,Jay Chou,周杰伦,Catalog,Family background,Career as a singer,Personal hobby,1,2,3,周杰伦的父亲周耀中是淡江中学的物理老师,母亲叶惠美是淡江中学的美术老师。周杰伦跟母亲之间的关系就像弟弟跟姐姐。他也多次写歌给母亲,比如听妈妈的话,甚至还把母亲的名字叶惠美作为专辑的名称。由于父母离异,因此周杰伦很少提及父亲周耀中,后来在母亲和外婆的劝导下,他重新接纳了父亲。,Jay Chous father Zhou Yaozhong is a physics teacher, middle school, mother Ye Huimei is Tamkang middle school art teacher. Jay Chous relationship with her mother is like a brother and a sister. He also wrote songs to his mother many times, such as listening to mothers words, and even the name of the mothers name, Ye Huimei. As his parents divorced, Jay Chou rarely referred to his father, Zhou Yaozhong, and later, under the advice of his mother and grandmother, he accepted his father again.,Jay Chou and his mother,1,周杰伦4岁的时候,母亲见他在音乐方面很有天赋,就毫不犹豫地取出家里所有的积蓄,给他买了一架钢琴。于是,童年的周杰伦被剥夺了玩的权利,所有的日子都是在钢琴旁边度过的。 可每次练琴的时候,一听到窗外同伴的嬉闹声,他就总是弹得心不在焉。于是,他母亲就拿着一根棍子,站在他后面,一直盯着他练完琴。,When Jay Chou was 4 years old, his mother saw that he was very talented in music and did not hesitate to take out all his savings and buy him a piano. As a result, Jay Chou of childhood was deprived of the right to play. All the days were spent by the piano.But every time practicing, a window to hear the peer shouts, he always played absent-minded. So his mother took a stick, stood behind him, and stared at him all the time,1,Jay Chou and his wife,2015年1月17日, 昆凌与周杰伦举行基督教结 婚仪式,正式成为夫妻。7月12日,昆凌为周杰伦产下 女儿。2017年2月14日,周杰伦宣 布妻子昆凌怀上二胎,6月21日 周杰伦发文证实生子喜讯。,2015年7月10日 ,周杰伦与昆凌的女儿出生。2015年10月14日晚,昆凌首度晒出女儿正面的近照,并与丈夫周杰伦一起发文感叹女儿一天天长大,希望女儿无忧无虑的长大。2016年01月01日晚,昆凌放送Hathaway正面照。同时,小周周的英文名Hathaway也首度曝光。英文名字含意Hannah(昆凌)+thaw(融化)+Jay(周杰伦) =Hathaway。,Jay Chous daughter and wife,1,2000年发行首张个人专辑Jay。,发行时间:2000-11-13,JAY,musical career,2,专辑中周杰伦一手包办了10首歌的作曲、合声编写、3首歌的编曲以及2首歌的作词。整体曲风充斥着他对音乐的超高技术创作,以R&B和New Hip-Hop的新曲为主,加上古典巴洛克式弦乐伴奏及Band的加入,形成一种英国式的复古风格。最特别的是尝试了西班牙式风格的弦乐演奏,表现在专辑歌曲中,意境却出忽意料的极度逼近电影配乐。 主打歌“可爱女人”的Music Video邝盛执导,徐若宣出任女主角,导演巧妙地安排给两人一段有想象空间的剧情桥段。,专辑曲目可爱女人完美主义星晴娘子斗牛黑色幽默龙卷风反向的钟伊斯坦堡印第安老斑鸠,musical career,2,2,musical career,我很忙是周杰伦组建杰威尔音乐发行的首张专辑。专辑取名我很忙,实际反映出他的生活状态,忙着电影宣传、演唱会、拍广告、新专辑等。一般音乐创作大多先有音乐才会有画面,而这张专辑是先有了影像的想法、造型上比较西部复古一点,才写了牛仔很忙这首歌,这正是周杰伦之前所有专辑没有过的曲风。3,我很忙,MORE,musical career,2,创作背景2015年,周杰伦与昆凌结婚并诞下一女,生活美满的周杰伦将自己的幸福感注入了专辑周杰伦的床边故事中。在专辑中,周杰伦把自己视作说书人,将十首歌曲看作是十个不同的故事,将不泯的童心和天马行空的想象力融入故事中并诉说给听众。,周杰伦的床边故事,musical career,2,paly basketball,Personal hobby,3,Jay Chous hobbies are playing basketball, playing the League of heroes, martial arts, and his idols are Jet Li, Bruce Lee and so on.Jay Chou is particularly fond of playing basketball,He has been in a big dunk film, and I think everyone has seen it.,Personal hobby,3,THANK YOU FORWATCHING,