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    新标准大学英语综合教程(第二版)UNIT8 A篇练习答案+课文翻译ppt课件.pptx

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    新标准大学英语综合教程(第二版)UNIT8 A篇练习答案+课文翻译ppt课件.pptx

    Contents,Active Reading 1,Warming Up,1. Whats the presidents suggestion for graduates who want to get a job?2. Suppose the job market is very weak when you graduate, would you go for higher education in order to ride out this recession? (Open),Script,Watch the movie clip and discuss the following questions:,Warming Up,1. Whats the presidents suggestion for graduates who want to get a job? having the incredible talent set that not everybody has getting real experience knowledge is power, being empowered with the information that will serve them best and education will always pay off in a long-term,Warming Up,Script A: It is a tough time right now for anyone to find a job. Its particularly hard for some college grads. A lot of people are at least worried about what theyre gonna do in terms of finding a job when they graduate. So lets bring in Eric Yaverbaum, he is president of CollegeClickTV.com here, uh, with some tips for us. Thanks for being here, Eric.B: Thanks for having me.A: Talk to us about, people that are just about to graduate from college or maybe they recently graduated. They are trying to get a job. Tips for them. What do they possibly have to offer employers that other people might not right now?,Warming Up,B: Well, you know, one, its a new world, and you got the generation born with a mouse in their hand its graduating. And a lot of people who want that generation working for them, thats an incredible talent set that not everybody has. Um, two is get real experience, I mean if you get while you are in college, just great. If you cant get a job, get an internship. There is a big difference between those who have internships and those who have experience and those who dont. And I can tell you as an employer is that we get a stack of resumes more than ever obviously now.,Warming Up,And the ones that we pull out are the ones that have experience and those of people who did internships.A: You know there are a lot of people applying to graduate school right now for a professional degree and going for higher education, hoping to ride out this recession and this extremely weak job market. Some tips for them in terms of being able to afford higher education or possibly asking teaming up with employers. Or some employers will pay for part of a degree if it ties in right with the, with what they do and if youre going to assure them that you work for them for certain money, is that so around?,Warming Up,B: Yea, its still around, but its a lot less. Its just like universities. They have a lot less to give. Corporations have a lot less to give, so in part you are on your own. But knowledge is power. You need to be empowered with the information that will serve you best and youve got to, that education will always pay off in a long-term. Times are tough, I know, they will not always be like this. Were the big bad United States and we will come back and your education will be a value to you.,A: We will leave it there, Eric. Thank you so much people can learn more on.B: CollegeClickTV.com, you can make, you can see a 360 degree perspective of any college you might wanna look at.A: Alright, there we go, thanks Eric.B: Thank you.,Warming Up,Text,Are you the right person for the job?,Are you the right person for the job?1 In the old days it was easy. They were going to be the best three years of your life, and you knew it. You spent your time chatting late into the night with new-found friends in coffee bars and pubs, playing your heart out in the squash courts and on the cricket field, or strutting across the stage as a leading light of the university dramatic