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    东西方文化有哪些区别 东西方文化有哪些区别,你知道么?今天给大家带来东西方文化有哪些区别,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。东西方文化有哪些区别The biggest difference between Western and Eastern culture is the flexibility towards change and reform.东西方文化间最大的差别就是面对改变和改革的灵活性。West was not always like the West that we know today. They have adapted to newer ways of life faster than Easterns while Easterns adapt to change slowly.西方并不一直是我们现在熟悉的样子,他们比东方人更快地适应新的生活方式,而东方人适应变化要慢一些。Nationalism is lesser in Western culture. Todays Westerns have almost nothing similar to the way their ancestors lived. Even compared to 1950s society todays Western culture is much different. In East they will often bring up their ancestors and their way of lives and traditions which gets in the way of change.西方文化中不太强调民族主义,现今的西方人和祖先的生活方式大相径庭,甚至和20世纪50年代的社会相比,现在的西方文化都产生了很大变化。东方人总会提到祖先以及祖先的生活方式和传统,这就阻碍了变革。Western culture is centered mostly around freedom. Freedom to do anything. Freedom to choose anything. Freedom to say anything. Because of that freedom people change the way they want and the society, tradition and lifestyle changes fast.西方文化主要围绕自由,做事、选择和言论的自由。因为有这种自由人们按照自己喜欢的方式做出改变,并且社会、传统和生活方式变化都很快。Eastern culture is more conservative and controlling towards peoples actions and their lives, too many taboos, old traditional dogmas which tells them to live in a certain way other people see fit.东方文化更保守,控制着人们的行为和生活,禁忌太多,还有太多传统的教条告诫人们要以别人看来合适的方式生活。Inequality in Eastern culture is higher, it could be based on gender or even age. In some Eastern culture being elder gives people special privileges and elders control everyones lives, they have a say on how everyone should live. An elder voice counts, young voices are not taken into account, another reason that hinders their social growth and change.东方文化中的不平等更严重,包括性别甚至年龄的不平等。在一些东方文化中,长者就有特权,长者控制着每个人的生活,他们有权指点别人该怎样生活。长者说的话有分量,年轻人就人微言轻,这也是阻碍社会发展和变革的另一原因。Western culture has freedom to the point people THINK they can do whatever they want but it is not the case since I lived in the West for the past 15 years and these freedoms can become negative to the point that certain people can be granted so called privileges more so than others. Freedom doesnt exist anywhere. It is all privileges given to us by the elite of this world.西方文化中的自由到了人们“自以为”可以为所欲为的程度,但其实并非如此,因为过去的15年我一直生活在西方,这种自由的消极影响是有些人的确比他人拥有更多的所谓的特权。自由其实并不存在,只是社会中的精英赋予我们的所有特权而已。Eastern culture is worse because there is literally less privilege unless you live in Japan or Israel and a few other nations but overall, too much dictatorship exist by religious retards, who want to control people to the point people not only hate the government but the very nation they reside in.东方文化不太好,因为除非你生活在日本或以色列以及少数几个国家,否则你的特权绝对会更少。总体来说,由于宗教影响有太多独裁者想控制人们,结果导致人们不仅讨厌政府,而且讨厌他们所在的国家。英国人为什么不把自己当欧洲人I spent a year living in an international dormitory in China, with students from all over the world. “Birds of a feather flock together”, as they say. Of all the various categorisations that could be made based on the way people formed their groups, the most obvious collections were:我在中国住了一年留学生宿舍,那里有来自世界各地的学生。