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    提问子类模板一,.is such a common matter that every one of us may meet it from time to time.People hold different views towards.Some people.Other people viewasPersonally, I agree with the second group of people. Just asonce said, Few persons canFrom now on I will not On the contrary, I will.,经典范文,Is Failure a Bad Thing?失败是常有的事人们对失败有各种不同的态度我对失败的态度,Failure is such a common matter that every one of us may meet it from time to time. People hold different views towards failure in their life. Some people are so sad and frustrated at their unsuccessful attempts that they will never accumulate the courage to have another try. Other people view repeated failure as most natural on the way towards a achievement they will keep on trying until they succeed in the end. Personally, I agree with the second group of people. Just as John Vance Cheney once said, “The soul wound have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.” If you have only had wonderful things happen to you, how can you become brave? If you can only embrace success and will never accept failure, how can you become mature? Few persons can be successful at the first time, and failure can teach us much more than success. From now on I will not be too much discouraged at failure. On the contrary, I will brace up and stand up to the next challenge, because the most glorious moments are those days when I overcome the feeling of despair and rejuvenate myself with hope and aspiration.,段落拓展方法,过程分析法过程分析法(process analysis)用作支配方法时,其目的是告诉读者怎样做某事,说明某事物的工作原理或某事物的制造方法。 在我们日常从事的活动中就包括各种过程,如:如一顿饭、如何植树、如何做衣服、如何开机器等。过程分就是用于描述或者说明做某一事情时应遵循的程序或爿这种方法使用广泛。值得注意的是: 1整个过程的每一步骤必须尽可能简单明了,要记是要告诉读者怎样做一件事,而不是要把他们弄糊涂。 2每一必要步骤都要讲清楚,遗漏任何一个重要步会使事情做得不好,或者根本无法完成。 3每一步骤都必须按照时问的先后顺序排好。 4告诉读者,做某一事情时,必须准备哪些工乒器等。 在进行过程分析法扩展段落时,经常使用祈使句及现在时。,示范段落分析,Coffee is a good drink to treat your guests because it is very easy to makeYou only need a pot,a bottle of made coffee。a box of sugar and some hot waterFirst, warm the pot with the hot water,let it stand for a moment before you empty itThen,put the coffee and the sugar the potAfter that,fill the pot with boiling water and for a little whileFinally,let it stand for 3 to 5 minute you can serve your guests这一例是说明一件事情(冲咖啡)的过程。主题句“咖啡是招待客人的好饮料,且容易冲。”然后,作者使用了“firstthen,after that,finally”这几个表示顺序的过渡词语来描述步骤的先后顺序,冲咖啡应遵循的步骤便一目了然了.,How to Study for a Test Im going to write about how I prepared myself for the test I just tookthe test on “Articles” The first thing I did was to find out what the test was really aboutAlthough it seems ridiculous,it isntI know many students who prepared themselves for the wrong test After knowing what the test was onI got some books and copied down all the information given on a piece of paperThe next thing was getting the materials organizedI put all we had to know about indefinite articles on one page and the second page was for the articleThen l sat down and memorized all the exceptions Practicing and using them came nextI did some of the exercises given in the book and some articles in the newspaper and explained to myself the reasons for using the articles in each caseI think it is the most important thing to sit for an exam with a relaxed body and an easy mind,怎样准备测试?作者讲述了自己的准备过程。首先该做什么,然后做什么,最后做什么?都讲得清清楚楚,条理非常清晰,使读者一目了然。