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    ,marine polution in China,team members,The lose of living environment,1.,enclosing tideland, Marine、coastal project and waterway dredging activities are the causes. thus, the normal activity of Marine life is Seriously interfered, sometimes even make Marine biological habitat completely extincted. And the decline in the number of mangrove is the best example.,overfishing and illeagally trade,2.,because a lot of Marine animal has very high ornamental value or can be treated as art collection, and with nutritional value,people are driven by intereststo fish and even illegally catch.Whats more,Marine fishing vessels increased dramatically, fishing segment has improved steadily . these cause serious destruction of the resources and even make them die out.,alien species invasion,3.,with the development of Chinas ocean transportation,The spread of breeding, and soliciting, foreign Marine species quantity increased sharply resulting in the Marine ecological system structures imbalance, function degradation loss of diversity, whichmakes Chinese ocean environment faces increasing pressure of intrusion.,Marine environment pollution,4.,Ocean oil leak, Marine transportation ,various land-sourced pollutants (mainly coastal industrial wastewater and life sewage) discharged into the sea , aggravating the Marine environment pollution,and the Marine ecological environment has deteriorated.,The five wastewater discharged into the ocean,First, the low-level radioactive waste water,The so-called low-level radioactive waste water is a liter contained radioactivity less than 10 (-5) Curie wastewater,The second, containing the easily degradable organic compounds and heavy metals in wastewater,Easily degradable organic matter, microorganisms under natural conditions is difficult descending decomposition of organic material occurs in the natural environment can be maintained indefinitely and disseminated, and thus a serious impact on the marine environment and ecological,Third, medical sewage carrying pathogens, domestic sewage and industrial wastewater,Pathogens, infectious agents, including pathogens, disease eggs, viruses. Pathogens can survive in the water can enter the body through the food chain, which make you sick,fourth,Industrial wastewater containing organic matter and nutrients, sewage.,Wastewater containing organic and nutrient substances that contain protein, fat, amino acids, carbohydrates and other ozone-depleting organic matter and nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients in wastewater,Fifth, the heated waste,Heated waste water emissions from thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, petrochemical, nonferrous metal smelting and other industrial processes in high-temperature cooling water, ash water temperature is higher than normal sea temperatures waste water,A large number of nutrient-rich human sewage, industrial wastewater, agricultural wastewater emission sea of red tide organisms will use nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon frantically breeding and accumulation induced red tide occurred.,Measure:Sewage marine disposal,Ocean disposal of sewage is prohibited or effective measures to limit emissions and freedom of sewage shore random row, concentrated pretreatment of sewage works system, transportation by pipeline to the underwater depth of the ocean, emissions by the diffuser, so that inas small as possible within a high degree of dilution, to reduce the impact on the environment. This sewage marine disposal engineering, compared with the conventional secondary treatment of sewage, saving 1/2 to 1/3 of investment in infrastructure and operation and management costs, covering 30 to 40 percent reduction in benefits are enormous.,conclusion,Over the years, the Chinese peoples awareness of resource protection is weak and the legal concept is thin. We often destruct at first and protect when situation is terrible, so many land aquatic organisms and marine life have disappeared from our sight. As a result of Kinds of reasons, the Chinese marine biodiversity and the marine environment isstill is worrying.,THANK YOU!,


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