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    第十二章 自我感念与生活方式,CHAPTER,12,SELF-CONCEPT AND LIFESTYLE,Consumer Behavior In The News,Whats your fruit-specific LIFESTYLE?Thats what several international researchers wanted to know about Japanese consumers!Among their findingsA large fruit-specific lifestyle segment called the creative/highly involved exists in Japan.What characteristics do you think describe this segment?,Consumer Behavior In The News,Whats your fruit-specific LIFESTYLE?Characteristics of the creative/highly involved fruit-specific lifestyle segment.First to buy newly-introduced fruitEnjoy shopping for fruitsEnjoy talking about new fruits with friendsEnjoy trying new fruitsDoes this sound like anyone you know?,12.1自我概念Self-Concept,Self-Concept is defined as the totality of the individuals thoughts and feelings having reference to him- or herself as an object.自我概念是指个人将其自我作为客观对象所具有的所有思想和情感的总和,是个人的自我感知或情感指向。自我概念是由对自己的态度所构成的。,Actual Self-Concept实际的自我概念 我现在是什么样?Ideal Self-Concept理想的自我概念 我想成为什么样?Private Self-Concept个人的自我概念 我如何做自己,或,我想如何做自己?Social Self-Concept社会的自我概念 别人怎样看待我,或,我希望别人怎样看我?,Self-concept can be divided into four parts as listed below:,Dimensions of a Consumers Self-Concept,我实际上如何看自己,别人实际上如何看我,我希望如何看自己,我希望别人如何看我,12.1.1依存的/独立的自我概念Interdependent/Independent Self-Concepts,The extended self consists of the self plus possessions.延伸的自我由自我和拥有物两部分构成,12.1.2拥有物与延伸的自我Possessions and the Extended Self,People tend to define themselves in part by their possessions.从某种意义上说,我们就是我们所拥有的。如果丧失了那些关键的拥有物,我们将成为不同的或另外的个体。,Tattoos can become a part of ones extended self,产品会因为各种各样的原因而成为延伸自我的一部分。,某些产品会因为长时期使用而慢慢沉淀某种意义、回忆和价值,比如一只旧的棒球手套。有时,一次与某种产品如山地车相联系的“令人兴奋地体验”或“高峰体验”,就可能使该产品成为延伸自我的一部分。,A peak experience is an experience that surpasses the usual level of intensity, meaningfulness and richness and produces feelings of joy and self-fulfillment.高峰体验是指超越了通常的强度、意义和内涵,使人产生兴奋和自我满足感的体验。那些帮助消费者经历重大生活变动(离开家、第一份工作、结婚、小孩等)的产品,很可能成为延伸自我的一部分。,The mere ownership effect, or the endowment effect is the tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a nonowner.纯粹拥有效应是指拥有者对某件产品的评价高于非拥有者的倾向。,The concept of the extended self and the mere ownership effect have numerous implications for marketing strategy.,相对于别人拥有的同样或类似物品,我们更倾向于高估自己拥有物的价值。,12.1.3Measuring Self-Concept自我概念的测量(略)12.1.4Using Self-Concept to Position Products 运用自我概念为产品定位,Peoples attempts to obtain their ideal self-concept, or maintain their actual self-concept, often involve the purchase and consumption of products, services, and media.This suggests that marketers should strive to develop product images that are consistent with the self-concepts of their target markets.,Many consumers feel image and self-worth can be enhanced via products, such as the right clothes, etc.,The Relationship Between Self-Concept and Brand Image Influence 自我概念与品牌形象的影响关系,所有这些都提示营销者应该努力塑造产品形象,并使之与目标消费者的自我概念相一致。,The self-concept has many dimensions. Critics blame marketers for focusing too much attention on the importance of beauty, and defining it as being young and slim with a fairly narrow range of facial features.A major concern is that individuals are developing self-concepts that are heavily dependent on their physical appearances rather than other equally or more important attributes.,12.1.5营销伦理与自我概念Marketing Ethics and Self-Concept,12.2The Nature of Lifestyle生活方式的性质,Lifestyle is basically how a person lives. It is how one enacts his or her self-concept.生活方式就是我们如何生活、及如何扮演自我概念。,Influences all aspects of ones consumption behavior. Is determined by the persons past experiences, innate characteristics, and current situation.,Lifestyle and the Consumer Process,12.2.1生活方式的测量Measurement of Lifestyle,Attempts to develop quantitative measures of lifestyle were initially referred to as psychographics. Measures include:,12.2.2生活方式的一般模式与特定模式General versus Specific Lifestyle Schemes,Lifestyle measurements can be constructed with varying degrees of specificity.生活方式可以根据其特征的具体化程度构造不同的测量方法。,Three specific lifestyle schemes:Luxury Sports CarsShopping,Lifestyle Schemes: Luxury Sports Cars,Porsche examined the lifestyles of its buyers. Key demographics (e.g., high education and income) were similar across buyers.However, their lifestyles and motivations were quite different.,Porsche Consumer Segments,Lifestyle Schemes,ShoppingHedonic shopping motives underlying consumer shopping patterns include*,Adventure冒险动机 fun追求乐趣Gratification满足动机 reward/stress reduction奖赏或减压Role 角色动机- shop for others为他人买Value价值动机 - good deal合算的购买Social 社会动机- bonding寻求亲密关系Idea 观念动机- trends追逐潮流,*Discussed in Chapter 10,Five shopping lifestyle segments emerged based on these motives.,Five Shopping Lifestyle Segments,The Nature of Lifestyle,Three general lifestyle schemes:The VALSTM SystemThe PRIZM SystemRoper Starch Global Lifestyles,The VALSTM System(SRI商业咨询公司),The VALSTM System,Ideals Motivation(理想动机)Consumers who are guided in their choices by their beliefs and principles rather than by feelings or desire for social approval. They purchase functionality and reliability,The VALSTM System,Achievement Motivation成就动机Consumers who strive for a clear social position and are strongly influenced by the actions, approval, and opinions of others. They purchase status symbols.,The VALSTM System,Self-Expression Motivation自我表现动机Action-oriented consumers who strive to express their individuality through their choices. They purchase experiences.,


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