句子基本译法综述,句子翻译,一、句型对应法二、改译法三、扩充法四、缩省法五、语序调整法,六、反译法七、分译与合译八、语态转换法九、注意选词,一、句型对应法,原文什么句型,译文什么句型。例如:他们像迷失的羔羊一样背离了正道。They have erred from the right path like lost sheep猜猜谁在会上露面了?Guess who turned up at the meeting?,二、改译法,改变原文某句子成分的词类,以符合英语的表达习惯。例如:她的美貌非言语所能形容。She is too beautiful for the words.体育竞争意识十分强烈,因此有些赛事,特别是职业足球赛,常常以失利一方的支持者挑起争斗告终。The idea of competition is so strong that very often some sports events,especially football matches,end up with fights that are provoked by the supporters of the losing side,三、扩充法,由于英汉两种语言的语法差异及其语言文化的差异,汉译英时需要(一)语法形式的扩充(二)语义表达的补充,(一)语法形式的扩充,(一)语法形式的扩充,包括补充汉语不常用的连词和介词以及汉语语言没有的冠词和系词,有时还要补出主语或者利用形式主语及形式宾语。例如:乐意为您效劳。I am only too willing to serve you.中国正在发生日新月异的变化。China crackles with the dynamics of change,(二)语义表达的补充,(二)语义表达的补充,是指补充汉语文化所独有的,不易为外国人所理解的事物,多采用加解释性文字的方法。例如:这人真是杞人忧天。He is really like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fallunnecessary anxiety,四、缩省法,(一) 省去汉语的主语(多见于谚语、俗语等)、语气助词、连词(多见于文言文)。例如:司马昭之心,路人皆知。This Sima Zhao trick is obvious to everyone.人非圣贤,孰能无过。过而能改,善莫大焉。To err is human and to mend is a supreme merit,四、缩省法,(二) 汉语叠字和复句的缩略。例如:安安静静地坐在那儿。Sit there quietly,please 由于她突然出言不逊,我感到透不过气来。Her unexpected rudeness made me gasp for breath.,四、缩省法,(三) 名词由代词代替,动词由do代替。例如:他穿白衬衣比穿蓝衬衣好看。He looks more handsome in a white shirt than in a blue one(四) 英译多个重复的动词或名词时,为避免重复,只使用一次该动词和名词。例如:我们不后退,我们不曾后退,我们永远也不后退。We dont retreat, we never have and never will,四、缩省法,(五) 某些汉语词的词义大于英语词的词义,英译时,可略去部分内容。例如:我洗耳恭听。Im all ears to you(六) 某些句型英译时省去原主语,已是习惯处理方法了。例如:大家都知道他和上司的关系很好。It is known that he gets along quite well with his superior,五、语序调整法,(一)英译时,某些句子的倒装处理。例如:在库房的角落里散放着几只汽油桶。Lying about in the corner of the storage room are several gasoline tanks(二)汉、英句子状语位置的不同及表达习惯的差异,英语后置定语的运用,形式主语(或宾语)的位置以及外位语位置的调整。例如;我把这事原原本本地告诉了他。True to type I told him this matter,五、语序调整法,(三)某些短语的表达习惯不同。例如:不管晴天还是下雨,比赛准时进行。Rain or shine,the match will go on time(四)对整个句子语序的调整。例如:他忽然想起了一个好主意。A great idea occurred to him suddenly,六、反译法,通常所说的“正说”和“反说”,在翻译中称之为“反译法”。请看例句:好好看着这些孩子,让他们规规矩矩的。Watch the children,to see that none of them will get out of line.刘胡兰宁死不屈。Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender.,七、分译与合译,决定分译和合译的重要因素还取决于句中的各个成分之间意思上的关联,以及该句与上下文之间含义的连贯,同时还要符合英语的表达习惯。,(一)分译(二)合译助之长者,揠苗者也。(孟子)They who assist it to grow long pull out their corn shoots(TrJames Legge),句子的分译与合译,(一)句子的分译。需要分译的句子,多数是长句,或者是结构复杂的复句。分译会使原文内容层次分明,译文易于理解,更简洁。,第一,按内容层次分译,例如:少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。(胡适不要抛弃学问)Youth will soon be gone never to returnAnd it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years (Tr Zhang Peiji)父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年成盐,她男朋友是什么样的人,他一看就知道。 After all, Father is worldly-wiseHe is able to tell at a glance whether his daughter has got a boyfriend of character.,第二,从主语变换处分译,例如:她隔窗望去,突然发现有只小船停泊在河边,船里有位船夫睡得正香。Looking through the window,she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bankIn it there was a boatman fast asleep,第三,从关联词(如转折)处分译,例如:声速随温度的升降会有轻微的增减,但不受气压的影响。