society.,Text,Whatever your interest, university life catered for it. And, lets not forget, you would usually manage to keep up with the work too, by doing the required reading and dashing off the weeks essay at the last minute. The only thing you didnt find time for was thinking about what came afterwards, at the end of those three exciting years. But you didnt need to, because whatever your chosen career, the companies were all lining up to offer you a job.,Text,2 That was what it was like in the old days as a student in the UK. But things have changed. A recent study of Britains major multinational companies reveals that even with a good degree graduates can no longer walk into the top jobs. Today there are twice as many universities as there were just 30 years ago, and 40 per cent of young people now go on to higher education. So with no shortage of graduates, a good degree has become vital in the search for a job. Competition is tough, and todays students are spending more time than ever preparing for those dreaded final exams, or doing low-paid part-time jobs to pay off debts.,Text,3 But thats just the problem. In the opinion of managers from more than 200 British companies, students are spending too much time studying, or worrying about making ends meet, instead of joining clubs and acquiring basic skills such as teamwork and making presentations. The managers also said that they were prepared to leave jobs unfilled rather than appoint graduates who didnt have the necessary skills to get ahead in the global market.,Text,4 But what can be done about the problem? The solution, the managers believe, is to include social skills in degree courses; and some universities are taking the advice. At the University of Southampton, for example, history students have to do a 12-week project frequently related to the local context working in teams of six. This includes making a presentation, writing a group thesis, and carrying out a public service, which might involve teaching schoolchildren or making a radio programme about the topic.,Text,5 There can be no doubt that this sort of cooperative approach can help many students develop personal skills which will help improve their prospects in their search for a job. One of the most well-known personality tests used by employers when interviewing candidates, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), puts the extrovert / introvert dichotomy at the top of the list of personality traits it tries to analyze. There are no “right answers” in such tests, but extroverts, it is assumed, are going to be more suited to jobs in which they have to work in teams or deal with other people.,Text,6 Equally interesting in the Southampton project is the conviction that students should be aware of the wider community, and find ways to make contributions to it. In todays shrinking world, students are increasingly aware that a university is not an ivory tower of learning, cut off from the real problems of the world, but on the contrary, can itself be an agent for change for a better world. There are numerous ways in which students can be volunteers before, during, or after their degree courses. With courses making heavy demands on students time, as we have seen, a popular option is to take a gap year before or after university.,Text,7 Typically, volunteering might mean helping the sick or elderly, entertaining underprivileged children on holiday camps, teaching in a Third World country or perhaps working on agricultural or environmental projects.8 For students who choose to offer their talents in this way, one side effect is to gain a wealth of experience to be added to the CV, which will not go unnoticed by future employers. But a word of warning is in order: You should remember what your priorities are. As Shane Irwin, who worked for two years in Papua New Guinea, puts it: “Volunteering teaches you valuable career skills, but I dont think you should be looking to bolster your CV through volunteering the main reason you should get involved is because you want to help.”,Text,Text,你适合做这个工作吗?1 过去,大学生活很轻松。