电子地图可视化工程,主讲人:蔡忠亮,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,第二讲 电子地图可视化,地图可视化实质,地理实体,可视化形式,图解,促进,信息传输空间认知,符号,地图可视化实质,Posted on November 7, 2011 by Andy Woodruff,GIScience, SRES, Wuhan University,GIScience, SRES, Wuhan University,GIScience, SRES, Wuhan University,2.1 科学计算可视化的基本概念,2.1.1 科学计算可视化的概念,可视化是一种计算方法,它将符号或数据转换为直观的几何图形,便于研究人员观察其模拟和计算过程。可视化是一个工具,用来解译输入到计算机中的图像数据和从复杂的多维数据中生成图像,它主要研究人和计算机怎样协调一致地感受、使用和传输视觉信息(McCormick et al.,1987)。,2.1 科学计算可视化的基本概念,2.1.2 科学计算可视化的意义,数据的处理速度快; 实现人与人和人与机之间的图象通讯; 对计算过程和结果进行控制; 可提供多种可视化技术手段;,2.1.3 科学计算可视化的过程,过滤,映射,绘制,反馈,2.2.1 空间信息及其表现方法,空间信息可视化研究的内容包括空间实体信息的创建、组织、理解和表示的计算、认知和图形设计等几个主要部分,其结果可以被符号化、图形化、形象化,而且区别于那些文字和公式化的表达。,2.2.2 空间信息可视化,2.1 科学计算可视化的基本概念,2.2 电子地图的可视化理论,2.2.3 地图可视化,地图可视化成为GIS和地图学领域中被关注的主要焦点之一。,ICA于1995年成立可视化委员会(Commission on Visualization ); 可视化成为1999年渥太华ICA会议的主要议题之一; Philbrick(1953)提出地图可视化的概念; DiBiase(1990)提出了地理可视化的框架; Taylor(1991)认为地图可视化是地图学重要理论基础; Buttenfield等(1991)从GIS的角度给出可视化的定义; MacEachren(1994)从地图应用角度理解地图可视化; 高俊院士(1996)从认知角度研究了地图可视化理论; Kraak,Wood,Palmer,,地图可视化以计算机科学、地图学、认知科学与地理信息系统为基础,以屏幕地图形式,直观、形象与多维、动态地显示空间信息的方法与技术。,2.2.3 地图可视化(科学探究工具论),DiBiase认为可视化在研究过程的早期侧重于个人特征的视觉思维,后期侧重于研究结果的公众交流与视觉传输。,2.2 电子地图的可视化理论,2.2.3 地图可视化(现代地图学核心论),可视化是现代地图学的核心,处在这个等边三角形的中心,传输和认知模型是地图可视化的重要内容。,可视化仍然是地图核心,交互性和动态性在制图可视化研究中也显得越来越重要。,2.2 电子地图的可视化理论,2.2.3 地图可视化(地图应用论 ),地图应用的对象包括个人和公众; 人图交互水平有高有低;地图应用的目的是揭示未知与表达已知。,信息传输(远角点)具有表达已知、面对大众、人图交互作用较低的特点; 可视化(近角点)则具有揭示未知、面对个人、人图交互作用较高的特点。,2.2 电子地图的可视化理论,2.2.4 地图认知论,对地图对象的认知。,制图者认知模型,读图者认知模型,对表达事物和现象的认知,及内容表现形式的认知。,地图认知,指导选取地图信息,指导地图载负量设计,指导可视化界面设计,2.2 电子地图的可视化理论,2.2.5 地图信息传输论,信息表现形式由单一化向多样化扩展;信息传输方式由静态向动态扩展;信息表现范围由二维向多维扩展;信息接收方式由被动向主动扩展;信息传输手段由常规向新技术扩展;信息传输途径由视觉向视、听、触等 多种感觉形式扩展。,传统的信息传输模型,基于可视化的信息传输模型,基于交互的信息传输模型,2.2 电子地图的可视化理论,2.3 电子地图的可视化研究框架,2.3.1 多媒体电子地图可视化特点,直观性 交互性 动态性 集成性 多维性,2.3 电子地图的可视化研究框架,2.3.2 多媒体电子地图可视化研究框架,SRES, Wuhan University,Cartographic Interaction,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Analog/digital maps,Overview completely unfolding the map.Pan fold and unfold the map, hiding and revealing different subsections.Zoom closer or nearer to face.Link/relate/find Reference legend symbol and index to find landmarks position.Annotate draw or write notes on the map.Collaborative environment multiple users.Select/highlight point at a location for another to view.Filter identify a subset of important topics to identify on the map.Re-do/re-visualize the user may forget the directions and try to recreate the wayfinding process.,Robert E. Roth, Department of Geography, Penn State University, 2009,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,MacEachren,1995; Robert E. Roth,2009,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,Levels of Cartographic Interaction. Cartographic Interaction can be conceptualized according to at least five levels: (1) goals, (2) objectives, (3) operators, (4) user inputs, and (5) operands,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,In the context of exploratory geovisualization, initial user goals are often open-ended or poorly defined, and may emerge as the user is interacting with the map.,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,Objectives are the clearly defined tasks that a user must complete in order to achieve a goal.,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,Operators are digital tools through which cartographic interactions are made possible. Operators generally rely upon one of five interface styles: (1) direct manipulation, (2) menu selection, (3) form fill-in, (4) command language, and (5) natural language (Shneiderman and Plaisant,2010).,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,MacEachrens six operators: (1) assignment (changing the mapping of variables to graphic components), (2) brushing (highlighting a set of entities in one view and observing effects in linked views), (3) focusing (limiting the inclusion of data in the linked views to a specified value range), (4) colormap manipulation (assigning specific colors to individual observations or a subset of observations falling within a specified range of values), (5) viewpoint manipulation (changing the size, position, and orientation of the information