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    ,精品教学课件,授课教师:,八年级下册 课文,译林出版社,让孩子的英语学习之路充满阳光。我们一起去发现城堡、发现演绎的乐趣。,上课要求:准备好课本和学习工具 坐姿端正,精神饱满,认真思考,勇于质疑 积极举手回答问题,不讲小话、不插话、完成任务,学校:,Comic strip & Welcome to the unit,Unit 6 Sunshine for all,Lead-in,1. Are you willing to help others?2. How do you help others?,Talk about helping others,Do you know who needs help?,a disabled person(a part of a persons body does not work properly),disabled adj. 残疾的It is difficult for disabled people to go upstairs.,a poor person(a person who has little money),a blind person(a person who cant see),blind adj. 盲的We should help blind people cross the road.,an elderly person(a person who is old),elderly adj. 年老的The elderly should be taken good care of.,a homeless person(a person who has no home),homeless adj. 无家可归的Homeless people have nowhere to live.,deaf people( people who cant hear),deaf adj. 聋的Deaf people can talk with hand language.,Match the words with the meanings.,a blind person a person who is very old a homeless person a person who has little moneya poor person a person who cant seea deaf person a person who cant heara disabled person a person who has no homean elderly person a part of a persons body does not work properly,People who need help,A,blind deaf disabled elderly homeless poor,The Class 1, Grade 8 students have found some pictures of people who need help. Write the correct names under them. Then put a tick in the boxes if you have helped these people.,a _ person,a _ person,a _ person,an _ person,a _ person,a _ person,disabled,deaf,homeless,elderly,blind,poor,6,1,5,4,3,2,How can we help these people?,In the daily life, there are a lot of people who need our help around us. How can we help them?,Discussion,tips:,Treat them as normal(正常的) people.,Tell stories to the blind children.,Help the elderly people cross the road.,Donate our pocket money to them.,We can train dogs as guides of the blind people.,When we have time, we can be volunteers to do meaningful things for them.,train,meaningful,Amy and Daniel are talking about people who need help. Listen to the recording and answer the following question:,How can they help homeless people?,Give them food and clothes.Write to the local government.,B,Amy: What are homeless people, Daniel?Daniel: Homeless people dont have their own places to live.Amy : How can we help homeless people? Daniel : We can give them food and clothes. Amy : Are there any other ways to help them? Daniel : Yes. We can write to the local government. They can provide special places for homeless people to stay.,Work in pairs and talk about the people in Part A.,Free talk,Have you ever been a volunteer?Have you ever helped people who need help?,Listen and answer the questions.,What is Hobo doing?Will Eddie support him?How does Hobo want Eddie to help?,He is training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games.,Yes, he will.,He needs some more food to eat at work.,We should support our national athletes at the Olympic Games.,the Olympic Games = the Olympics,New words,(v.支持),(n.运动员),Act the dialogue out!,1. Im training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. train v. 训练;培训 e.g. If youtrainhard, youll make a good football player. 只要你刻苦训练就能成为一名优秀的足球运动员。,Language points,2.support vt. 支持他总是支持我。e.g. He always supports me. support n.支持在他的支持下,我赢了。e.g. With his support, I won.,support支持v. /n. - supporter拥护者,拉拉队员n.,I need my partents support. With the support of local businesses, my cousin finished his college successfully. Its meaningful to raise money to support poor areas.,(n.),(n.),(vt.),3. Its meaningful to do something for the Olympics. Its meaningful to do sth. for sb. 为某人做某事是有意义的 e.g. Its meaningful to do something for children in poor areas. 为贫困地区的孩子做些事是很有意 义的。,4. I need some more food to eat at work. need sth. to do sth. 需要某物来做某事 e.g. I need some tools to finish the work. 我需要一些工具来完成这份工作。 some more food 更多一些食物 数量意义词+more+名词: 表更多 e.g. two more apples=another two apples 再多两个苹果,5. Homeless people dont have their own places to live. to live:动词不定式做定语修饰前面的名词。 e.g. have something to eat 有一些吃的东西,6. They can provide special places for homeless people to stay. provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 =provide sb. with sth. e.g. He was very poor because hed toprovidefood for seven children. 他很穷, 因为他要给七个孩子提供 食物。,I. Complete the sentences.1. Its _ (mean) to help people in need.2. My father needed a pair of scissors _ (cut) out some pieces of cards.3. I dont have enough money _ (go) travelling.4. He is a _ (able) person. He lost one of his legs in a car accident.,meaningful,to cut,to go,disabled,Exercises,II. Translate the following sentences. 我们怎样帮助盲人呢? 工作时我需要更多一些食物吃。 我正在训练成为奥林匹克的一名志愿者。,How can we help blind people?,I need some more food to eat at work.,I am training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games.,4. 为奥林匹克做些事情很有意义。5. 有没有其他的办法帮助老人?,Its meaningful to do something for the Olympics.,Are there any other ways to help the elderly?,Hobo is exercising at home. Eddie asks w_he is doing. Hobo says that he is t_ to be a volunteer for the Olympic games.Eddie thinks it is m_ to work for the Olympic games, and he wants to do something as w_.He takes out his w_ and gives some money to hobo.H_,Hobo says he doesnt want any money.,.Fill in the blankets.,hat,raining,eaningful,ell,allet,owever,1.Recite the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.2.Revise the useful expressions.,train n. 训练;培训So we should train more volunteers(志愿者) to help more people.,Volunteers ususlly do meaningful things.meaningful adj. 有意义的,Useful expressions1.sunshine for all2. train to be -3. a volunteer for -4. the Olympic Games= the Olympics5. support sb.6. Its meaningful to do sth.7. do sth for sth 8. want sb to do sth9. need some more food to eat 10. at work11. people who need help12. an elderly person,13. a homeless person14. deaf people15. a poor person16. a disabled person 17. have ones own place to live18. other ways to help them19 . write to sb20. the local government21. provide special places for homeless people to stay22.provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth23. offer sb sth=offer sth to sb24. give sb food and clothes25. the blind/ deaf/ disabled/ elderly/homeless/poor,感 谢 聆 听,再见,


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