常用表示过程的过渡词语有:first,to start with,to begin with,then,next,later,after that,during the process of,finally etc,示范段落1Even if you dont know how to cook,youll never starve to death if you know how to prepare scrambled eggsYou begin by melting one tablespoon of butter in a frying pan over low heatWhile the butter is melting,break three eggs into a bowlAdd 14teaspoon of salt,14 teaspoon of paprika,and three tablespoons of milk to the eggs in the bowl and mix them for about a minutePour the mixture into the frying pan,break them into shreds with a fork,or stir them with a spoon until they become solidWhen they are cooked,serve them with lightly buttered toast,示范段落分析主题句:Even if you dont know how to cook,youll never starve to death if you know how to prepare scrambled eggs步骤1:melt butter步骤2:break eggs步骤3:add salt,paprika and milk to the eggs步骤4:mix them步骤5:pour into the frying pan and stir them步骤6:serve with buttered toast,关于如何写过程分析段落的建议,1)按照事物发展过程的顺序解释过程过程分析通常使用时间顺序法组织段落,因为告诉别人怎样做某件事的最容易的方法是一步一步地分析。2)提及必要的用具、成分的分量和时机,在适当的地方提醒读者注意容易做错的地方。3)使用列举符号表示步骤。下面的列举符号(listing signals)常用于过程描述:first,second,third,etcto begin with,then,finally,etc,How to Make a ComplaintHave you ever experienced the unpleasant situations of being a victimized consumer?I think most of you haveIn self-defense,I have developed the following consumers guide to complaining effectivelyThe first step is getting organizedI save all sales slips and original boxes so that whenever I complain, I would know the date of the purchase,the correct price,and the place where the item was purchasedThen I compose my letter of complaintThe next step is to send the complaint to the person who will get results quicklyUsually,I write directly to the president of a company and I always get prompt actionFinally,if I get no response to a written complaint within ten days,I follow through with a personal telephone callTherefore,my advice to you is to keep accurate records,and when you have to complain,go right to the topIt has always worked for me,Exercise 1Directions:Read the following paragraph,then find out the topic sentence,the listing signals and analyze the steps of the process In his will,Alfred Nobel left specific instructions as to how the winners of the science awards he endowed are to be selectedFirst,each year the Swedish Academy of Sciences(physics and chemistry)and the Caroline Medical Institute(physiology and medicine)solicit nearly two thousand recommendations from past laureates,university professors and other experts from all over the worldThe second step is the review of recommendations received and the selections of preliminary candidates by special committees within the two Swedish institutionsThe committee members are specifically instructed that those chosen “shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind,”and that no considerations be given to the candidates nationalitiesNext,after lengthy investigation and discussion,the final choices are made for each disciplineFinally,telegrams informing them of their awards are sent to the new Nobel laureates about one month prior to the award ceremonyTopic Sentence:_Listing Signals:_Steps: 1_2_3_,时间顺序法和空间顺序法,1时间顺序法段落内组织细节的最简单最常见的方法是时间顺序法(time order organization)。时间顺序通常用于叙述和过程分析先发生什么,然后怎样,再然后怎样,等等。正如我们在示范段落91和示范段落111所看到的一样。其实在你的生活中你经常运用这种方法。你也许曾经告诉你父母在学校里发生的事情。你也许向老师或同学叙述过你是怎样做一个实验的。这些用的都是时间顺序。,常用的时间过渡词语有: 之前或首先:before, first, to begin with, at first, preceding this, until, prior to, previously, etc.同时或其次:meanwhile,in the meantime,at the same time,as,upon doing,then,and then,next,as soon as,during,following this,after a while,etc 之后或最后:afterwards,later,after,following,eventually,since then,from then on,after a few daysweeksmonthsyears,finally,in the end,etc,On the fifth day after the vacationit started snowingEverywhere was white,since the evening my sister and I decided to play in the snow in the nearby park the nexe dayThe next morning I got up early and dressed myself quicklyMy sister had prepared the breakfastAt half past ten we arrived at the parkMany people there were playing snow ball fightsWe joined themAfter that,we made a big and funny snowmanAt noon,we felt hungryI took out bread and peanuts and began to eatThe sunlight became stronger,and the snowman began to meltBefore returned homepleased to llave had a good time in the park 本文记叙了放假第六天发生的事,“早晨”、“十点半”、“此后”、“中午”、“晚饭前”等发生的事情的描述以及表示时间顺序的过渡词的妙用,使读者对整段内容“一目了然”。