Unit 2 More Reading,Growing up,uberty un. 青春期reach the age of puberty,hase n.阶段,时期a phase of historyone phase of the problem“A phase of my life was closing tonight, a new one opening tomorrow” (Charlotte Bront).,head into adulthood(1) vt. 在前部/顶部;主管,领导Smiths name headed the list.head a government / delegationShe has been appointed to head the research team. (2) vt. 给(信等)加上信头、标题等The chapter was headed My Early Life.,(3) vi. 朝行进When are you heading?head south / back to camp / away from the town / towards homeCan you forecast where the economy is heading? head forHe headed straight for the bar.Is the world heading for disaster?,understand how to handle those changes(1)处理,控制,管理 (局势、人、工作或感情) A new man was appointed to handle the crisis. Shes very good at handling her patients. We all have to learn to handle stress.,(2)(用手)触,拿,搬动 The label on the box said: Fragile. Handle with care. (3)驾驶,操纵 The car handles well in any weather. n. 把手;拉手; 柄She turned the handle and opened the door. a long-handled spoon,show signs of pubertyn. (1)迹象;征兆;预兆 Headaches may be a sign of stress. There is no sign of John anywhere. (2)招牌;标牌;指示牌;标志 a road/traffic sign a shop/pub sign,(3)示意的动作(或声音);手势 She nodded as a sign for us to sit down. (4)符号;记号 a plus/minus sign (+/) v. 签(名);署(名);签字;签署Sign (your name) here, please. n. signature,signal n. 信号 The siren (警报器 ) was a signal for everyone to leave the building. All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number.traffic signals TV / radio/radar signals,v. 发信号 Dont fire until I signal. The referee signalled a foul. You must signal which way you are going to turn.,. girls tend to enter puberty two years ahead of boystend v. (1)趋向;往往会 tend to doIt tends to get very cold here in the winter. People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.,(2)照料;照管;护理 Doctors and nurses tended the injured. well-tended gardensn. tendencyThere is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff.,voices deepenv. (1)(使)变深;加深 ;加深(理解) The water deepened gradually. an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of different cultures (2)(使声音)变低沉 His voice deepened to a growl.,weaken/ strengthen/ tighten/ loosen/ harden/ soften/ widen / ,imples growv. (1)(使)生长,发育 The region is too dry for plants to grow. I didnt know they grew rice in France. (2) 扩大;增加;增强 She is growing in confidence all the time. (3)(使)留长,蓄长 Ive decided to let my hair grow. Ive decided to grow my hair.,(4) link v. 逐渐变得;逐渐成为 grow old/bored/calm As time went on he grew more and more impatient. It began to grow dark.grow into sth 渐成长为,变为,长成Shes growing into a beautiful young woman. grow up n./ adj. grown-up,Emotions can also see-saw.n. 跷跷板 ;拉锯局面(指来回往复,起伏不断) v. (局势、意见、感情等)摇摆不定,不断反复,交替 Her emotions see-sawed from anger to fear. Share prices see-sawed all day. He saw a saw saw a saw.,This is due in part / partly to hormonesdue adj. (1)应支付;应给予;应得 Have they been paid the money that is due to them? Shes due for promotion soon. (2) 到期 Payment is due on 1 October. (3) 由于;因为 The teams success was largely due to her efforts. The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.,ressure from peersn. 身分(或地位)相同的人;同龄人;同辈 Children are worried about failing in front of their peers. Peer pressure is strong among young people(= they want to be like other people of the same age).,Adolescent girls sometimes undergo a significant drop in self-confidence.n. 青少年 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 and the problems they face adj.adolescent boys/girls,undergo: v. to experience something, especially a change or something unpleasant 经历,经受(变化、不快的事等) undergo tests/trials His mother underwent major surgery last year. Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.,significant adj. 有重大意义的;显著的 a highly significant discovery Your work has shown a significant improvement. n. significance(尤指对将来有影响的)重要性,意义 a decision of major political significance We should be fully aware of the significance of television in shaping our ideas. The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.,confidence n.The players all have confidence in their manager. gain/lose /lack confidence She suffers from a lack of confidence. He answered the questions with confidence. (confidently),confident adj.be confident of doing sth thatIm confident that you will get the job. The team feels confident of winning.,They may feel uncertain or insecure about their own emotions.be certain about / of sth to do that / whAre you absolutely certain about this? It is certain that they will agree/They are certain to agree. She wasnt certain (that) he had seen her. Im not certain who was there.,secure adj. 安全的 ;安心的 ;稳固的 At last they were able to feel secure about the future. a secure job/income Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion. n. security,be encouraged to discuss things with trusted adultsv. She trusts (believes in) Alan absolutely.n. I have no trust in him.,cope with difficulties: to deal successfully with something difficult (成功地)对付,处理 He wasnt able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job. Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.,at this stagen. (1)(发展或进展的)时期,阶段,状态 This technology is still in its early stages.People tend to work hard at this stage of life. (2) 舞台 ; (政治等活动的)领域;(政治)舞台 Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage.,engage in such risky behaviourvt. risk + n./G.He risked his life to save her. They knew they risked being arrested. n. riskSmoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease. The group was considered to be a risk to national security.,run / take the risk (of doing sth)We dont want to run the risk of losing their business. at the risk of doing sth He saved her at the risk of his life.,behavior n.行为;举止;态度 ; 表现方式,活动方式 good/bad behaviour His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive. the behaviour of insects/dolphins behave v. 表现 ;表现得体;有礼貌 The doctor behaved very unprofessionally. He behaved like a true gentleman. I want you to behave yourselves while Im away. well-/badly-behaved children,engageengage in n/G : take part in 从事;参加Civil servants should not in business affairs, which might affect their political judgment.engage sb in (doing) sth 使某人参加sb be engaged in (doing) sthHe was engaged in protecting wild animals.Right now I am engaged (busy).The line is engaged (busy).,be engaged to sb 与订婚His daughter has been engaged (to a young banker).ones engagement ring,lifelong consequences n. 结果,后果,Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences. He studied hard, and in consequence / as a consequence / consequently / as a result he passed the exam. 昨天下雨了, 结果比赛被取消。It rained yesterday and in consequence the match was canceled.in consequence of sth / as a consequence of sth / as a result of sth,THANK YOU,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,