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    电子商务英文版课件ec13ch01 accessible.pptx

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    电子商务英文版课件ec13ch01 accessible.pptx

    E-Commerce 2017: Business. Technology. Society.,Thirteenth Edition,Chapter 1,The Revolution Is Just Beginning,Learning Objectives,1.1 Understand why it is important to study e-commerce.1.2 Define e-commerce, understand how e-commerce differs from e-business, identify the primary technological building blocks underlying e-commerce, and recognize major current themes in e-commerce.1.3 Identify and describe the unique features of e-commerce technology and discuss their business significance.1.4 Describe the major types of e-commerce.1.5 Understand the evolution of e-commerce from its early years to today.1.6 Describe the major themes underlying the study of e-commerce.1.7 Identify the major academic disciplines contributing to e-commerce.,Uber: The New Face of E-Commerce?,Class DiscussionHave you used Uber or any other on-demand service companies?What is the appeal of these companies for users and providers?Are there any negative consequences to the increased use of on-demand services like Uber and Airbnb?,The First Thirty Seconds,First 20 years of e-commerceJust the beginningRapid growth and changeTechnologies evolve at exponential ratesDisruptive business changeNew opportunitiesWhy study e-commerceUnderstand opportunities and risksAnalyze e-commerce ideas, models, issues,Introduction to E-Commerce,Use of Internet to transact businessIncludes Web, mobile browsers and appsMore formally:Digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals,The Difference Between E-Commerce and E-Business,E-business:Digital enabling of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under firms controlDoes not include commercial transactions involving an exchange of value across organizational boundaries,Technological Building Blocks Underlying E-Commerce,InternetWorld Wide WebH T M LDeep Web vs. “surface” WebMobile platformMobile apps,Insight on Technology: Will Apps Make the Web Irrelevant?,Class DiscussionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of apps, compared with websites, for mobile users?What are the benefits of apps for content owners and creators?Will apps eventually make the Web irrelevant? Why or why not?,Major Trends in E-Commerce,Business trends include:All forms of e-commerce show very strong growthTechnology trends include:Mobile platform has made mobile e-commerce realitySocietal trends include:Increased online social interaction and sharing,Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology (1 of 2),UbiquityGlobal reachUniversal standardsInformation richness,Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology (2 of 2),InteractivityInformation densityPersonalization/customizationSocial technology,Types of E-Commerce,Business-to-Consumer (B 2 C)Business-to-Business (B 2 C)Consumer-to-Consumer (C 2 C)Mobile e-commerce (M-commerce)Social e-commerceLocal e-commerce,Figure 1.5 The Growth of B 2 C E-Commerce in the U.S,Figure 1.7 The Growth of B 2 B E-Commerce in the U.S,Figure 1.8 The Growth of M-Commerce in the United States,E-Commerce: A Brief History (1 of 4),PrecursorsBaxter Healthcare modem-based systemOrder entry systemsElectronic Data Interchange (E D I) standardsFrench Minitel,E-Commerce: A Brief History (2 of 4),19952000: InventionSale of simple retail goodsLimited bandwidth and mediaEuphoric visions ofFriction-free commerceFirst-mover advantagesDot-com crash of 2000,E-Commerce: A Brief History (3 of 4),20012006: ConsolidationEmphasis on business-driven approachTraditional large firms expand presenceStart-up financing shrinksMore complex products and services soldGrowth of search engine advertisingBusiness Web presences expand,E-Commerce: A Brief History (4 of 4),2007Present: ReinventionRapid growth of:Web 2.0, including online social networksMobile platformLocal commerceOn-demand service economyEntertainment content develops as source of revenuesTransformation of marketing,Figure 1.10 Periods in the Development of E-Commerce,Insight on Business: Start-Up Boot Camp,Class DiscussionWhy do you think investors today are still interested in investing in start-ups?What are the benefits of investing in a company that is a graduate of a Y Combinator boot camp?Is an incubator the best solution for start-ups to find funding? Why or why not?,Assessing E-Commerce (1 of 2),Stunning technological successEarly years a mixed business successFew early dot-coms have survivedOnline sales growing rapidlyMany early visions not fulfilledPrice dispersionInformation asymmetryNew intermediaries,Assessing E-Commerce (2 of 2),Other surprisesFast-follower advantagesStart-up costsImpact of mobile platformEmergence of on-demand e-commerce,Understanding E-Commerce: Organizing Themes,Technology:Development and mastery of digital computing and communications technologyBusiness:New technologies present businesses with new ways of organizing production and transacting businessSociety:Intellectual property, individual privacy, public welfare policy,Figure 1.11 The Internet and the Evolution of Corporate Computing,Insight on Society: Facebook and the Age of Privacy,Class discussion:Why are social network sites interested in collecting user information?What types of privacy invasion are described in the case? Which is the most privacy-invading, and why?Is e-commerce any different than traditional markets with respect to privacy? Dont merchants always want to know their customer?How do you protect your privacy on the Web?,Academic Disciplines Concerned with Technology,TechnicalComputer science, management science, information systemsBehavioralInformation systems research, economics, marketing, management, finance/accounting, sociology,


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