,On an exciting morning in midJunemy brother and 1 went fishing in a small riverWe sat silent, afraid to talk, thinking that the fish would stay away when they heard any voiceAt first,I threw my hook and my brother cast his bait into the waterA moment later,I found a fish drawing my line awayJ ust at that time,my brother took over the fishing rod from me and pulled the line upFinally,a six inch fish canle out of the surface of the waterWhen we went back home,it was already darkWe were so glad that we had caught a basin of fish 本文用时间顺序法描述了作者和他兄弟钓鱼的一天的经历。在这一段中,作者思路清晰,句子安排合理过渡词语使用恰当,段落扩展自然。,Marie Curie Marie Curie,a great Polish woman scientist,was born in a teachers familyFrom her early childhood Marie 10ved to study and hoped to become a scientistHer interest in science was encouraged by her father,who was a teacher of physics In 1891,she left Poland for France and entered the University of ParisFour years later, she graduated with the highest grade in her classAfter graduation, she remained in the same university,doing scientific research workIn order to discover something that gave off a kind of radiation,she did the experiments most carefully again and againShe failed many times,but she didnt lose heartFinally in 1902 in finding the she,together with her husband,succeeded radioactive elementradiumOwing to their In 1911,she won another Nobel Prize,this time all byherself in chemistry and the US she became the first woman scientist that won Nobel Prize twice in her life本文记载了伟大科学家居里夫人事业成功的几个重要时期所经历的事,整篇文章条理清楚、层次分明,句子之问过渡自然、清晰,内容连贯。读者看这篇文章时有“一气呵成”的感觉。,关于如何写时间顺序段落的建议1)写下你要记录的事件或步骤,然后按照时间顺序排列2)确定你的写作目的,然后写出带有中心思想的主题句3)从你列举的事件或步骤中删除与中心思想无关的细节4)使用“first,then,the next step”等等列举符号把细节连接起来,空间顺序法,一篇文章是由各个段落组成的,而在写一个段落时,就要考虑在这个段落里写什么?说明什么?阐述什么?描述什么?如讲一个故事或继续讲前面已开始讲到的故事,描写一个人、物或地点,叙述一件事等,其段落中的句子的安排要符合逻辑顺序,做到句子间上下衔接,意思前后连贯,以便把段落的中心明确、清楚地表达出来,便于读者接受。 如对于一个讲故事的段落来说,很可能遵循时间或年代的次序,即从最早发生的事开始讲到最后的事情,即时间顺序记叙法(Narration in Time order),它是记叙文中最常见的一种方法。同样,空间顺序描述法(Development in Space()rder)也是描写类文章中较常用的一种方法,它是根据空间次序给读者以立体的概:念。它常用来描述事情的空间位置,可以是一个地方或一个地区,也可以是一个更小的范围,如一问教室,一个公寓或一个花园。但在描述一个地点之前,无论这个地点是大是小,我们都必须从不同方位,根据其空间的联系,按一定的顺序依次描写。如要描写一个校园,你首先要把读者带到大门口,介绍进门后的第一座建筑物、花坛、喷水池、行政楼,然后依次参观教学区、图书馆、生活区等等。当然次序可以不同,如先看教学楼、生活区,最后再到行政楼,但不应一会儿介绍教室,一会儿又跳到办公室,因为那样会给人以凌乱和支离破碎的印象。在这一类的描写类文章中我们常常要有一个基本的参照点,这个参照点要依情形而定。一般来说,常见的方法有: 1)由上及下或由下及上,从左到右或从右到左从前到后或从后到前,由外到里或由里到外,从近到远或从远到近等。 2)以中间某一点为参照点,然后按顺时针或逆时针顺序描述。 3)从某一点起,以甲事物为基准描述乙事物,再以乙事物为基准描述丙事物,以此类推。这种动态的描述法常会使人有身临其境之感,从而避免单调的罗列。,(1)The first place I visited was Tian An Men Square,the symbol of countryStanding in the middle of the square,I had a unique feeling which is quite different fromthe pictures which television showings I had seen before!Itis the largest square in the worldAround it there are the Great Hall of People,the Great Museum of Chinese Historyand the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao 按空问顺序对进行了“Tian An Men Square”由内向外的详细描写,从“in the middle”到“around it”,这样描写逻辑很有条理。,(2)Carlos looked at the scene from the summit of MtEverestIn the distant north he saw TibetA bit closer,he saw some of the lower peks of the Himalayan rangeOn a ledge about one thousand feet below him,he saw the figures of some of the men who had helped him prepare for his final climb to the top 此段第一句为主题句,其余各句按由远到近的顺序来描写。