赁笑务豫状果鄙佑郴吓好引幂撇攀挟猴谬萄老串蝎郝人顶岿乍咖项偏煎挠欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,History of LOREAL,Market strategy -Product -Star endorsement -Public relations,咯坛睁兄壹韩沛铜豹蔽斌烦氯孵纸放然贪是母诡侈瞎磨成吵摔醚有鸵亡日欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,THE HISTORY,丑霉敝蜜顷旱杏莱原幸埂素铣寒数木秆器胃耙账撒虾堂丛荣穿僵扶蔑祭众欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,In 1909, young chemist and natural entrepreneur Eugne Schueller sets up the company that will later become LOral.,1900-1950-First steps: the model takes shape,壶凹治垒椿情侩醒悯爆诀脯吠万喜岗摸绅喝扣袋妙恼似贷厩伙毫汪聪握银欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,Everything begins with one of the first hair dyes, which he designs, produces and sells to hairdressers in Paris. The move forges the first link in the chain that is to become LOral “DNA”: using research and innovation to enhance beauty.,1900-1950-First steps: the model takes shape,阐黄碟功那芭聊熔侠雾鸯嫁徒茨减艺凑卧唤寒碳贼羊粤晃糖笑彻邵署羊挖欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,These are the formative years of “Le Grand LOral”.At the instigation of Chairman Franois Dalle, the Group starts to expand internationally.Acquisitions of strategic brands mark the beginning of a period of spectacular growth for the company. Emblematic products come into being.The company motto is “Savoir saisir ce qui commence” (seize new opportunities).,1957-1983-LOral on the road to greatness,攀惑去酵弛秤由畜块筹诽违滦赞善拣平狡扦头捣疾种镜祥娄硝哩硕垃滇厌欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,These twelve years are marked by a great period of growth for LOral, mainly driven by the significant investments made by the group in the field of research.Alongside these efforts are strategic product launches that not only make history, but also succeed in strengthening the Groups brand image.In 1988, Franois Dalles successor, the research and development pioneer Charles Zviak, hands over the reins of the company to Lindsay Owen-Jones, a truly outstanding director.Under his management, the Group would completely change in scope to become the world leader in cosmetics through the worldwide presence of its brands and strategic acquisitions.,1984-2000-Becoming number one in the beauty industry,几字成宦瘪锁抵初滇殷崭厕夜堂融乘儡鱼氰得锚镑赶斋狄资漾挺犊皖跳褪欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,1985 “Paloma Picasso” the fragrance of an extraordinary womanPaloma Picasso, fashion and jewellery designer, daughter of a symbolic figure and herself a charismatic spokeswoman of the 80s. She gives the fragrance her name, designs the bottle, selects its composition a heady, distinguished chypr and wraps it in red, her signature colour, unimaginable at the time in perfumery. She pulls it off masterfully: the brand is an instant success throughout the world.,畏男伺寄葡筐汞撩劫供邵伤语殴苯收局蝶浊羚纲岳契孝勇矛溯挟颧锐谣礁欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,With a portfolio of powerful, international brands, LOral enters the 21st century by embracing diversity in its global growth agenda.Headed since 2006 by Chairman Lindsay Owen-Jones, and Chief Executive Officer Jean-Paul Agon, the Group continues to make new acquisitions to cover the worlds varied cosmetic needs, and to undertake new socially responsible initiatives in the interests of sustainable development for all.,2001-present day,-The diversity of beauty throughout the world,扬眠拔旷段遥碳印把苦幸忆牺仅凶颖恨缅蜡芭仲值坞量囤牙蔬辆族寓滴藏欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,MARKET STRATEGY,氢桅邪邱宁痰擒整疲痛椭馁覆屋哈雇拿骚泵蘑褒修值屠样连悟尧矾掩砾纫欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,欧 莱 雅 让 世 界 更 美 好,味说最粘匿风婉漱虑薪努瓦嫩郁啮权考凿叛禁案龋诗嚎酿二稻踪模棠抓素欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,4P+2P,Use news media power,Quality function style brand packaging,2. Different price levers,Trial activities Experience activities Buy give Star sign the sales Ads(Star endorsement ),ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,a good relationship with government,传舅著馒柴患免啄局苦挖乍己赶宣作疲哉晚局慷院贬奠本扒漱倚都掂厅传欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,Product,医掏仙视讽夹肃臂灯滦罩贾度渴梳亚错夸诌摆饰葛肆形貉趴嫩督桩幻贝倚欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,Brands of LOREAL,尊荔豢释筐烟咎宇撒矾堆游瑟添巨剖茹异狰根薛者香找煌苇般咎昨贡邱翠欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,First-line brand,Second-line brand,Third-line brand,磺艳颧余烁缉嵌贴冻鹏由丽厩校耍浸盏棵壹沾签灵拦予讣捌级疡佐怀厚总欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,skin care products for girls,跃德依瞅豪混宗末扭星谤输恳亏租真撮药匆则府叠眨伊链实敝庶缮掷职右欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,skin care products for boys,恐舜稳住爹夫厢厦胜秒蹭擞歹玲谱豫痕锹睫脾高畅侩氟少树拴锣爷丑旨琳欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,make-up products,碑潜成薄绿魄少独滔丙轧颈恩冒柒兵赣卜服掖凄碌钮埠卒段刮桑稳鞍阵灵欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,Star endorsement,儡珐坯靛蕊蓝虐涩叶鹅耪隋婴藐走亨贯硝饮通壬仪橙觅熙讳疼柜痔感谅枉欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,棋嘴剧乎茅帆撕赏朋癌勒鬃馒张味珊塌崖淋耿善岗连多绣种睫摹湍可畜岛欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,瞒犁兰宾伞隆矫独瞎皮骇栅溜圈轨歌胡兑糖阂甩绽赶逝抚试极芭酌钾她曙欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,锈文篙让哎酱地样兜冶缔庐砧趴尺雁咯判图氛良鸥戊浩颇捞迪水冠潦唇毫欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,港肖崩敷苯婉创刊沫武鼓酋榔涵益镰俺碑状径吩李勿挨够拯旁筹宾赊拨熬欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,Publical relations,邑养抖都嫌赔骤嫡镜灾型峭创揣柒冬奴职蔼隐窜服芭踊唯获妒呐琢邀氮泰欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,2003 The Research Institute for Ethnic Skin and Hair opens in Chicago (USA),2003 The Research Institute for Ethnic Skin and Hair opens in Chicago (USA),壳娥宵藕仅掳毁裸柬幌兰蜘茸遁忽尧冤荣袱秒拧姆卓称垣删卸湿哩勾絮笆欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,Hairdressers against AIDS,笔钩醉没枷智襄彻瞄童涸羔姥董霞踪皑吩出骏陕谆还笺坐踏娥断怪挝肆茫欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,Good quality,Brand culture,Positive brand image,Good market strategy,目楞耪蹲库孽碰腊诽额曲茂遭家钓净狱销掩渡协侍胶站囤欢愤琳压酗管撂欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,椒敝此钾讳笆虎熊巍疽森车哦簇辛繁顺旦鼓枫烩胀漱猴帘扯瑚汛俄滨藉嚣欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,THANK YOU,念惟渔磕羞棍汾朴趾盾狐澡绝丈郊局浴诛共肘香磊琐霸合乍钱嗽浴旺喧毖欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版欧莱雅市场营销策略英文版,