1,拓扑绝缘体与拓扑半金属,方忠中科院物理研究所,中国工程物理研究院材料科学技术发展会议,2,目 录,一、简介二、拓扑绝缘体材料:Bi2Se3,Bi2Te3三、拓扑半金属:HgCr2Se4,1. 简介:拓扑有序态,有序态是凝聚态物理研究的基本内涵之一 例如:磁有序态、电荷有序态、超导态等,局域有序态: 对称性破缺导致有序态 (朗道对称性破缺理论)1.物态可以用局域序参量描写 如:铁磁态的磁化强度 M(r)2.相变伴随着对称性破缺 如:M(r)的出现破坏了 旋转对称性,宏观有序态: 拓扑有序态 (量子物理与几何的完美结合)1. 具有拓扑性质的“量子态”2. 不能用局域序参量描写,而要用 全局拓扑不变量描写3. 相变过程并不伴随对称性破缺,拓扑“0” 拓扑“1”,反铁磁,铁磁,自旋波,1. 简介:拓扑绝缘体简介,拓扑绝缘体:一种全新的拓扑有序态:受时间反演性保护 要考虑 相对论+量子力学,一般绝缘体,拓扑绝缘体,金属,费米能级,能带结构,表面态,体态,体态,体态,理论模型: 1. C. L. Kane,PRL (2005) 2. S. C. Zhang,PRL (2006),材料实现: 1. 二维材料: L. Molenkamp, Science (2007) 2. 三维材料: 方忠 等,Nature Phys. (2009) (Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3),与一般表面态区别: 无论如何切样品,表面态总是存在,1. 简介: Why edge states?,“Band twist”,TI,VaccumNormalinsulator,Boundary,Cutting Band Ring,Defined by the Z2 number(or parity for inversion system)Ref: 1 Kane & Mele, PRL (2005). 2 Fu, Kane, Mele, PRL (2007) 3 Fu, Kane, PRB (2007).,Topological Insulators: 1. Insulating bulk 2. Conducting surface 3. Defined by the Z2 quantum number 4. Surface state is protected by T reversal symmetry 5. Robust against none-M disorders,Surface Stateordinary Insulator,Surface StateTopological Insulator,+,+,+,+,-,-,-,-,“能带 twist”,1. 简介: Different Surface states,1. 简介:Surface state vs Graphene,Graphene,Surface state of TI,K,K,(1) 1/4 of Graphene, spin splitting, T-invariant(2) 2DEG without mass(3) Klien Paradox(4) linear nE, linear E, linear mE (5) QHE? Localization?(6) Multi-ferroic?,(1) psudo-spin(2) Klien Paradox(3) linear nE, linear E, linear mE (4) Localization? (5) Universal ?(6).,1. 简介:拓扑有序态 新奇量子现象,除非破坏性剪断,拓扑有序量子态的优点: 1. “0”与“1”严格区分, 无微扰过程,不怕干扰、噪声 2. 与“奇点”密切相关, 在边界上会有特殊量子态,信息高速公路:极低电阻、极低能耗,各行其道,永不混杂,遇到杂质,自动绕行,鱼目混杂,杂乱无章,遇到杂质,会被散射,普通态,拓扑有序态,奇点,面包圈,球,过渡,1.简介:量子霍尔效应(IQHE),最早认识的拓扑有序态是-量子霍尔效应,量子Hall效应,中间绝缘边界导电,朗道能级,体态,边缘态,边缘态,1. Very Stable2. No backscattering (Edge state can not localize)问题:1. 需要强磁场、极低温2. 破坏了时间反演对称性3. 只存在于二维系统4. 不是拓扑绝缘体 (需要借助于外磁场),1. 简介:拓扑绝缘体简介,(1)基础科学发展:全新的物理概念、现象、效应 1. 新奇量子效应 2. 基本物理常数的确定,(2)下一代电子技术:革新性的进步 1. 准零能耗电子器件:无电阻的“理想导线” 2. “电”与“磁”交叉调控,巨大响应 3. 能源器件:热电效应、 非线性光学 4. 拓扑催化 5. 核燃料问题:高熔点、高热导,(3)国际发展的趋势:是当前国际发展的前沿 1. 欧美已投入巨资 2. 日本正在启动,重要性:,1. 简介: Family of TIs?,2D 3DT-broken T-invariant T-invariant T-Broken Kondo QHE QSHE Topological Band Insulator QAHE Anderson Mott .,Edge StatesTKNN Z2Chern number,Surface States,Semi-metal,Femi points (in bulk),2. 拓扑绝缘体:T-broken vs T-Invariant,QSHE in HgTe/CdTe(S. C. Zhang, SCIENCE 2006),QHE,2. 拓扑绝缘体:Materials.,Guidelines: 1. Semiconductor with inverted band structure 2. Strong SOC,+,-,+,+,-,-,Gap openingdue to SOC,“twisted band”,困难:Real materials for 3D TI?,+,+,+,-,-,-,Predictions for Bi2Te3 family: Basic Properties,1. Found 70 years ago. Naturwissenschaften, 27, 133 (1939),2. Semi-conductor. Optical Gap 0.2 eV J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2, 240 (1957),3. One of the best thermoelectic materials. ZT 1 at room T,4. Easy to be synthesized,5. Whole Family: Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3 Bi2Se3, Sb2Se3,2. 拓扑绝缘体:Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3,Crystal Structure,I Center,2. 拓扑绝缘体:Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3,Band Structure Bi2Se3,1. Only Gamma Point is relavant.2. SOC will invert the bands at Gamma.3. Gap is around 0.3 eV.,Without SOC,With SOC,+,-,+,+,-,-,ab-initio Surface States:Bi2Se3 has the biggest Gap around 0.3eV,H. J. Zhang, et.al., Nature Phys. (2009),Penetration Depth of Surface state, 2nm,2. Materials:Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3,W. Zhang, et.al., New J. Phys, 12, 065013 (2010),Chiral Spin texture,Y. L. Chen,et.al. SCIENCE (2009)Bi2Te3,Y. Xia,et.al. Nature Physics (2009)Bi2Se3,2. TI Materials: Exp. evidence,ARPES,T. Zhang, et.al., PRL (2009).,2. TI Materials: Exp. evidence,Absence of back-scattering,2. TI materials:,拓扑绝缘体在压力下的超导态:,靳常青,PNAS(2011),孙立玲,等,PRB(2011).Editors Suggestion,拓扑超导态?,2. 