The speed of sound increases slightly with a rise in temperature and falls slightly with a decrease in temperature. It is not affected by the pressure of the air.,第四,原文出现总说或分述时要分译,例如:不晓得季节与结婚有什么关系,但是从初冬到春天结婚的人数比其他季节多了很多,也许就是所谓的结婚季节吧。 Dont know what relation exists between the season and marriage,but the number of marriages is much greater from early winter to spring than in other seasons. Maybe this is the season of marriage people usually call.,第五,为了强调语气而采用分译,例如:我们主张对我国神圣领土台湾实行和平统一,有关的政策,也是众所周知和不会改变的,并且正在深入全中华民族的心坎。(邓小平文选第三卷)We want peaceful reunification with Taiwan which is part of our sacred territory. Our policy in this regard is also known to all and will not change. The desire for peaceful reunification of the motherland is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese nation.,(二)汉语句子的合译,第一,在关联词处合译。例如:挤到沙滩边,澌啵!队伍解散,喷着忿怒的白沫。然而后一排又赶着扑上来。(黄昏)They crowded forward to break against the beachThen their troop scattered,spraying angry white foam,while the file behind caught up and charged in its turn(Tr Gladys Yang),第二,按内容连贯合译,例如:他的眼睛疲倦地闭着,但是有时又忽然大睁开看看岸上的路,看看水面。没有什么动静。他含糊地哼了一声,又静下去了。(月夜)His eyes were closed wearily,but once in a while he would open them suddenly and stare at the path along the shore,or look at the waterWhen he saw that nothing was stirring, he would mutter something to himself and again doze off. (TrSidney Shapiro),第三,从主语变换处合译,常出现主从句,例如:萧丽帮我拿起电报,她的手在微微颤动着。Xiao Li helped me to pick up the telegram,her hands slightly trembling.,八、语态转换法,遵循汉、英两种语言的表达习惯,为使行文通顺、连贯,需改变原文的语态。例如:请全系教师和干部于星期三下午二时在会议室集合听报告。All teachers and cadres of the Department are requested to meet in the conference room at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday to hear a speech.,九、注意选词,译者切忌望文生义、硬译、死译。例如:A别泡蘑菇了,快干活吧。Dont waste timeMind your own workB泡好蘑菇,中午用。Steep the mushroom for lunch,Translation of the Natural Paragraph,The sentence: the biggest unit of grammatical study, the paragraph: a much bigger (second only to the text/discourse) independent semantic unit that is complete in meaning. Features of a natural paragraph1、Cohesive衔接、粘连(结构上的粘着性) 2、Coherent连贯(意义上的连贯性),Comparison between Chinese and English paragraphs,1. Similarities-语篇功能(textual functions): In both English and Chinese, some paragraphs are independent and complete while some others are relevant. In a paragraph, relations among the sentences can be general and particular, be progressive, be contrasting, be matching.,2. Differences-段落构成方式(pattern) English: (1)主题句-阐述句-总结句 (2)以某个中心统领的形散神不散结构Chinese: 虽有主题句-阐述句-总结句结构,通常都围绕一个较为含蓄的中心思想,表述方式多是迂回式的、流散式的,重意合(parataxis)轻形合(hypotaxis)。,Walking through the woods with two toddlers is an experience in observation. Each insect along the path is noted for size, shape, sound, and means of mobility. Texture of the path itself is important to the small people who are very close to it. Animal holes and ant hills are of great interest, and are thoroughly investigated. Ducks in the pond are greeted as old friends, and their variously colored feathers are catalogued. Nature is a most interesting view from close to the ground.The first sentence is the topic sentence, the following sentences are illustrated ones, and the last sentence is the conclusion sentence.,语言学家周祖谟教授最讲究这样去广积学问,他曾经对学生们说,治学要有根基,要有一般的基本知识与专科的基本知识。