanding figurative language(e.g. simile, metaphor);,8. to skim and scan( looking for the general meaning and reading for specific information ); 9. to read critically (e.g. evaluating writing styles); 10. to adopt a flexible approach and vary reading strategies according to the type of material being read and the purpose for which It is being read.,macro skills 篇章理解技能,1. to deduce the meaning of words by (a) understanding word formation (b) contextual clues; 2. to understand relations between parts of a text through both lexical devices词汇手段 (e.g. repetition, synonyms) and grammatical cohesive devices语法衔接手段, especially anaphoric and cataphoric reference前后照应(e.g. they, he; the former, the latter) and connectives (e.g. since, after, although, despite, moreover);,micro skills 语法词汇运用技能,1. to recognise words and word groups, associating with their corresponding graphic symbols; 2. to understand relations within the sentence, (a) elements of sentence structure (b) complex embedding,grammatical and lexical knowledge基本语法词汇概念,6.3,How to Write a Reading Test Volume,6.3,How to Write a Reading Test Volume,Text types: newspaper articles、 advertisements、 timetables、 pamphlets、 short stories、road/street signs分类:Type A newspaper articles, short storiesType B advertisements, pamphletsType C timetables, road/street sighs,Test Content考试内容的选择要有代表性:,这部分中的另一要点是focus,即对考试能力层次的要求。要求分为:识记( recognition/memory) 领会 (understanding) 应用 (application) 分析( analysis)尽管不同级别的考试对能力层次要求会有所侧重,但考试题目不宜全部集中在某个层次上。,Test Content考试内容的选择要有代表性:,6.3,How to Write a Reading Test Volume,6.3,How to Write a Reading Test Volume,6.3,How to Write a Reading Test Volume,7. Synthesis(综合题),8. Evaluation(评论题),THANK YOU,


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