拓扑绝缘体:最新进展,磁性拓扑绝缘体-量子化反常Hall效应,量子Hall效应,Bi2Se3 film doped with Cr or Fe,量子反常Hall效应方忠、戴希等,SCIENCE(2010)无需外加磁场实现量子Hall效应!,已获得初步实验证实:何柯,马旭村,薛其坤等,Cr-Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 film,arxiv:1108.4754(2011).,Crystal Structure: T 417 K, -Ag2Te, anti-fluorite (Fm3m) T 417 K, -Ag2Te, distorted (P21/c),2. TI Materials:Ag2Te,Cubic: a,b,c,GaAs,2. TI Materials:Ag2Te,Inverted Band Structure of -Ag2Te Similar to HgTe,6,7,8,S-band,P-bands,GaAS,6,7,8,HgTe,2. TI Materials:Ag2Te,-Ag2Te, gap=80meV,W. Zhang, et.al., PRL 106, 156808 (2011).,Quantum Magneto-resistance in Ag2+Te?,Super-linear MRR. Xu, et.al., Nature (1997).,Conventional MR:,Abrikosovs Quantum MR:,Linear Dispersion is Important!Landau Level Spacing.,3. 拓扑半金属:Momentum Space Topology,Three distinct stable classes in 3D:,Insulators,Semi-metal,Fermi surface,Ef,Metals,No fermi surface,Femi points (in bulk)Fermi arcs (on surface),Normal Insulators+Topological Insulators(Weyl points at Boundary),Our Subjects,3. 拓扑半金属: Family of TIs?,2D 3DT-broken T-invariant T-invariant T-Broken Kondo QHE QSHE Topological Band Insulator QAHE Anderson Mott .,Edge StatesTKNN Z2Chern number,Surface States,Semi-metal,Femi points (in bulk),3. Semi metals: From 2D to 3D without TRS?,2D Chern Insulators:,+,-,+,+,-,-,Gap openingdue to SOC,+,+,+,-,-,-,3D: (1) Weak 3D Chern Insulators: (2) Strong 3D-Any analogy? Chern semi-metal: Time Reversal Polarization in momentum space!,3. Semimetals: Chern Insulators and semi-metal?,Weak Chern Insulators:,Kz=0,Kz= ,Kz=0,Kz= ,Kz,Topological Phase Transition,3. Semimetal: Chern semi-metal?,Chern Insulator,Normal Insulator,Normal Insulator,Kz,xy= C e2/h,2x2 Hamiltonian in Bulk (not 4x4):,Weyl nodes at:,Berrys connection:,Berrys curvature:,Kz,Kx,Ky,3. Semimetal: Chern semi-metal?,(2) Time-reversal polarization & Magnetic Monopoles in the K-space.,around,(See, Z. Fang, Science (2003),(3) Fermi arcs on the side surface.,(See, X. G. Wan & Savaraso, PRB (2011), on AF Pyrochlore iridates),(4) QAHE in quantum well structure.,(1) It is topologically unavoidable. (not accidental),32,HgX sublattice is zinc-blendeTwo HgX sublattice are connected by Inversion, like Diamond.Space group Fd-3m (point group Oh). Each Cr atom is octahedrally coordinated by 6 nearest Se atoms.,Crystal structure of HgCr2Se4,Crystal structure,BZ,HgCr2Se4,P. K. Baltzer, et.al, PRB (1966),HgCr2Se4,MetallicN. I . Solin, et.al, PRB (2008),AHEN. I . Solin, et.al, Phys. Solid State (1996),35,Electronic structure without SOC,DOS,36,Electronic structure without SOC,Band,37,Schematic diagram for the band-inversion,38,Electronic structure with SOC,low energy band with SOC,39,Weyl fermions and magnetic monopoles,linear, with a phase of 4 for the chiral spin texture. The two Weyl nodes form a single pair of magnetic monopoles carrying gauge flux in k-space.,40,8-band model for HgCr2Se4,Two basis: |3/2, 3/2 , |S, -1/2 with band-inversion,two gapless solutions:,2-band effective model,Edge state in kz=0.06 plane,Band of bulk,Edge state,Distribution along x,A,D,C,B,Edge states and fermi arcs on surface,42,Edge states and fermi arcs on surface,Fermi arcs for the (ky, kz) side surface,Fang & Dai, et.al, PRL (2011),43,QAHE in the quantum well structure,Energy gap at vs. d,Hall conductance vs. d,Our Early Proposal: Bi2Se3-doped by Cr, Fe. Science (2010),4. Topological Dirac Semimetal:,Weyl Semi-metal,Separated in K2x2 HamiltonianNo T or I symm,Dirac Semi-metal,+,Overlapped in K4x4 HamiltonianProtected by crystal Symm,Na3Bi,K3Bi,Rb3Bi,4. Topological Dirac Semimetal:,Marginal Fermi points in Na3Bi,K3Bi,Rb3BiArxiv.org: 1202.5636 (2012),谢 谢 !,