先读基础书,然后兼及其他。而且,要读全部,不能止于选本。要这样做,自然得有决心和毅力,在这点上,著名词学家夏承焘先生有一席恳切的经验之谈,他说:“六十余年间,如果说在学问方面取得了某些成绩的话,那就是依靠一个笨字,笨字从本。”学生们按照师辈指点去做,治学的路子是对的。这段话的中心思想是,大学问家的经验告诉我们,广积学问要考下决心和有毅力读书。汉语形散神聚,词句随“意”自然流动。,段落翻译的基本原则和技巧,译者首先进行段落大意分析再进行句群分析,句子分析最后以句子为单位进行翻译译者要关注的还是句子内部的调整、句子层次意义的译文重组。段落翻译的焦点仍是句子翻译,这个过程中,译者要注重句际关系的分析,从段落的视野把握每个句子的处理方式。,Translation of the Text: Textual Consciouness语篇意识,Textual consciousness in translation 语篇意识,Its common to use text as a unit for the analysis of translation as it enables the translator to appreciate the linguistic form, meaning and spirit of the original.翻译中应当大处着眼(top-down),小处着手(bottom-up),小单位、低层次服从于大单位、高层次。,How to grow oldby Bertrand Russell,The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.,老年人若能如此看待人生,将不会遭受怕死的痛苦。因为,他所关怀的事物将继续下去,如果随着精力的衰竭,疲倦之感日渐增加,就会觉得长眠并非是不受欢迎的念头。当我在一直工作时,我希望会死亡,因为我知道别人会继续我未完成的事业,并且想到凡是我可能做的事情都已做了,而感到心满意足。,Text is not a mere aggregation of sentences; rather, it is a semantic unity.Cohesion 衔接、粘连 Coherence 连贯,COHESION,M.A.K. Halliday (2000:4) : cohesion is a semantic concept, referring to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and it occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another.,Cohesive Devices Commonly Used in English and Chinese,Halliday & Hasan (1976,1985/1994)五大类:照应(reference),替代(substitution),省略(ellipsis),连接(conjunction)及词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)。其中前四类属于语法衔接手段,后一类属于词汇衔接手段。语法衔接是语篇具有的典型特征之一。,Susan was upset. She yelled, “I am banging my head against the wall. Why? Why did you do that to me?” (reference)A: We have no average students. B: Sure, you have only good ones. (substitution)Which player will you sent to play in the match tonight? Of course, the best. (ellipsis)It is probably going to rain. So, we take umbrellas with us. (conjuction),Cohesion and translation quality,翻译活动中,在解读原文时,译者若善于在联结潜能中追索语篇的衔接关系,则这些连句成篇的外形手段对于帮助我们把握作者整体的逻辑思路,引导我们从结构的表层走向意义的深层将起着不可忽视的指示作用;,在生成译文时,自觉地运用顺应译语衔接规范的成篇手段,并能扬长避短,对原文的衔接方式作必要的转换与变通,则可以帮助我们达到对等的成篇效果。这一思路即衔接意识。衔接意识的形成除了有赖于译者对语篇的整体把握外,还有赖于其对衔接手段的了解。,译文和原文一样,是一个完整的语篇,译文能否为读者接受,正如原文能否为读者所接受一样,在很大程度上依赖于全文连贯与否;连贯又在很大程度上依赖于各种衔接手段的运用。我们应该认识到许多衔接手段是汉语和英语共有的,然而,英语的使用频率高于汉语。合理使用衔接手段能够非常有效地提高汉译英的译文质量。,Coherence,consistent to the situational context. E.g.At the ball, while I had the honour of dancing with you, I was first made acquainted, by Sir William Lucas accidental information, that Bingleys attention to your sister had given rise to a general expectation of their marriage.,在那次舞会上,我有幸跟你跳舞时,才偶然从威廉卢卡斯爵士那里得知,宾利向令姐献殷勤已经弄得满城风雨,大家都以为他们要结婚。(沸沸扬扬),Consistent in style“Hes been in his room all day,” the landlady said downstairs. “I guess he dont feel well. I said to him, Mr. Anderson, you ought to go out and take a walk on a nice fall day like this, but he didnt feel like it.”,“他整日在房间内,”房东太太在楼下说。“我估计他感到不适。我对他说:安德森先生,你理应出去散步,这样的大好秋光是很宜于散步的,可他就是不想出去。”“他成天呆在屋里,”房东太太在楼下说。“我估摸他不舒服。我跟他说:安德森先生,这么好的秋天天气,你应该出去散散步。可他就是不想出去。”,