那将是你一生中最美好的三年,你知道这一点的。你是这样消磨时光的:在咖啡馆和酒吧里与新结交的朋友聊到深夜,在壁球场和板球场上尽情地挥舞球拍,或是作为大学戏剧社的大腕在舞台上昂首阔步。,Text,不管你有什么爱好,大学生活都能为你创造条件。而且,别忘了,你的学习还总能跟得上,能完成指定的阅读,并在最后一分钟匆忙写完那一周的文章。你唯一没有时间考虑的是过完这激动人心的三年后要做什么。不过这个问题并不需要考虑,因为无论选择什么职业,都有一大堆公司排着队来聘用你。,Text,2 那是过去英国大学生校园生活的情形,现在情况已经改变了。最近一项对英国各大跨国公司的研究表明,即使拥有一个不错的学位,大学毕业生也不再可能轻而易举就得到最好的工作了。今天的大学数量比30年前翻了一番,40%的年轻人接受高等教育。由于并不缺少大学毕业生,拥有一个不错的学位对找工作就变得尤其重要了。竞争很激烈,结果是如今的大学生花了比任何时候都要多的时间来复习功课,为那些可怕的期末考试做准备,做报酬低的兼职以偿还债务。,Text,3 然而,这恰恰是问题之所在。英国两百多家公司的经理认为,学生花在学习或挣钱维持生计上的时间太多了。他们本应该去参加各种俱乐部,学习一些基本的技能,如团队合作和现场演示。这些经理还说,他们宁可让职位空缺,也不愿意聘请那些缺乏必要技能、无法在国际市场上占领商机的毕业生。,Text,4 该怎么做才能解决这个问题呢?经理们相信,解决的办法就是在学位课程里增加社交能力的训练。有的大学已经开始这样做了,例如南安普敦大学历史系学生必须做一个为期十二周、六人一组协同工作的项目通常与当地的生活有关。项目内容包括:做一次演示、写一篇集体论文、做一项公众服务可以是给中、小学生讲课,或做一期有关中、小学教学的广播节目。,Text,5 毫无疑问,这种合作学习法能帮助许多学生培养有助于改善就业前景的个人技能。公司在面试应聘者时使用的最有名的人格测试之一是“迈尔斯布里格斯性格分类法”(简称MBTI),这种分类法把外向/内向性格两分法置于它所分析的人格特征列表之首。测试中没有“正确答案”,但是一般认为:性格外向者更适合做团队工作或与他人打交道的工作。,Text,6 南安普敦大学项目中同样有趣的一个理念是:学生应该关注比校园更广阔的社区,并设法为之做出自己的贡献。在当今越来越小的世界里,学生们越来越清楚地意识到大学并不是与社会现实问题完全脱钩的学术象牙塔。正相反,大学本身可以促使世界变得更加美好。在学学位课程之前、期间、之后,学生们都可以通过多种渠道成为志愿者。正如我们所知的那样,大学课程需要学生花费大量的时间,一般人会选择腾出上大学前或大学毕业后的一年时间作为实践年。,Text,7 通常,志愿者工作指帮助病人或老年人、在假日营里招待贫困儿童、在第三世界国家教书,或者做农业或环境研究项目。8 对那些选择在这些方面施展才能的学生而言,还有个意外的收获:可以把他们获取的丰富经验写进个人履历里,而未来的雇主是不会不注意到这些经历的。不过提醒一句:你应该记住自己的首要目的是什么。曾经在巴布亚新几内亚工作了两年的谢恩欧文指出:“志愿者的工作能教给你宝贵的职业技能,但我认为你不应该只想着通过志愿者工作来给自己的履历表增添光彩你做志愿工作的主要原因是你想帮助别人。”,strut,leading light,cater,multinational,reveal,frequently,thesis,cooperative,personality,employer,conviction,community,ivory tower,numerous,option,shortage,dread,dreaded,unfilled,solution,indicator,extrovert,introvert,dichotomy,equally,typically,entertain,underprivileged,agricultural,unnoticed,Words & Phrases,play / work / sing ect. sb.s heart out,cater for,dash off,there is little / no doubt that,cut off,line up,pay off,make (both) ends meet,get ahead,carry out,on the contrary,make demands on,Words & Phrases,bolster,University of Southampton 南安普敦大学,Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 迈尔斯布里格斯性格分类法,Shane Irwin 谢恩 欧文(人名),Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚,Words & Phrases,strut vi. ( about / around) to walk in an especially confident and proud way 趾高气扬地走e.g.1. He strutted up and down before the manager. 他在经理面前大摇大摆地走来走去。2. The boss was strutting about in the meeting room. 老板正在会议室里趾高气扬地踱来踱去。3. He struts around town like he owns the place. 他在城里大摇大摆地晃荡,好像那是他的地盘。,Words & Phrases,leading light n. C a very important or respected person in a group, organization, or area of activity (团体、机构或活动领域中)很重要的人物,很受敬重的人物e.g.1. She is the leading light in the local dramatic society and always has the main part in their plays. 她是当地戏剧界的重要人物,而且在演出中她始终演主角。2. Mr. Smith, once the leading light in the toy industry, is in serious trouble. 一度曾是玩具企业领军人物的史密斯先生如今麻烦重重。3. Hes a leading light of the business. 他是那个行当的重要人物。,Words & Phrases,cater v. 1. to provide food and drinks at an event(为)提供饮食,承办酒席e.g. The small restaurant couldnt cater such a large wedding. 这个小饭馆承办不了这么大规模的婚宴。2. ( to) to provide people with sth. they want or need, especially sth. unusual or special 满足;迎合,投合 e.g. A good film should cater to public taste. 一部好电影应该迎合大众的口味。See also: cater for,Words & Phrases,multinational 1. a. a multinational company or business has offices, shops or factories in several countries (公司或商行)跨国的e.g. 1. Many multinational companies have substantial operations in this area. 许多跨国公司都在该地区从事相当规模的经营。2. During this period, many US-based multinational firms began moving production facilities overseas. 在此期间,许多设在美国的跨国公司开始把生产设备迁往海外。