graphic onscreen), and (6) sequencing (animating the views over time).,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,The lowest level of conceptualization cartographic interaction is in terms of the input device:text-entry (i.e., the keyboard) and pointing (e.g., mouse, multi-touch screen, directional pad, graphics tablet, joystick, touchpad, touch point, touch screen, and track ball).,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,Operands: Information.,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Cartographic interaction,Robert E. Roth,2009,Minimization of the gulf of execution and gulf of evaluation are of equal importance for ensuring successful cartographic interaction.,Map Interaction & Techniques,SRES, Wuhan University,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Multiple, coordinated views,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Brushing,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Highlighting,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,Data Probing and Info Window Design,Interactive Cartography and Visualization,The User Interface,What elements to animated map?,SRES, Wuhan University,Elements,Temporal Scale and Pace,A good temporal legend has to communicate three things:1) What is the current moment (e.g., June 10), 2) what is the total length of time in the animation (e.g., June 1-22), and 3) where is this moment in relation to the animation as a whole (e.g., about half way through).,temporal legend,ArcGIS Maplex Automatic Placement,Intuitive user interface and rule-based label engine,Elements,Cartographic Text,Elements,Reducing the Split Attention Effect,Attention TunnelingSplit Attention Effect,Spatial contiguity effectTemporal contiguity effect,Legend,Animation,Shift,Embedded audio/visual cues,Solutions,Elements,Temporal Re-Expression,Temporal re-expression is displaying the same dataset using different temporal units in which the data are aggregated to create composite frames (or moments) in the animation.,Elements,Temporal Granularity and Interpolation,Many animated maps employ temporal interpolation to “fill-in” missing time periods or to create a smoother looking animation.,Aggregating our data together can be used to change how much time each frame of the animation represents, also known as temporal granularity. Doing this allows viewers to create temporal slices of different thickness so that the smallest/finest moment that can be seen in the animation could be changed from hours to days or months.,Elements,Mobile Annotation,上海城市通-电子地图光盘(2004),Elements,Automatic Annotation Placement (ArcGIS Maplex),Elements,Annotation Size / Density / Tracking (TypeBrewser.org),SRES, Wuhan University,电子地图可视化思维,电子地图可视化思维,电子地图可视化思维,电子地图可视化思维,In cartography, aesthetics is about the visual effect of a mapits particular “look”which is constructed from the interplay of the graphical elements. Aesthetics is a highly debated issue; opinions are strong and varied and there are no universal rules, even though when we say a map is “beautiful” we believe that others ought to agree with us. (Alexander J. Kent et al. , 2013),Cartographic Design and Aesthetics “FAQ”,电子地图可视化思维,电子地图可视化思维,视觉美,功能,电子地图可视化思维,As most maps are made to be used by people other than their creators, cartographers need to be conscious of the needs of map users. If we want to communicate a particular message through a map, its overall aesthetic can help to convey this message by influencing how users interact with the map and their perception of the information it contains. Understanding how aesthetics influences map reading and perception can help us to design maps that are more effective and engaging. This does not mean that maps have to be regarded as beautifulthey may use a grotesque or even repugnant aesthetic to communicate a theme effectively.,电子地图可视化思维,Aesthetic language,Techniques employed,Experts experience,Starting at examples,电子地图可视化思维,mapdesign.icaci.org/map-examples,电子地图可视化思维,mapdesign.icaci.org/map-examples,References,http:/,http:/healthcarereportcard.illinois.gov/maps,http:/,http:/,http:/,http:/cartography.oregonstate.edu/index.html,http:/mapdesign.icaci.org/map-examples/,