人们常说:“人以群分”,在各种小团体形成的分类方式中,最明显的分类是:Westerners - (European and American mainly)西方人(主要是欧美人)East Asians - (Thailand, Korea, Japan, Vietnam)东亚人(泰国、韩国、日本、越南)South Asians - (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan)南亚人(印度、巴基斯坦、尼泊尔、不丹)Middle-easterners/Arabic - (Iran, Yemen etc)中东/阿拉伯人(伊朗、也门等)Slavic/Central Asian - (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan etc)斯拉夫人/中亚人(俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦等)People really do gravitate into groups based on ethnic and cultural identity. At that time, I knew more than ever that I was a European. The way I as a Brit acted, thought was entirely in tune with the Europeans I spent time with.人们进入一些交际圈真的是因为种族和文化的区别。那时我才第一次更明确地知道自己是欧洲人,作为英国人的我行为和思维方式都和身边的欧洲人一样。I am definitely European.当然我是欧洲人。Before this experience, Ill admit I wasnt hugely aware of this.留学之前,我承认自己没有真正意识到这一点。As to why most Brits dont feel European, I suspect its because of the rather large stretch of water that separates us from the mainland. So Brits not identifying as European is quite a standard phenomenon, I believe.至于为什么大多数英国人都不把自己当欧洲人,我怀疑是因为在我们和大陆之间有大片水域相隔,所以我认为英国人不把自己当欧洲人是很正常的现象。Why do the British not feel European?为什么英国人不觉得自己是欧洲人?I am answering the question from a purely personal view. First I regard myself as “English” not British. Secondly I do not feel European as Europe is “abroad”. I have been there, Germany, Austria, France, but not since 1961.我要从很私人的角度来回答这个问题。首先我把自己看作是英格兰人,而非英国人。其次我不认为自己是欧洲人因为欧洲是“外国”,我去过欧洲,到过德国、奥地利、法国,但1961年以后就再没去过。However the question! - Europe is other countries, other languages, other histories Interesting but different. I do not feel any connection with these other countries, and certainly do not feel part of any group or association of other countries.无论怎样,欧洲就是其他国家,说其他语言,有其他有趣但和我们不同的历史。我不认为和这些“其他国家”有任何关系,当然也不觉得自己是“其他国家”任何小团体的一部分,或跟他们有任何关系。Living a quiet life in a rural part of England, I do not have much contact with citizens of other countries. I do not dislike them or object to them, they simply do not impact on my life.我在英格兰乡村过着安逸的生活,和其他国家的人没有多少交集。我不是不喜欢他们或反对他们,只不过他们对我的生活一点影响都没有。It is the same with Europe, I know its there, know a reasonable amount about it, but have absolutely no contact with it.对欧洲也是如此,我知道它在那儿,关于欧洲我也适当了解一点,但跟它绝对一点关系都没有。这些话千万被跟英国人讲When I studied abroad in the UK, every room came equipped with an electric kettle for making tea.当我在英国读书的时候,每个宿舍房间都配有一个煮茶用的水壶。I foolishly asked the British students, “Why do you need a kettle? Cant you just make your tea in the microwave?”我当时傻里傻气地问我的英国同学:“你们为什么要用水壶?不能直接用微波炉来泡茶吗?”Their response:而他们的反应是:At least they didnt kill me.谢天谢地,他们没有处决我。Never assume that a British person is English.绝对不要想当然地以为一个英国人是英格兰人。It will be highly resented by the Scottish, Welsh, and certain Irish people.这会惹毛苏格兰人、威尔士人以及一部分爱尔兰人。And never assume that what English people do is typical of what British people do.而且,也不要以为英格兰人干的事就是全英国人都干的事。There are over 130 languages spoken in Britain, and the Scottish, Welsh, and Irish have their own languages, apart from that, they sometimes speak English in accents that are indecipherable to most English people.英国总共有130多种语言,苏格兰人、威尔士人以及爱尔兰人都有自己的语言;除此之外,他们有些人的英语口音是英格兰人根本听不懂的。Also, there are very few English people who speak English in the way it is spoken by News readers, actors, or politicians.另外,实际上只有很少英格兰人的英语听起来像新闻播报员、演员和政客那样。Thanks or Thats okay just after someone says Sorry to you.如果有人对你说“对不起”,不要回答“谢谢”或者“没关系”。The correct response is for both of you to say Sorry and keep saying it until youre well out of earshot.正确的做法应该是双方都说“对不起”,而且要一边走远一边说,一直到对方听不见。东西方文化有哪些区别


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