,Words & Phrases,2. n. C a large company that has offices, shops, or factories in several countries 跨国公司e.g. She is now a director in a foreign multinational operating in the UK. 她现在是一家在英国经营的外国跨国公司的主管。3. a. involving people from many different countries, especially soldiers 多国的e.g. The US troops would be part of a multinational force. 美军将是多国部队的一个组成部分。,Words & Phrases,reveal vt. to let sth. become known, for example a secret or information that was previously not known 揭示;揭露;透露e.g.1. He cannot reveal how much money is involved in the scheme. 他不能透露该计划投入了多少钱。2. She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter. 她不肯透露她女儿的行踪。3. A survey of the British diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight. 对英国人饮食进行的一项调查显示有越来越多的人超重。,Words & Phrases,shortage n. C, U ( of) a lack of sth. you need or want 缺乏;短缺e.g. 1. How will they solve the problems of land shortage in the countryside? 他们将如何解决乡村土地短缺的问题?2. The companys main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel. 这家公司的主要问题是缺少有技术的人员。3. The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water shortage. 最近的几场大雨有助于缓解缺水的情况。,Words & Phrases,dread 1. vt. to feel very worried about sth. that might happen or is going to happen 担心; 害怕e.g.1. I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the truth. 我不敢去想她知道真相后会怎么样。2. She dreads going to the dentist. 她怕去看牙医。3. The little boy dreads going to bed in the dark. 这个小孩不敢在黑暗中睡觉。,Words & Phrases,2. n. sing, U fear of sth. bad that might happen or is going to happen 害怕;畏惧e.g. 1. The Jews lived in dread of being caught. 这些犹太人生活在会遭到拘捕的恐惧之中。2. Her greatest dread was that she would lose her job. 她最害怕的就是失去工作。Word family: dreaded a.,Words & Phrases,dreaded a. frightening or worrying 吓人的;令人担心的e.g. 1. I hear the dreaded Miss Jones is going to be at the meeting. 我听说令人生畏的琼斯小姐也将出席那个会议。2. As a physician who travels quite a lot, I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded “Is there a doctor on board?” announcement. (CET4-2005-12) 作为一名经常出行的内科医生,我多次在飞机上听到令人忧心的“本次航班上是否有医生?”的广播。Word family: dread v. & n.,Words & Phrases,unfilled a. an unfilled job, position etc. is available but no one has been found for it yet (工作、职位等)仍空缺的e.g.1. We still have several unfilled places on the tour. 我们旅行团还有几个空余名额。 2. Is the position still unfilled? 那个职位还空缺吗?3. There are a number of unfilled posts in this area of nursing. 在这种护理方面还有几个空职。Antonym: filledWord family: fill v.,Words & Phrases,solution n. C a way to solve a problem or deal with a bad situation 解决方法e.g. 1. I do not have a simple solution to the drug problem. 我没有解决毒品问题的简单办法。2. The President agreed, adding that he hoped for a peaceful solution. 总统表示赞同并补充说他希望和平解决。,Words & Phrases,frequently ad. often 经常地;频繁地e.g. 1. His speech was frequently interrupted by stormy applause. 他的演说多次被暴风雨般的掌声打断。2. Many of these killers are frequently talkative and superficially charming. 这些杀手中,多数都能说会道、外表迷人。 Word family: frequent a. frequence / frequency n.,Words & Phrases,thesis n. C (pl theses) a long piece of writing that is the final part of an advanced university degree (学位)论文e.g.1. He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots. 他凭一篇研究工业机器人的论文获得博士学位。2. They all accredited him with the true authorship of this thesis. 他们都认为他是这篇论文的真正作者。,Words & Phrases,cooperative a.1. (only before noun) done by people or organizations working together 合作的;协作的e.g. 1. Cooperative learning is a kind of new teaching theory and strategy system. 合作学习是一种新的教学理论和决策体系。2. The President said the visit would develop friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries. 总统说这次访问将会促进两国之间的友好合作关系。,Words & Phrases,2. cooperative people are willing to do what you ask them 有合作意向的;乐意合作的e.g. 1. The workmen are very cooperative, so the work goes on smoothly. 工人们十分配合, 所以工作进展顺利。2. James is a very helpful and cooperative lad. 詹姆斯是个肯帮忙、好合作的小伙子。Word family: coo


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