,空间顺序描述法常用的句型和词语如下,stand in the,is standing in the,on the left,on the right,to the left stands,when you arrive in,stands to the right oflocates to the left of,to the left of,herethere,beyond,nearby,opposite to,on the opposite side,on the lefton the right,above,below,over,under,beneath,in front ofin the front of,at the back of,connected to,in the middle of,in the distance, farther,at the bottom,close at hand, across from, from the distance, in the middle,at the end of,in the upper right hand corner,at the corner,In the middle of the rectangularshaped courtyard stood three magnolia trees,all in full bloom. A little girl was hopping among them, now gazing at a bud,now collecting fallen petals. Under one of the trees stood her parents, who, while keeping an eye on her, were examining the milkwhite blossoms with great interest and admirationIn front of another tree a young couple, fresh and bright as the flowers,were posing for a picttireAt one end of the courtyard ,a group of youngsters had gathered behind an artist painting a flourishing limb,which looked so charming and real that a boy stooped to sniff at a half-open flowerAt the opposite end a few elderly men and women stood admiring the leafless flowering tree and the people looking at them 作者在这一段的描写中采用了从内到外或由近到远的空间顺序,以“the trees in the middle of the courtyard”为起点作为景物的中心,然后描写树下和树周围的人“the people under and around the trees”,再延伸到庭院两头的人和景“the people farther from the trees at both ends of the courtyard”。,另外,对人物的外貌描写时,也可按照空间关系进行排列。请阅读下面一例: Although I was only ten years old when my grandmother died。I can still remember her clearly aS if she were before me nowAlthough she was in her eighties when 1 was a child,her hair had remained shiny blackieltanned face was wrinkled,yet the creases of her face would rearrange themselves into a smile when she was happyHer eyes were the darkest brown I have ever seen。and they sparkled and glistened as she laughedAs a widow she always dressed in black,and over her tiny shoulders she usually wore a heavy shawlHer tiny feet were encased in slippers made of black leather that made a slapping sound as she walked 此段作者从祖母的头发谈到脸上的皱纹和眼睛的表情,再从身上穿的衣服谈到肩上披的围巾,一直到脚上的鞋子。由此可见,按空间顺序展开写作不仅能使文章的条理清楚、行文符合逻辑,而且能给读者一个清晰的画面。,综合运用空间顺序和时间顺序,有时候,尤其在描写参观时,有必要同时运用空间顺序和时间顺序,以增强段落的统一性。 We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassans house,perched high up on a hillWalking up the long driveway,we approached the huge bronze doorA butler was standing in the open doorway,ushering guests into the houseGoing in,we passed the oakpaneled library and the formal dining room before we arrived at the ballroom,where the reception was being heldUnder three sparkling chandeliers,more than a hundred people were enjoying champagne and good conversation,举例法,在进行演讲时,为了使听众对自己抽象的陈述便于理解。便于记忆,同时也使自己的发言更具有说服力和感染力,找们常常罗列具体的事例来阐述主题句中的中心思想。同样,我们在写文章时为了使读者对文章的观点更为信服,也常常采用举例法。 所谓举例,就是列举事实或举出实例,用以阐明主题句中的中心思想。举例的方法简单、生动、有效。可以把复杂、抽象的陈述变成具体、生动的阐述,使作者的观点具有更强的说服力和感染力。列举实例的多少视具体情况而定,但要注意,选用的实例必须典型恰当,具有代表性,必须与主题句中的中心思想密切相关,必须明确、具体,能使读者信服。而不能是抽象、含糊不清的东西。例子在段落中的出现的形式不一,一般可以一个或多个生动的实例,有时也可以是一两句话。,Travelling by train is better than by airplane for four reasonsFirstly,travelling by train costs less,so a lot of money can be savedSecondly,it gives us a closer look at the cities and countrysides than we could get from an airplaneThirdly,the passengers on the train are easy to talk with,and they are a good source of useful information;on the other hand,many airplane passengers are businessmen who keep busy with their planesFor these reasonsI prefer trains to airplanes 主题句“坐火车比坐飞机好”,作者按照重要性递增的顺序列举了四个理由来说明主题,本段文章条理分明,说服力强。,People in different parts of our country have very different ideas about what is good to eatIf you were a cantonese,for example,you would regard the meat of snakes as your favorite dishIf you were living in the northwestern provinces,you would probable enjoy the roasted meat of sheep and goatsPeople from Sichuan Province are known to prefer dishes with hot pepper whereas people from Suzhou often prepare dishes with sugar 本段句是主题句“来自不同地区的人们对饮食有着不同的看法”,段落扩展用了三个实例来阐明段落主题:句广东人喜欢吃蛇肉。句西北人喜欢吃烤羊肉。句四川人喜欢吃辣食,而苏州人喜欢吃甜食。,列举和举例常常被看成是同一种写作


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